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Posts posted by allane

  1. To Emster23:

    - if you rarely touch the money, you are probably better off leaving it at SCB.

    - Thai Military Bank has no fee for interprovincial transfers, but I have been told that they make up for that by offering lower interest rates on savings accounts and possibly on fixed deposit accounts. I am not using them at present, so can't be more precise than that.

  2. With a big caveat that I don't have an acct. at KTB, and have not had one for many years.

    At the bank's where I deal, it has always been possible, provided I have my passport with me. Try it; the worst that can happen is that they will say no.  If one branch says no, try another one.

    PS. Put on the best clothes and shoes that you have. It shouldn't matter how you are dressed, but in Thailand it often does.

  3. The waters seem to be getting muddier instead of clearer. To the OP: Did the Labour Dept. refuse to cancel your Work Permit, your Extension of Stay, or both ? The latter needs to be done at the Immigration Department.

    This could be a major issue that affects, hundreds, if not thousands of people. Particularly given that you are in Bangkok, I am surprised that if what you say is true, we have not had many others on here reporting the same.

    In 1996, I worked for an employer who refused to give me my Work Permit when I quit, and as far as I know,never cancelled it.  The Personnel Officer at my new workplace was able to sort things out on the phone, and I had no trouble getting a new Work Permit.

  4. So, the Brexiteers have three choices:

    1.Admit that their campaign was grossly misleading: Britain can't have its cake and eat it too. Accept whatever terms the EU offers, because time is on the EU's side, and that becomes more obvious every day.

    2.Admit that the whole idea of Brexit was a big mistake, and that they knew, or should have known that Britain would now be where it finds itself, and support a second referendum.

    3.  Brexit means Brexit, and if that means crashing out of the EU with nothing, that is what they had always wanted in any case.

    They are going to appear naive, duplicitous or stupid whichever one of these choices they support, but of the three, I think the third leaves them with the least egg on their faces.

  5. I'm a bit puzzled by Ubonjoe's comment in Post #2::

    50 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Without a termination letter you may have a problem leaving the country at Cambodia border crossings near Bangkok.


    Can't a foreigner exit Thailand at any time, as long as he is not on the police "Wanted List", or in an overstay situation ?

  6. Yes and yes. The Labour Dept. wants to be sure that they are issuing and giving the permit to the person stated therein.

    They don't want someone cancelling someone else's W.P., whether as some sort of prank, or as a serious attempt to cause trouble for the permit holder. 

    They might accept a cancellation with a letter of authorization from the permit holder, but that is a guess on my part. Check with them in advance if you are thinking of going this route.

  7. Re: Post #2:

    30 minutes is awfully tight.

    Measuring from Siam BTS Station:  10 min. to wait for the train + 8 stations @ 90 seconds between stations = 22 min.

    Taxi from Morchit BTS Station to Don Meuang: I would allow 20 min., 15 min might be enough if you use the tollway.

    So, 37 - 42 min. Add extra time if your point of origin is east or south of Siam Station, and/or if you want to use a bus instead of a taxi.

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