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Posts posted by allane

  1. Not sure to what you are referring. The TM30 is the form completed by the landlord, when a new foreigner occupies their property.  If you are doing it instead of the landlord, take a copy of your rental contract, which will presumably show the address of the property.  You will also need a copy of the owner's ID card and a copy of their house registration book, both countersigned by the owner to vouch for their authenticity. Give these documents to the Immigration Officer who will enter the information into the computer.  I did it the day before yesterday.

    Keep a copy of everything for yourself. Then you don't need to bother the owner the next time, for example if you are renewing an Extension of Stay.

  2. Ubon Joe - Is anyone able to clarify if the place of residence information (submitted on the TM 30) is erased when a foreigner leaves Thailand ? If the information is now being deliberately erased every time a foreigner leaves (even if he has obtained a Re-entry Permit), it would follow logically that he/the owner would have to file a new TM 30 upon his return.

  3. About 45 minutes ago,some guy named Sam Neuts posted a rather alarmist post in General Topics. Can the various experts here assess his remarks, and give us an indication what parts might be true ? He doesn't cite any sources, and gives no indication if he is commenting on a nationwide basis, or with particular reference to Pattaya, where he apparently lives. By sheer coincidence, I went to the Kap Cheung (Surin) Immigration office today, to do my TM 30, as I had moved 3 days ago.  Nothing was said to me about having to present the completed TM 30 when I do my next 90 day report next month. (My move was from one location in Surin to another in the same perovince.) Of note - they did not reset my 90 day clock today, as they did when I first moved into Surin in 2016 from another province.

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  4. As Pat in Pattaya implied, there isn't much reason to move. You need to go to your home branch to replace your ATM card when it expires (or if you lose it), and possibly, to transfer funds out of the country, if the new branch doesn't trust that you are who you say you are, because they don't have your signature on file. (They can read the signature from your current bankbook under their blue light.) Almost anything else can be done at any branch.

    You didn't say if you are depending on your bank acct. for annual extension of a retirement or marriage visa.  If so, I would recommend that you have an account near your new Immigration office in case they give you a hard time on renewal day.

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  5. Agreed re Khao Sok. Surat Thani is too far away to use as a base for day trips. The trouble with day trips in this climate is that you get to the site just as it is starting to bake.  You want to stay close to the park gate, so you can be there when it opens, probably at about 8 a.m. At this time of year, it would be nice if they would open at 6 a.m.

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  6. Bangkok is a big city. Giving your location might elicit replies from those with local knowledge. I think that any of the major banks will give you a cash advance if you walk inside, though of course you will have to pay interest on that. It might be worth phoning your bank in Vietnam, to see if there is something wrong on their end.

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  7. Last month I had some business in Prasart.  Like you, I had no vehicle. I have been there many times, and can say with confidence there is nothing within walking distance of the bus station. There are places on the edges of town; you would be at the mercy of the motorcycle taxi guys to get you there and back.

    I decided to stay in Surin which is half an hour away.  If you want hotel recommendations that are within walking distance of the Surin bus station, reply here, or click on my name and send me a Private Mail.

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