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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. So you mean fugly blokes with poor social skills
  2. Sure, but are these Koreans available to be pointed at is what I want to know.
  3. You can do 99% of banking online or via an app - physical branches are an anachronism
  4. The BBC iPlayer works fine with NordVPN, the issue is with the iPlayer downloader which won't work.
  5. I've not been into Songkhla recently, but the situation will be much the same as currently in Hat Yai. Bars are closed, and restaurants are not supposed to serve alcohol, however, if you look around you'll find restaurants that will serve alcohol discretely in coffee mugs.
  6. "We promise a review, but it's not going to change anything" And they wonder why the local Muslim population gets radicalised!
  7. Hat Yai thankfully is usually no more than twenty people on a busy day.
  8. I've tried that but the download still gives a error message and won't download. Though it's not really a problem as streaming works fine without buffering issues, the download option is useful if there are.
  9. Mine's on Win10, as I say I can watch live or iplayer programs streamed in the browser but I can't download with the app.
  10. My screen looks different, which version are you running?
  11. Mine works, but the app still doesn't I get a DRM Licence error when trying to download. So the iPlayer app beats the VPN, whilst viewing in the browser succeeds.
  12. I've no problem connecting to the BBC iPlayer with NordVPN, it works fine. My issue recently is the download option with the iPlayer App, that started giving an error this last week or so. I can still watch in the browser, just not download. Hopefully this new version fixes the issue.
  13. The project is certainly not in the long term interests of the local villagers and fisherman, it's entirely geared towards making money for those that are already part of the hugely wealthy Thai ruling class. If you want to understand what's currently there and what's planned the following video gives you a very good idea. https://youtu.be/UZOgMFJSOh4
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