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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. With all due respect been out tonight and as much as stocky wishes to slander Tetley "smooth flow" it is the only bitter on the thai market and it really aint a bad pint. If you dont like it dont drink it ,but surely it aint a bad addition to the local market.With time some more of the obscure "ales" will eventualy reach the arena for now drink and enjoy.

    With all due respect I took offence to the term 'true British beer' in the context of a kegged beer like Tetley's "smooth flow". It will add to the number of beers available but I personally wouldn't touch it with a barge pole! You've had your free adverts (9 posts all plugging the same product, didn't think this was allowed) now piss off! If you think I've slandered your product sue me :o

  2. Even worse, the EU is devided by a common currency called pound and Euro.

    The pound, I read, is the strongest, unchangable value in the world, it will always be 0.452 kgs.

    No it's 0.45359237 kg :D

    You also forget that that Denmark and the ten new members also don't use the Euro as yet. Give them time. :o

  3. Tetley Bitter! British it might be but as an example of British beer I wouldn't give it to the dog.  It's piss water!  The stuff they'd sell here would be 'Smooth pour' keg it's <deleted>, give me a Tiger Beer :o

    Tetleys and Tiger. How can the two be compared? Tetleys bitter is a draft beer, Tetleys 'smooth flow' is an inferior substitute but acceptable. Tiger, as with virtually all asian beers, is a lager, pasturised and fizz injected. They are completely different drinks.

    IMHO, anyway.

    That's what I said. True cask conditioned British beers don't travel. Given the option of Tetley 'Smooth Flow' at an inflated price or the local fizzy lager I'm afraid I pick Singha. When in Rome :D

  4. These are sleeze bag places! Of this I am positive! Any loser that for a moment thinks these girls are there for the sex or that they are wanting "the man" then really just shows what true losers some people are!!! I guess the only positive thing to say about theses places is that it keeps lifes losers off the street and allows them to get their rocks off!!! :D:D:D

    I suspect our Tony is from Hua Hin/Chaam. Same old shit :o

  5. tetley bitter has arrived

    just to let all you lads who have been waiting for a proper glass of english beer know.it will be available at all good watering holes over the next few days and also at the gourmet supermarket in the emporium.e-mail back if anyone requires a private order.drink and enjoy gentlemen.thanks tony.

    This is a <deleted> advert! Tetleys is shit, proper glass of English ale my arse :o

  6. has anybody had a chance to have a glass of the new arrival. how much have you missed a glass of true british beer?

    Tetley Bitter! British it might be but as an example of British beer I wouldn't give it to the dog. It's piss water! The stuff they'd sell here would be 'Smooth pour' keg it's <deleted>, give me a Tiger Beer :o

  7. Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

    Are you all alseep yet?  :o

    I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP  :D

    Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


    Thanks FTH, I can log off with a smile :D

  8. Anything other than Real English Ale is, to some degree, complete crap.  Most of the beers listed here so far are not beer, they are fermented corn and / or rice beverage.  They also contain enough stabilizers, heading agents  and genetically modified ingredients to stock your average college chemistry lab.

    Each time I go to BKK fate has seen fit to deny me the chance of sampling the micro-brew available there except for the one at the airport.  They have one they refer to as their strong ale.  it is pleasent.  The others on their list are weak-tit to waste water.

    Please do not refer to Tiger, Carl's Purge, St.Mick, High-Neck Anne or any of that ilk as BEER.  It doesn't taste like beer, it has a head like soda pop and you have to over carbonate it and keep it frozen to the coils in the fridge or else you might actually taste what it actually tastes like. :o

    Sorry Doc, whilst I can be fussy in the UK, outside the UK I drink what's available :D

    If it says beer on the label that's what I'll call it. Whether it's good or bad is subjective and context sensitive, if I was in the UK and someone suggested Tiger Beer I'd laugh, in SE Asia I'd only ask if it was cold :D

  9. wow, mostly middle aged men moving to thailand. never would have thought it  :o i am 29 though, but nobody believes me. everyone thinks i'm like 21 to 24. probably because i'm asian, they say we look young and all.

    Rubbish, most of those in the poll are still in their prime, middle age is always about 10 years ahead of you :D

  10. I'm not so sure that I would feel quite as comfortable posting in the forum if I'd lost my anonymity. There is a certain freedom involved with online Forums because you can disconnect at the click of a mouse.

    Quite a few people know me.

    I attend whatever I can attend.

    Does it change the way I post?


    Does it change what my friends think about me?


    In summary

    Does it change my life?


    Why should it change yours? :o

    Good question.

    I'm not sure. I don't think it would. But there is for some reason, possibly peculiar to myself, a feeling that the two worlds are separate. Next time there is a meeting and I'm around I will reconsider this duality. :D

  11. Seriously.....there actually are oppressive regulations, the worst being 30 days of quarantine. If you wish me to give advice as to how to legally circumvent the intent of these laws, pm me, as I don't want to appear to flaunt rules that I generally approve of. PS: My saluki hound informs me that cats are actually disgusting tasting.

    Haven't tried domestic cat but the BBQ Serval Cat I've eaten tasted quite good.

  12. Oooh good topic!

    I've not been around for either of the recent meetings. Having said that if I had been in Bangkok would I have attended? Good question, probably not. As you say the your life is elsewhere, and I would add separate. I'm not so sure that I would feel quite as comfortable posting in the forum if I'd lost my anonymity. There is a certain freedom involved with online Forums because you can disconnect at the click of a mouse.

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