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Posts posted by allane

  1. Bangkok Airways built, and to my knowledge, still owns the Samui airport. They have allowed Thai Airways to serve it, but are charging them so much that the latter can not offer any bargains either. Bangkok-Phuket is farther than Bangkok-Samui, but you can fly to Phuket for much less.

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  2. Before you go to Bangkok, you might try the Immigration Call Centre; dial 1178. I have never used it myself. However it has been reported on this forum that they will possibly intercede if you are confronted with a halfwit on the other side of the counter.  If the Call Centre agrees with your position, go back to Nonthaburi Imm., dial them on your mobile phone, and hand the phone to the guy behind the counter.

  3. I retired from a teaching position in Bangkok in March 2010, without having been caught up in any of it, with one exception - I think it was in early 2009 that we were told on short notice that we had to attend a three-day Thai Culture Course. I know that I renewed my Visa and Work Permit in March 2009, with no mention of anything pertaining to the need for a Teacher's Licence, professional development or a waiver.

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  4. While this a guess, I am thinking along the same line as LennyW. It is probably analogous to the tour bus industry for minority languages such as Korean or Russian"

       - a Thai is hired as a "tour guide", he speaks little or none of the minority language

      -  a foreign speaker of the minority language is hired as a "co-ordinator". This person does the work.

    Is it strictly legal ?   No.  Does everyone go home happy ?    Yes.

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  5. The cancelled permit is not returned to you, but you are given a receipt which you might need. You can do it yourself, with no requirement for anything from the employer.  I cancelled mine a few days ago.

    A caveat if you are in Bangkok: A few months back there was a guy on here from Bangkok who said that the Labour Dept. there would not let him do it himself. Allow an extra day if that turns out to be true.  In the months leading upto my own cancellation I kept a close eye on this forum, and only saw this single reference on this point.

  6. As a matter of policy I don't use Air Asia.  That said, there was a thread on here a couple of weeks ago; some of the replies indicated that the "pay at 7-11 option" is not available for flights within the very near future, e.g. 1 or 2 days; if this pertains to you, pretend you are booking a flight farther in the future as a test.

  7. To the OP; Please refer to the topic: "Would I Have To Cancel My Visa..." If the moderators don't provide a link, click on my name, it is currently running on page 2 of my content.

    Ubon Joe has referred to some trouble at the Savannaket and Nong Khai crossings into Lao for people in your circumstance. Take your contract with you, and if possible, get a letter from the employer that the contract is finished.  That should be self-evident, but better to be over=prepared, I suppose.

    From Brit Tim's post, flying out might avoid any problem at the land borders.

  8. Re: Visa - if you leave Thailand without having obtained a Re-entry Permit, your Visa will be cancelled.

    Re: Work Permit - as it sounds as though you plan to work in Thailand again, you should cancel it. You can do it yourself, at whatever Labour Dept. office you obtained it from. There is no charge. If you do not cancel it, you might face a fine of B 500 when you apply for your next W.P.

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