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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Why do you need a grave to remember someone? I remember friends and family everyday through favourite walks, places, foods, music, films and a thousand and one other things that prompt a memory.
  2. In my crystal ball I see lights on, then lights off, lights on, then lights off, lights on etc...
  3. I've met about a dozen or so members in real life, but that was the old old TV, so they're dead or no longer posting. Generally I don't have a problem meeting up in real life, but it's not something I do without careful thought. The world isn't short of nutters, and they do tend to be over represented in online forums. .
  4. "Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it." ~ Pope John Paul II Anutin is clearly much blessed.
  5. The scrap metal value of that 'coffin' must be about equal to tourist revenues these days
  6. I don't see how he squares that with Which is basically what the fishing village of Chana currently practices.
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