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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. Well, the TSLA price finally did jump, up 13% from yesterday's close in premarket trading. It may be a long wait now until I can get my hands on the 100 shares at USD 200 I had hoped to acquire with puts.
  2. [Mavideol exits stage left]
  3. Mmh. It is slowly beginning to dawn on me what Trump may have had in mind when he said that he will end the Ukraine war within a month (or something like that) if he gets elected president.
  4. Thank you. Understood.
  5. I worry about myself, not about Musk. If somebody alleges that I worked illegally in the USA, how can I prove that I did not? Any suggestions?
  6. What does a record that one did not work illegally in the USA look like? I am serious. I plan to travel to the USA next year and on the ESTA form there will probably be the question "have you ever worked illegally in the USA" and I will honestly answer "no". If challenged, how can I prove it?
  7. Do you suppose that this is the reason why customs is asking for a doctor's prescription?
  8. Unfortunately, your helpful comment about ordering from Lazada comes too late for the OP.
  9. Parcels shipped via a shipping company or a courier service are routinely routed to customs for examination, where as postal parcels with a low declared value apparently rarely get checked. THB 8,000, however, probably does not count as a low value. There have been news, though, that Thailand wants to start collecting at least VAT for all shipments valued at THB 1.00 or more, including for postal parcels, if they have not already started. In your case, though, there is the added complication of the classification of the product as "medical/massage" Unless the courier can convince customs to return the parcel to them for return to the sender, I see little chance for you to recover the money.
  10. Medical devices are covered by Thailand's Medicine Act, aka Drugs Act, and a licence is reqired for their importation. In your wife's case it is possible that a custom's official has tken a shine to the device and plans to keep it.
  11. Was this package sent via postal mail?
  12. Do you mean smoothies?
  13. Did this really happen at an airport in Thailand?
  14. I wondered when Jonathon Cobb had this accident in Pattaya and searched the world-wide web but got no result about a Jonathon or Jonathan Cobb having suffered this fate. Now I'm starting to doubt my sanity if I can't even make such a simple Internet search.
  15. I wonder what gave Jonathan Cobb "the imppression that the Thai government offered free medical treatment to foreigners holding tourist visas". Is there anything on the website of the Thai embassy in London or in the online application for the tourist visa to give this impression?
  16. In the case of Johnathon Cobb mentioned in the news article, it appears that no insurance company is involved.
  17. I am the only one confused here? "...Cobb’s insurance was denied..." sggest that Cobb applied for an insurance policy but was denied it. The rest of that paragraph suggests that he was insured but the insurance company denies responsibility for payment of the cost of treatment because the insurance policy excludes incidents involving "negligence, intent, illegal acts or risky behaviour," exacerbated by his lack of a crash helmet. Another paragraph in the news article suggests that Cobbs believed he was inured but in fact was not.
  18. Yes, that must be a a wrong translation or an error in the Thai source.
  19. Does someone have a link to this?
  20. When travelling, I always have some suppositories prescribed by the doctor with me for use in an emergency.
  21. Here in Italy, my family doctor prescribed me Duphalac for my chroncic constipation despite my healthy diet rich in fiber and plenty of water. When I am in Thailand and rarely get into trouble despite my daily dose of Duphalac, I use the bum gun to shoot up some water and this solves the problem.
  22. What difference does it make to the natives and to the foreigners whether or not we are in the government-declared winter season?
  23. That's a courageous and very welcome act to have been taken by the cabinet. Congratulations!
  24. Thanks. I wrote that wrong. I did mean MSG, Monosodium Glutamate. Vile stuff when added to food in excessive quantity and unnecessary. Thai cuisine has so many herbs that can be used to add flavour.
  25. Just like I said. Food has a bad taste (flavour) Add "flavour enhancer" Now the food has an "enhanced flavour", ie no longer a bad flavour. Actually, I would have thought that all the garlic and chili would be enough to mask the original bad flavour, in fact kill all meat flavour completely regardless whether the meat was good or bad, but it seems that does not really work and GSM is needed to do the job. Or perhaps the addition of GMS is just overkill. I really do not know, and I suspect that the cooks using GSM also do not know, but the recipe writers who say "GMS (as desired)" probably know but they can't write: "good meat, add no GSM; bad meat, add GSM as desired until the flavour is good"
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