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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. Kamala Harris will win election, predicts leading historian Allan Lichtman Robert Tait Thu 5 Sep 2024 21.21 CEST Polling ‘Nostradamus’, said to have correctly forecast since 1984 all races except Gore’s loss, says Trump on track to lose Allan Lichtman, the historian dubbed the “Nostradamus” of US presidential elections, has predicted that Kamala Harris will win the White House in November’s poll. Having previously warned the Democrats of the dangers of removing Joe Biden from the ticket, Lichtman nevertheless forecast that the vice-president, who became the party’s nominee after the president withdrew in July, would be elected in a video for the New York Times. He said Harris was on course to beat Donald Trump even though the Democrats had effectively surrendered the valuable key of presidential incumbency, one of 13 he used to determine the likely outcome. Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/sep/05/harris-election-allan-lichtman
  2. Inerest and dividends received are clearly income, but is the profit made with the sale of shares really considered income in Thailand for tax purposes even when stock trading is not don on a commercial basis?
  3. I don't believe the story in rhe OP is true.
  4. If you give give a link to that post I'd like to see if I can figure out what that "Opinion" button below it means.
  5. That's one way of looking at it: a person grabbing your arm and slapping your face is "an annoying person". You either turn the other cheek or run away. The problem is that some people have an automatic, ie involuntary, reflex of hitting back.
  6. Is the royal endorsement of Paetongtarn Shinawatra as Prime Minister really still pending?
  7. In Thailand, letters and parcels sent by postal mail get delivered to post office boxes, not items dropped off by by local delivery services like Kerry and Flash.
  8. I don't.
  9. You suppose correctly.
  10. Google Lens translation of the document: "Right to withdraw" seems a bad translation. The full Thai text of the terms and conditions for the use of this government plan are probably somewhere on the website of the Ministry of Public Health. Ask the hospital if they can give a link to it.
  11. The beach of Oriental Beach Village.
  12. Why does Thaksin not let his daughter speak for herself? What does he hope to gain by showing off publicly that he is pulling the strings in the background and his daughter is merely the puppet Prime Minister? Why does he make her lose face like that?
  13. Aye, but your wife doesn't meet the OP's criterion of "gf" and we do not know if she meets the undfined criterion of " much younger"
  14. What do you mean with "much younger"? How many years younger or how many percent younger?
  15. What do you mean with LT?
  16. Thank you for posting the link https://www.seiska.fi/rikos/seiska-selvitti-suomessa-kadonneen-brittimiehen-kohtalon-shokkikaanne/1430436 I used the translate function of Google Chrome to make this translation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ac_Uhugsyz4SJnuPa_Fk0DDldWrVZrID/view?usp=drive_link
  17. In my opion, your post saying "Troll post ?" and nothing more is indeed a troll post.
  18. The talk about "cheap, substandard goods from China" suggests that there are legal and regulatory stanards in Thailand for commercial goods. These standards should be enforced by government agencies — regardless of the price of the goods — regardless of the country of origin — regardless whether the products are manufactured in Thailand or imported With frequent spot checks and rigorous enforcement, people should be free to decide from what supplier in what country they buy their products and at what price.
  19. What or who is a falang? I can't find this word in any English dictionary.
  20. I don't think so. Also not for the application for extension of stay.
  21. When you posted that, did you honestly expect that all or most readers know where the "Soi Arunothai" you are talking about is located?
  22. I believe that when "Minister Varawut emphasised that Thailand’s ageing society necessitates governmental attention to quality child care", he did so because he was concerned about the worsening age pyramid: Image source of: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Changing-age-structure-of-Thai-population_fig3_329448366
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