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Posts posted by allane

  1. My information dates from 1996.  To my knowledge, it is still correct. If anyone can provide more recent information, and cite a source for same, I would be pleased to stand corrected. In my early days here, one saw many advertisements for foreign teachers offering a salary of B 25,780/mo. At that time, the B 780 paid the income tax; the B 25,000 was the actual salary to the teacher. I asked why.

    It was explained to me that a regulation had been passed some years prior to prevent govt. schools, colleges and universities from getting into bidding wars for expensive foreign teachers. Institutions were, and are, free to pay more, but if they choose to do so, they must raise the portion in excess of B 25,000 from the students (or the parents of the students, when the students are minors.)

    You can imagine anything you want but posting it here serves no purpose.  Evidence, in contrast, would be welcomed.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1.  "Take" or "bring".  I have just reviewed this to prepare a lesson this past weekend. The choice depends on where the listener is situated, relative to the speaker. Sometimes, the object is a third person, such as a small child who can not transport himself, or an adult who does not know the route or doesn't have his own transportation. 

    2. "Send"-  the object is to be delivered by a third party: (Send it by mail.) If the object is a person, that person is capable of transporting himself; e.g. "Send him downstairs"

    3.  There is nothing wrong with saying "from where they came", though at least in North America, beginning with the preposition ("from", in this example) is usually considered stiff or formal.  Especially in spoken English, we usually say "where they came from"

    4. In North America at least, "whence" is archaic. Everyone uses "where", whether speaking or writing.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I too lost ATM cards for this reason during my early months & years in Thailand.  Here is how I have greatly reduced the frequency of that:

      - select the option to take the receipt; it increases the transaction time; while waiting, count 1,...2,...3....; while doing so check to ensure that you have 3 items; the cash, the receipt, and the ATM card.

     - look at the surroundings before beginning, and do not proceed if you are going to be distracted by excessive noise (meaning that you won't hear the beeping of the ATM), or beggars hassling you while you are making your withdrawal.  It was that which caused me to forget my card the last time I did.

    Finally, if you don't have a second bank acct., with 2nd ATM card, get one immediately.

    • Like 2
  4. I saw recently that Taiwan will have gay marriage in mid 2019.  Once that has happened, ...

      - check to see if they will marry non-citizens who come there as tourists.

       - check to see if the Irish govt's. recognition of foreign marriages includes 

         recognition of foreign gay marriages.

    You have only known him just over a year, and it sounds as though the time you have spent together is considerably less than that.  Let things mature for another year or a little longer while you do the necessary research.

  5. 1. Yes and yes.

    2. Rental income will not be accepted. Your tenants are presumably free to leave at any time, with minimal notice to you.

         You will need a letter confirming the amount of the pension from whatever entity provides it, and you will need that  letter authenticated by the British govt.  Not being British, I won't guess what part of your govt. that is.  

    3.  Three to four months. You can get a Re-entry permit for travel during the latter part of the period. You are not a "prisoner" in Thailand during the processing.

    4.Yes and yes.  You seem to have  a good understanding of the process. I didn't convert those figures from pounds to baht.  Make sure they add up, with a bit to spare.

    5. You can certainly do it yourself.  Maybe B 4000, + whatever you have to pay to get the pension letter, and have it authenticated. A single Re-entry permit is B 1000.

  6. I know I am going off-topic here in terms of The OP's question. That said, Ubonjoe - for the sake of clarification, I think that your answer only applies if the applicant will continue to be living in the same province. A new job situated far enough away that the the applicant will have to move to a different province will require a trip out of the country.

  7. The short answer is yes, though while ajarn.com is not perfect, I consider it to have fewer faults or deficiencies than these others. That said,

        1.ajarnjobspace.com - a little-used site, with few listings.

        2.thailandteaching.com - I'm not even sure if it is still in operation. It has relatively few recent listings. Historical

     listings are not removed, so check the posting date before wasting time reading.

        3. eslcafe.com -an international site; contains relatively few Thai listings because it is expensive. Thai listings

     are normally identifiable in the title line for each listing.

      The following are not job sites per se, but sometimes contain job postings, from agencies, schools, or teachers:

         4.On facebook: a) Teaching Jobs in Thailand

                                     b) Teaching in Thailand

            Both of the foregoing are  disorganized messes. It helps if you select "New Posts"instead of the default "Recent Activity" It is necessary to re-do this every time you visit the site.

         5. thailandteaching.info - also a discussion board format, beset with technical problems, and perhaps because of that, has very few users.


  8. Passengers changing planes in international airports are restricted to a transit lounge area, and not permitted to enter the transit country unless they have the appropriate visa etc.  I was once confined to a transit lounge in Taipei for several hours.  I will leave the other questions to those with direct experience. 

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, simple1 said:

    UnionPay cards can be used in 162 countries and regions around the world,


    I would not rely on that. I would make sure I had an alternate method of getting cash in case this promise turned out to be untrue.  It is awfully easy for bank staff to assure you of what they think you want to hear.  It is no skin off of their nose if it is completely untrue.

  10. Do you live in Thailand, or are you a tourist ?  The Canadian passport application used to (maybe still does) contain a similar list.  However, they also have an alternative procedure with their Embassy staff, for tourists or even Thai residents who don't know any people in the specified occupations. ASk you r embassy again - there must be an alternative procedure available.

  11. To the extent that I can determine, after sifting through all this verbiage, there seems to be a distinction between having been away for overnight travel within Thailand, and overnight travel beyond Thailand's borders. It is probably too early to expect consistency from the various Immigration offices.

    To Tropo: The above was typed after I read your Post # 29.  At that time, I was unaware you had typed 2 more posts just above it. Orton Rd. has said he lives in Smut Prakan.

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