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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. My experience is with a shophouse unit, you can get people to turn volume down but it's the bass that's the problem; subwoofers are a total pain.
  2. Holiday in a pandemic, what could possibly go wrong.
  3. If you mean compartmentalise my thoughts yes. I do so with problem solving, shut down stuff that I can't do anything about and concentrate on the things I can. But primarily I need it for work, as a consultant I often have several very different projects running concurrently, so in switching from one to another, I need to mentally box one up, and unbox another.
  4. Strewth, if you're one of the 'Freedumb' crowd stay home. The rules in Thailand, like them or not, are to wear a mask. What's the problem?
  5. Chang, get thee behind me Satan! Devil's own brew, and Leo is Satan's pizz. Singha please.
  6. No, now Bht49, bought the last 3 from my local 7-11 this morning, granddaughter has a day at school on Wednesday and has to go armed with a test kit. Made by Baicare (Tainjin) Biotechnology Co. Ltd
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