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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. What does EURO mean? Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/euro
  2. @gypsyT What do you mean with "II answers"?
  3. Input an idiotic question into an AI program and you you get an idiotic answer. This should not happen. AI should politely explain to you why there is no "Euro calendar" and why there is no "American calendar"
  4. "Chinese" is, the way you used it, an ambiguous term. 1. a descendant of a native of China 2. a person who is a national of China, ie has Chinese citizenship When the term is used indiscriminately, it is understandable that a reader takes it to mean one thing although the writer meant the other thing.
  5. I had to look that up. prezzie: a variant of pressie pressie: an informal word for present Thanks for making me learn a new word.
  6. It wasn't left in your letter box because it had to be signed for, a registered letter. It contained a credit card, after all.
  7. It is not greed. It is commerce, just like Valentine's Day, Halloween, Chinese New Year, etc.
  8. That explains it. The OP's wife her her licence 23 years ago. Mine is also for life, issued last century.
  9. That's a misinterpretation of the court decision. The unpaid fine is still legal. It was the manner in which the Land Transportation Department refused to renew the vehicle registration because of the unpaid fine that was illegal.
  10. What car forum? Can you post the link to it?
  11. You thought wrong. People living in condominium units are not forbidden by law to smoke, fart, cook curries, etc on their premises.
  12. I think I found the galleries, but images do not get displayed on phone screen. https://aseannow.com/gallery/#
  13. I didn't know we have galleries. How can I find mine? I'd like to see if I can find a solution to your problem.
  14. I asked myself the same questions. Most likely, the information is withheld because of Thailand's defamation laws.
  15. Rabbit, for example: https://www.sextoysinbangkok.com/product/7-speed-silicone-rabbit-vibrator-usb-rechargeable/
  16. Even better, buy only from sellers who give size charts in centimetres or inches.
  17. I suggest you put your question to the person to whom my reply was addressed unless you have already found your answer in the scholarly and partly not so scholarly discussion that ensued.
  18. The rules for extensions of stay will have to be rewritten. No more "the husband or wife", but "that spouse" No more "the father or mother", but "that parent" If the appropriate words don't exist yet in the Thai language, they will have to be created. (This should make an interesting topic in the Thai Language forum)
  19. It would be considerate and generous on your part if you kindly shared your source of this knowledge with me and other readers by posting links to the corresponding articles.
  20. "informed comments" is an interesting term but it depends a lot on how it is interpreted. In this topic, I have seen a member present his view with references to scientific publications accompanied by relevant links. This is, in my view, an informed comment, acknowledged by the readers as such regardless whether or not they share the opinions or conclusions of the linked published articles.
  21. I interpret "full parity with heterosexual couples in establishing and nurturing families" in the OP to mean that they will indeed be allowed to legally adopt children, who will then not have "a father and a mother", the commonly used Thai term for "parents", but two fathers or two mothers.
  22. I agree. You're got a good nose.
  23. It is comforting to read all the helpful advice from government agencies on how to avoid potential health problems caused by excessive air pollution. It would be even more comforting to be able to read weekly reports about industrial companies being prosecuted and penalised for their non-compliance with existing laws about limiting pollution caused by their smoke stacks. Where can one read such reports?
  24. I see that Bangkok (if BKK in this instance does not mean Suvarnabhumi airport) now has its separate app for air quality information. I'll have a look at it.
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