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Posts posted by Stocky

  1. I'm not a fan of American Football, but I do know the Rock Hard in Patong used to show matches.

    Last year when I was there they were in the process of moving the girls upstairs to make way for a sports bar downstairs. I would guess they might be worth a look, the girls aren't bad either but don't tell my wife. :o

  2. All,

        Has anybody any idea what a good guestimate is of the U.S. military population is in Thailand ? And where are the majority of them ? Especially the most popular area not in Udon Thani.


    What's your interest?

    In this day and age you never know what someone's motives are! :o

  3. I'm assuming your intimate with that nice lad Johnny Moron and his close mate Wayne :D

    Not forgetting Professor Sebastian Mortimer, Comrade Vladamir Zharkhovsky, Python Lee Jackson and California Dave. :o

    What in Heaven's name are you talking about you impertinent little turd? I know none of these people you mention and can assure you that they never served in any of my regiments. By jove, if I were your commanding officer right now I'd give you a bloody good thrashing.

    Let me remind you, I am here to talk about ladyboys and to discuss with real men the pleasures that such fine young creatures can offer. Good Heavens above dear sir, I do not come to this site to communicate with limp-wristed fairies who get off at the sight of silly young fillies wearing replicas of Queen Mary's corset.

    Enough said. At precisely six o'clock tonight, I shall be eating in the mess area outside of the plaza and welcome all of you to join me in my inspection of the ladyboys as they parade their way into the colosseum for their evening's work.

    And by Heavens we'll have fun. A few good stiff drinks, a little bit of well-disguised voyeurism, a little bit of............No, I'm sorry, I can't possibly say that on a family website.

    Please, allow me to end before I cream myself. Good afternoon, and God save the Queen.

    I am sorry to have impugned your reputation Major.

    Sadly I am otherwise engaged this evening, but I trust you have a most enjoyable time.

    Respectfully yours etc.

    Stocky :D

  4. On the days that they do, I take for the nuclear option with some highly toxic Russian stuff that keeps them away for days!

    What is that stocky, Vodka?


    No vodka's just toxic :o

    The Russian repellant probably contains 100% DEET with added DEET, it has a skull and cross bones on the label!

    As a cheap alternative I've seen some of the labourers use diesel oil, which probably repels the bears as well. :D

  5. The mossies love me and Siberia certainly gets more than it's fair share in summer.

    In Thailand I can get away with using repellant with citronella oil, but in Russian mosquitoes laugh at the stuff. Here I use some no <deleted> messin' American stuff called "The 10 Hour Insect Repellent" it says it contains 95% N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, which is DEET isn't it? (someone call a chemist) Whatever, Russian mossies don't mess with it, most days of the week.

    On the days that they do, I take for the nuclear option with some highly toxic Russian stuff that keeps them away for days!

  6. Regie old chap, liked your post, couldn't agree more, a night with a runty little Ning could be tedious in the extreme.

    I'm assuming your intimate with that nice lad Johnny Moron and his close mate Wayne :D

    Not forgetting Professor Sebastian Mortimer, Comrade Vladamir Zharkhovsky, Python Lee Jackson and California Dave. :o

  7. I'm a habituee whilst at work; and on a slow day there's not much else to do in Siberia! :o

    I'm not often in the forum when I'm back in Thailand, not only do the wife and kids keep me busy, but the last thing I really want to do is sit in front of a computer! :D

  8. I for one have to take my hat off to Rod Kalashnikov.

    Great posts, entertaining, compassionate, wise, thoughtful and intelligent.

    Good on ya  Rod.

    I look forward to reading  many more posts from you.

    I'd like to second that vote of thanks.

    I've enjoyed reading your interesting, candid and wise comments on a subject that is usually met with one liners, sleazy comments or moralistic rants. I confess that I'm often guilty of the one liners.

    Thank you!

  9. I'll be happy if the Villa stay up! Deadly Doug's hopes of Europe next year are pie in the sky unless he buys a few players. The Blue Noses will probably continue to do better than expected, I see they've held onto Lilly Savage. As for the Baggies, I think they might stay up :o

  10. I've got nothing against it, as far as i'm concerened you would just be paying for a service, same as a massage, hair cut whatever.

    What I was trying to ask is if people think it is wrong, Why? or why do they think it's not wrong.

    If you read the post, you would see that I was'nt actually asking for advice on whether it is right or wrong, and did not mention bar girls, and am definatly not trying to judge anybody.

    Mabye I did'nt word it clearly, mabye you did'nt bother reading it, who knows, who cares.

    Sorry, but the topic header morally/ethically wrong? tends to put me off.

    I wouldn't presume to judge anybody else's morals/ethics, I might have an opinion but it's mine.

    Personally I have no problems with either the ethics or morals of 'paying for a service', on the proviso that both parties are happy with the deal.

    But as I say that is purely my opinion :o

  11. So this makes him a better man because he had two "BISEXUAL GIRLS" with him?

    I'm not bragging or trying to impress you, but I've had more than two at a time, many times ... not just in Thailand, and not just with paid partners.

    That doesn't make me a better man than you. I just dance to a different drum ... and I've had a long time to dance to it.

    I just don't get it about bargirls?  I am not here to trash them  I never been with one so i don't know if they are good or bad and i am not talking about in bed
    As in all walks of life, there are good and bad ... and I'm not talking about in bed either. Fortunately I'm a good judge of character, and I've always managed to avoid the bad ones.
    I am married to a thai woman.

    I fell madly in love with one when I was sixteen. I would probably have married her, but her father didn't like farangs, and he backed up his dislike with an


    and I have been to thailand 4 times the last 2 times were with my wife.  The first two times  I was 16 and 19   My dad wanted to take me to a massage parlour but my mom found out and yelled at him about it  I am half thai and half farang.  I guess you can say I have lived a sheltered life.  I never went to he parlour and to this day i never went with a bargirl.
    My father was straight-laced almost to the point of Puritanism. I couldn't wait to get away from home. I seldom thought about him while I was rampaging across the known world ... I was too busy having a good time. It wasn't until many years later, when he was dying, that I realized how much I loved him.
    I have been seeing some adult websites featuring bargirls from thailand.  I was curious and subscribed to one.  well it is porn and it probably is staged. I don't know

    Most porn is staged.

    But the girls in the videos did nothing different then girls i had been with did.
    Activities and the positions in which to perform them are finite. Try them all, and stick with the ones you prefer.
    So what is the attraction???

    The attraction for me as a young man was that they were beautiful, available, economical, came with no strings attached, and were good company both in and out of bed.

    Nothing has changed.

    If only more posts were as informative as yours. Thanks for sharing your experiences and wise words :o

  12. Trolls why do you do it are you just bored, or seeking attention?

    Why do people respond to them.

    I know they can be really annoying but you are not going to win any arguments because they are just not reseptive to any other views. Responding only encorages them and gives them a greater oppetunity to reply.

    It's an itch, I must scratch it :o

  13. No not really as I find there are many people here who would not be genuine in wanting to meet! I see this forum as a source of information and exchange of ideas! Unfortunately some only want to abuse and stir others! That's not to say if I find someone genuine (and I'd have to be convinced) that just maybe meet someone of interest, I can't say NEVER!
    Yeah Mate! We like a bit of fun and stirring the pot! It makes it interesting and gets people "fired up" (but makes them think!) This method can make for a good forum where suddenley you have many people desparate to have their say cause you got them going and they want to spill their guts! Watch this space I'll over time show you how it's done! Bloody good fun!!!

    Your previous posts seem to contradict each other. I would suggest the latter post more truly represents your intentions. To be deliberately contrary and stir confrontation is not debate, and frankly it's tedious. IMHO I would suggest you slow down a little and put some more thought into your posts. Readers may then better appreciate them.

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