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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I suspect if Americans realised Bali was part of Indonesia, a shock horror Muslim country, it wouldn't be much sought after. .
  2. Apologies, probably should have left mention of TOT out of the thread title. My experience of the local post is seriously mixed. I doubt half the postmen are fully literate, we regularly get post for other sois with the same number, plus the occasional random 'can see no possible reason for error' deliveries. We have a post box on the wall but some postmen insist on just perching the mail in the lattice of the folding security gate, where it often falls out and ends up on the pavement. TOT bills were always hit and miss, we got disconnected twice, hence switching to e-service. Mail from HSBC in Singapore takes weeks to arrive if it does at all, credit and debit cards regularly go missing, HSBC often end up sending a second by DHL. Stuff that's supposed to be recorded delivery and signed for never is. This is in Hat Yai city, not Nakhorn Nowhere. The PO Box option would remove the middleman, though not remove the issue if it is indeed criminal intent in the sorting office rather than incompetence/illiteracy in the postman. Good luck trying to bring the Post Office to book, but I suspect it will be a futile endeavour.
  3. Me neither, it looks four kings stupid
  4. [It's word association not associated words] Sheffield
  5. Why don't you use the TOT e-service https://www.tot.co.th/en/eservice I get my bill as a pdf by email and I pay online. I had the same issue with the mail which is generally hopeless.
  6. There's already a label beneath the avatar giving the posters level of contribution, so the intrusive and pointless graphic is just a waste of band width . Or do we intend competing with another forum for inanity and have tigers sucking dummies?
  7. Same, at just before 4am which was also strange. Since the start of the year the partner bank on my transactions, which are generally around SGD5-10k, has been Dee Money. The switch to Dee Money has meant overall much faster transactions; I didn't get 4 second transfer times when they used Kasikorn for example. But Dee Money look to be less predictable, and the feedback loop to Wise pretty much non-existent, hence them apologising that the money may not arrive before the 5th Jan when it already has. But I've no complaints. Wise is cheaper and faster than SWIFT transfers ever were for me, and the process is simple and transparent, no unexpected third party intermediary charges. Just always remember to plan ahead and allow a little extra time just in case. .
  8. Bizarrely I've just received an email from Wise apologising for the delay and saying the money will be paid to my account by Jan 5th!!
  9. Yes I have investments, over the last 20 years they've given me an average annual return of a little over 10%. That's more than sufficient to afford me a comfortable lifestyle, I'm not a greedy man and I don't want the additional risk.
  10. Money arrived overnight, Krungsri SMS time stamps it as 30/12/21 03:48hr which is a little strange.
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