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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. Parsve gave the name of the hospital in the topic title: Pattaya City Hospital.
  2. URGENT: stop driving immediately. NEXT: Go and consult a doctor.
  3. @Celsius In your opinion, has the number of Trump topics from the usual whingers and whiners who can't accept defeat significantly gone down?
  4. That's the way to go. In the same location, hydroelectric and solar energy generation. Forget nuclear power plants.
  5. @scorecard You are hell-bent on seeking punishment of another member and do not seem care about giving the correct information to the readers of the topic in which that other member has posted wrong information. There is nothing to stop you from posting the correct information in that topic with a link to the source, without referring to or quoting from the post ot the member you are ignoring, ie as if you had not seen that post. This is called replying to the topic, not to the poster. If you go this route, you will earn the appreciation and respect of the readers and they will be able to judge by themselves what to think of the member who posted the wrong information. Replying to the topic, not to the poster is generally a good habit; I do it all the time in situations where wrong or misleading information has been posted. Try it, and you will see how well it works.
  6. Thailand should use solar energy and hydroelectric power generation.
  7. For what position is Thaxin campaigning to be elected?
  8. I made that post as an example to illustrate how difficult or impossible your opening post makes it for members to understand your problem and give helpful advice. To answer your question about the device and browser I use, it is exactly the same you use: unamed device and unnamed browser. Don't you understand? What help is it to you if 100 members post that they have the same problem or that they don't have the same problem and specify their device and browser but none of these configurations are identical to yours?
  9. For example, I don't have the same problem on my device with the browser I am using.
  10. I'm not sure but I think it might help if you mentioned the names of the browser snd the device you are using. It has been my experience that not all browsers display a web the same way and that the display may different from one type of device vice to another.
  11. I love it, reading the forum mostly on Andrid phones.
  12. Who's talking about culture? I am talking about language, and this here forum allows only English, as far as I know, with the exception of the Thai Language forum. I'm pretty sure you and everybody else would not like me to post in Esperanto, Latin or Swahili. Please be reasonable. I'm sure you can find plenty of other places on the Internet where you can "embrace cultural differences" to your heart's content.
  13. Please post in English or give an English translation.
  14. Thank you. Therefore, "the falang" = "a relative of mymonkeyhusb"
  15. Thanks. Therefore, "the falang" = "mymonkeyhusb". Everything is clear now.
  16. Who is "the falang" you are talking about?
  17. If you can muster up enough self-discipline to stay away from the Political Soapbox or whatever it is called, you will be OK. Otherwise, a four-year sabbatical is probably the best route for your self-preservation. Best wishes to you.
  18. I think that in your situation it is the best option.
  19. "Sounds can become uncomfortable for dogs around 25,000 Hz. The rule of thumb is the higher the frequency and the louder the noise (or higher the decibel), the more discomfort it will cause your pup." Source: https://racheltaylorgeier.org/2021/11/06/whats-the-frequency-fido/#:~:text=Sounds can become uncomfortable for dogs around 25%2C000 Hz.
  20. The Sound Frequency that Drives Dogs Nuts https://tryrunball.com/blogs/guides/sounds-that-drive-dogs-crazy#:~:text=However%2C frequencies that are about,hear than their human companions.
  21. Since you can hear the high-pitched noise, it is definitely not high enough to keep dogs away.
  22. We shall probably never know, nor are we likely to read to what level the sex worker had already transgendered with respect to sex reassignment surgery. Everthing is left to the readers' imagination and replies in this topic are open to all kinds of speculation.
  23. Thailand needs foreign workers from Myanmar, Laos, Kampuchea, etc. Thailand sends workers abroad, for example to Israel https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2895832/thailand-to-send-800-workers-to-israel-despite-conflict and to others countries in the Middle East, Finland, etc
  24. From the news article, I understand that this happened in Taiwan.
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