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Everything posted by goldenbrwn1

  1. So what shall I do if the immigration officer forgot to stamp ? Surely it’s all on the computer when I landed .
  2. Hi just a quick question , I landed at Swampy on Wednesday and noticed there was no visa stamp ? I came in on visa exempt with a UK passport. Is this now the norm as it wasn’t on my last visit in November?
  3. Oh fcs ????. I bet yer a right laugh a min at party’s int u
  4. I have a feeling 3 wasn’t enough and they came unstuck or this would of been another Farang battered and hospital headline.
  5. Guardian ???? and all the emoticons are back ,well done visa ????
  6. Yep. The cringe is here. And why has the laughing emoticon gone now? The sad went ages ago because of hurty feelings and now the laughing emoticon in case it’s laughing at and not with….boo hoo ????. No matter how many propaganda pieces on the police they shove out, all you have to do is ask a Thai person about their own police….same same mafia.
  7. Thais can be so cringe where money is concerned. At least pull your tongue out before the camera roll Anutin!
  8. I have never spoke to a Thai person who was fond of the mainland Chinese tourist. I hear the usual stereotypical complaints found on this forum. But I’m sure the Thais making money from these tours would have a different opinion.
  9. That was 2012 , there was a lot of that kinda stuff going on around the world from the Jihad Muhammad firm. So we still holding onto that one yeh. ????
  10. Not sure what the problem is here tbh. Yes the Iranian government is very authoritarian etc and no different to China. And money is the driver and who can blame them just look at the state of the worlds economies right now , many are struggling. At least Thailand deport their undesirables and have a half decent immigration services and protections. There are plenty of well off Iranians I suspect who struggle to go to countries in the west to spend their money. But I suppose they should have a higher moral standard and just accept an influx of illegal immigration , with people with no identification on a daily basis and then give them right of stay and maybe even a passport with free cash and housing.
  11. And they have been lock-downed for years and sanitise crazy. It’s time for them to start rolling around in the ???? and boost their immune system. Old skool flu is rife this winter here in the UK right now just because of this. A lot of people I know have the flu and the ones that have had covid b4 have said they felt worse with this. It’s funny I went Covid free all through the lockdowns and in October I traveled to Thailand to see family I hadn’t seen for years . On the flight over I was sat nxt to a Doctor and Covid came up in the conversation. He said I will probably never get it as there is a % that are immune, through work he’s had it 3x ! Anyway 2 weeks later I caught it of my Thai stepson in Thailand ????
  12. Damn if only we stayed in the EU, then we will be doing as great as those country’s in the Eurozone……
  13. A mixed race lesbian female basketball player or a white heterosexual Marine? Let’s not all act shocked here. Russia knew exactly what their ace card here was. The Biden administration was always going to bring the person home who actually committed an offence over the the one whose done nothing and Russia knew this. All based on the usual west’s obsession..race, gender blah blah blah blah ….boring ????
  14. It does seem to be the new buzz word on Visa of late. I have stopped smoking weed since it became legal. The illegality of it was part of the buzz…looks like it’s .back onto the Meth for me.
  15. Well the UK government have at least got their emergency military relief prioritised in these strikes. The Royal Navy will take over from the RNLI and Border force to safely land more Albanian men escaping the war torn country of Albania.
  16. My brother is a headmaster of a decent school in SE England , his wife is a teacher at a different school in the SE. Like me they are in their early 50’s. They both said through lockdown most teachers loved the time off with full pay and used C19 at every opportunity not to come to work and still do. Most are Labour voters, or just Tory haters and very active in far left politics inc the ‘woke’ politics. The teachers that are not on the same page rarely if ever talk politics to them or their students and that includes my brother. But many teachers bang on about this woke stuff in class no matter what the subject..inc maths..did you know maths is racist now ????. Royal Mail have good reasons to be on strike as it’s not mainly about a pay rise, it’s more complicated. The teachers…well they are mostly off anyway and imo could do with a shake up …and the GP,s …I only saw mine once just over a year ago because they were getting a one off incentive payment for a face to face appointment, he actually rang me himself for it! Now it’s back to the 2/3 week wait if they can’t convince you that your pharmacist could sort you out, so we probably wouldn’t notice them being on strike. At my local surgery the GP’s only work a 3 day week . Maybe they all have good reasons to join the posties on strike…who knows.
  17. What’s APEC git to do with tourists numbers? Am I missing something? 5 day break ??
  18. Probably the only reason he’s being nicked is because he stabbed and murdered the ‘wrong’ person.
  19. Most crimes are solved by the general public with information in the West tbf. But yes the RTP are far from proactive. They even need a nudge at times to be reactive.
  20. My wife’s son came home last night unannounced…rolled in around 1 am. It seems like only yesterday he was a good kid but in the last year he’s changed. Nearly 20 now and in Uni but he’s doing drugs. Seriously bad attitude and at the moment only getting away with it because his mother is in total denial. I was no angel back in the day and a lot worse than what he is right now so I don’t suffer his bull and he knows it. Every time he walks in the house it seems like a depressing shadow looms over and my wife and daughters are walking on egg shells around him. This isn’t MJ by the way (I’m partial to the odd puff myself) I gathered it was opiates of some sort and my suspicions were confirmed when I rifled through his bag to find strips of Tramadol. They buy a strip of 10 50mg tabs from chemists for 60 baht. I’m only here 3months on and 4/6 off for work so when I came back this time the change in him was obvious. Apologies if this is off the ‘actual’ news topic but i just needed to write it down and I suppose it’s relevant. I have two grown kids in the UK and my son in the UK went through a similar stage this age with the party scene but I’m just too old for this ???? now… I can see a major falling out soon. I have spoken with him but you know when it’s going in one ear and out the other, I just hope it’s a phase…time will tell.
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