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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. A foreign man who is the widow of a wealthy Thai woman in not the opposite of a Thai unmarried cohabitant of a wealthy foreign man.
  2. Not to mention, did she declare the income of that large donation to the Thai tax authorities?
  3. What in the news article makes it sound to you like this?
  4. I fear that boosting the economy will increase air pollution even more.
  5. What does hormone treatment have to do with marriage equality?
  6. You can't display the video, but you can post the link to it.
  7. A web search tells me that Finland, the latest NATO member, is covered by NATO, but do the other European NATO members agree? https://www.euronews.co m/my-europe/2025/01/23/greenland-is-covered-by-collective-security-of-nato-says-finnish-foreign-minister
  8. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland All of a sudden, fter reading some of the posts in this topic, I am unsure whether Greenland is covered by the NATO umbrella. Does anyone know for sure?
  9. The European NATO members must urgently and rapidly increase their defence capabilities so that they will be able to defend Greenland against occupation and annexation by the USA or Russia. For all we know, once there is a peace treaty in Ukraine, Trump may join forces with his friend Putin to occupy Greenland and share the spoils.
  10. Yes, it would be interesting to see statistics about the number of people on one-year extensions, preferably broken down by category. I wonder if immigration makes them.
  11. On the contrary. Tourist numbers keep increasing. Even the murderously high PM2.5 pollution levels doesn't discourage them.
  12. I don't understand what you mean. Could you elaborate, please?
  13. I need help. I cannot find the AirBKK application in the Google Play Store. Currently, I have IQAir, เช็คฝุ่น (translation: check dust) and Air4Thai installed on my Android phone.
  14. And what's the wealth tax situation down under?
  15. I wonder how many women will come forward to watch the video clips to see if they are shown in any of them. "Here, officer, this is my vulva. I'm sure. I can prove it" Creepy.
  16. This is the founding principle of the tax on assets in countries that have this tax: If you have gainful employment, you pay tax on this income. When you spend part or all of your income, you pay Value Added Tax (VAT) If you do not spend all your income and put some money in a savings account, you pay income tax on earned interest. If you invest some of your income in divided-paying stocks, you pay income tax on the dividends. If you have a house built with some of your savings, you VAT on the materials and the services rendered by the construction company as per point 2 above. Lastly, if you have been foolish enough not to squander all your income hand over fist as you earned it, you get punished with a tax on assets. That's what it is; the tax on assets is a punitive tax. As the US statesman Benjamin Franklin said: "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"
  17. For what destination and what date is your flight booked?
  18. LL? Sorry I don't understand.
  19. I didn't know that Aseannow has a built-in spelling checker. How does one enable it?
  20. What does the German tax office have to do do with the taxation of Australian pension payments in Thailand?
  21. What does Thailand's DTA with Australia say about it?
  22. The following news article says that Thailand has a law, since 2014, that makes e-cigatettes illegal: https://aseannow.com/topic/1334318-vaping-troubles-british-tourists-warned-of-costly-holiday-mistake/?do=getNewComment And now the cabinet issues a regulation to ban students from using them. What a farce!
  23. There probably is a correlation between the estimated travel time and the price.
  24. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UgM6K9KYvcH793rk_a7OEeZ92JkCjkcq/view?usp=drivesdk This morning, 7 January, at 07:00 hours in Khet Khlong San, Bangkok: AQI 188, PM2.5 108 Who has a worse pollution today?
  25. The online application form does not mention "gay individuals". It asks "Is your partner of the opposite sex?" and if you check "Yes" it allows you to complete the application. https://www.prove-eligibility-foreign-government.service.gov.uk/thailand/opposite-or-same-sex
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