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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. And the quality of posts had declined accordingly, it appears to have regressed into some sort of children's play group.
  2. It's probably a combination of month end, year end, and holiday season. I sent money from Singapore yesterday, usually the transfer takes seconds, yesterday I was advised money would arrive in my Krungsri account Thursday 30th. Transfer from HSBC to Wise with PayNow took seconds, so the delay isn't with my bank, the delay is with Wise and its Thai partners. It's usually Dee Money that completes my transfers, I presume the issue is with matching the transfers. Both banks were open yesterday morning when I started the transfer, and the reason is general living expenses, so no requirement to flag a a foreign transfer. I'm sure it will arrive on Thursday if not before, I've no dire emergency.
  3. A scientific theory is NOT a fact, rather it is an explanation that fits the currently available factual data. There can be several competing theories or a single established theory. Either you misunderstood your science teacher, or your science teacher wasn't very good. Science isn't a belief, science is evidence driven. Theories are accepted or dismissed on the weight of evidence. That acceptance or dismissal can change with the addition of new data. .
  4. I made a resolution many years ago not to make New Year's resolutions, I've managed to stick to it.
  5. But science isn't democratic, 'opinions' don't carry equal weight. Someone might hold the Earth is flat, but that is a proposition the weight of scientific data has clearly demonstrates as incorrect. So to accord it equal weight is wrong. Most of the people arguing online have no understanding of how the scientific process works. They point to earlier position science has held to suggest inconsistency, but as with the Earth being considered flat, or the Sun revolving around the Earth, they are positions later scientific data has disproved, so science moves on. Science isn't fixed, positions change as our ability to gather relevant data improves.
  6. Responsibility for what, having a capable genomic testing facility?
  7. Whilst I'd agree that IQAir generally gives better current data, the daily (24hr) data from AQICN is a fair reflection of what I see in my daily readings. So I consider the monthly summaries to be accurate. That said, currently (20:00hrs) AQICN has Hat Yai at 50, IQAir also gives 50 or 12 µg/m³ - my reading here is 9 µg/m³, but I live just outside the city centre and it's an indoor reading. So here at least we're all in agreement. .
  8. How so, Nakhon Si Thammarat doesn't have air quality problems, it has some of the best air quality in Thailand.
  9. Just taking the last two years summary data for PM2.5 from the AQICN website for a geographical spread of Thai cities you can quickly see that the south is a better option. Data from https://aqicn.org/map/asia/
  10. I have two PM2.5 monitors in the house in Hat Yai. In the nearly 3 years I've had them they've largely stayed in the 1-20ug/m3 range, or an AQI of 4 to 70. Local pollution can push it up to 60ug/m3, AQI of 150. If the Indonesian 'Haze' comes to town it can go over AQI 200. August-October is the time of year we can expect surprises from Sumatra, but thankfully most years it doesn't reach us. Bad air seldom hangs around for more than a few days because we get a good breeze from the coast most of the time. As my wife is asthmatic this is important.
  11. Peninsular Thailand has, by and large, the best air, with the area between Chumphon and Nakhorn Si Thamerat, that includes Phuket and Koh Samui, seemingly the sweet spot. We live further south in Hat Yai, which is good most of the time, but we on some years get the smoke from Indonesia.
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