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Posts posted by allane

  1. Firstly, this is not  a "missing person" post. I do not know the name of the individual I am trying to contact, and I do not even need to know it.

    I spotted a post today on the thailandteaching.info website. The site will not permit me (for technical reasons) to open an account and then reply to his post.

    The post is from someone who identifies himself as "Hey_ewe". If this you, or you know who it is, I would appreciate an alternate contact method with you and/or the school concerned. Please reply here. If you wish, I can then provide you an e-mail address and telephone number.

    I am not wanting to apply myself, but I know a well-qualified individual who is.

    I would also appreciate learning of any local Nakhon Ratchasima forums. The only one I have found so far is in German.

  2. Have the Thai administration seen his message ? If not, I think you and your two NES colleagues should collectively bring it to their attention.

    I once had a similar, if not direct parallel. I and another foreign colleague had a warning from a third foreign colleague that our lives would be in danger if he was to lose his job. (This came after he had put his own job in a very precarious situation with a very ill-tempered outburst in the office that included him throwing things with the intent to injure).

    We wrote up a report, sent it to administration, and he was fired within a day or two.


  3. I was thereabout 2 years ago, and you are correct. The main street has well-preserved old wooden buildings, many of which are now functioning as gift shops. There is a nice wooden walkway along the river.

    We made the mistake of arriving late in the evening and had a hard time finding rooms. The next morning we realized why. The streets were packed with Thai tourists. From the sheer number of them, they had to have come from far away; most from Bangkok I suppose. The cool weather and the mist rising off of the river seemed to be the big attraction.

    To summarize, worth a visit if you are not too far away, but I wouldn't travel more than a few hours to see it.

    The western part of Loei is more scenic, and has Phu Reua and Phu Kradeung if you like mountains.

  4. While my qualifications are less impressive than your wife's, I taught high school in Bangkok for 15 years, ending in 2010. International schools hold hiring fairs in the country to which they are affiliated, and that is where they find almost all of their teachers. Have her go online and see what she can find.

    Most schools offer full, or at least substantial, tuition fee waivers for their teacher's children.

    I leave the rest of your questions to those with experience in international schools.

  5. The answer is almost certainly yes. Years ago, I got on a bus in Kalasin about 7 a.m. If there are no direct buses to Bangkok, take the 1 hour trip to Khon Kaen, from where you will find frequent service to Bangkok day and night. 

    Note: I don't know if buses from Kalasin  now use baw-khaw-saw (bus station) 1 or 3 in Khon Kaen; if it is the former, you will have to use the shuttle bus to Bus Station 3, or use Chan Tours from Bus Station 2, if they are still departing from there. Bus Stations 1 and 2 are within walking distance of each other.

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