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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. Give her a break. She is among friendlies in CM and CR. She will discuss with her advisers (aka her brother) about her next move. I wonder if her brother's G5 is setting on the runway at the CM airport? Has she already shipped her thirty steamer trunks full of bounty to CM?

    Gulfstream 5 nice plane, over 1billion THB new.

    I wounder if Mr T has kept up his payments on it, lov to see it featured on "Airplane Repo".cheesy.gif

    It's probably powered by rice rolleyes.gif

    Paid for by Thai rice farmer, da^n the cost.

  2. Give her a break. She is among friendlies in CM and CR. She will discuss with her advisers (aka her brother) about her next move. I wonder if her brother's G5 is setting on the runway at the CM airport? Has she already shipped her thirty steamer trunks full of bounty to CM?

    Good and she will have a new criminal charge for help e fugitive on thai soil clap2.gif

    Please explain. How is her brother's G5 setting on the CM runway helping a fugitive?

  3. She's an out of touch, political crony. Ambassadorships are the jewel of political favor repayments for the President of the US. You'd get better information about the Thai investment environment for Americans by talking to her cat.

    She is simply not qualified as an ambassador to any country. Such a silly woman she is, have you ever seen her mixing with the Thais and how openly she sucks up?

    • Like 1
  4. Give her a break. She is among friendlies in CM and CR. She will discuss with her advisers (aka her brother) about her next move. I wonder if her brother's G5 is setting on the runway at the CM airport? Has she already shipped her thirty steamer trunks full of bounty to CM?

    • Like 2
  5. Well this should keep the conspiracy theorists, from both camps, going for a while.

    ''Navy commander Admiral Narong Pipatanasai had been told of the arrests and the allegation, and had ordered an investigation into the matter, the spokesman said. He said it was unlikely the five men had anything to do with an attack on anti-government protesters at a rally in Khao Saming in nearby Trat on Saturday night''...

    ''Muang Rayong police chief Pol Colonel Sukitti Sawaikiat said police documents showed no record of the five being detained''..

    The plot thickens?

    Back in the day when I was a barstool Navy Seal, and an honorary member of the Delta force none of this would ever happen. It's all BS and Thai politics. Forget about it!!!

    • Like 2
  6. That is so thai!

    Many years ago when I first moved to Thailand I tried to help a young lady that was being brutally beaten by a man. I reached down and touched the guy's shoulder to pull him off and ask him to stop, in two heartbeats there were a "dogpack" of Thais that surrounded me and told me to leave. Don't even know where they came from but I am a fast learner and never will do that again.

  7. Snig27, on 25 Feb 2014 - 17:42, said:

    Protest Leader? He's not the protest leader, he's the front for his bosses.

    And one who clearly doesn't care how many innocents die as long as he gets his way.

    So you are accusing him of being behind the child killings? Ridiculous, any able minded person knows who is behind this!

    Snig, so what, would that be anything akin to YL, the entire PT party and their boss in Dubai? Is all the PT party only a front, my guess is yes.

  8. Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today flatly ruled out dialogue with the government to end Thailand’s political conflicts.

    Surprise, surprise.

    Since the beginning, this dispute has been about winner takes all and their taking no prisoners. It appears that without the intervention of a third party, something else with real clout behind it, than this situation will never be resolved peacefully.

    How about Khun Suthep agreeing to talk with Ms. Yingluk to discuss all these current issues/problems, but the discussion will be between only the two of them, with a live audience televised live on all TV channels. No substitutes allowed. My guess is she will refuse that invitation and then Khun Suthep can continue with his mission.

    • Like 1
  9. Could't agree more. Tell YL, her brother and all the rest of PT to pound sand.

    Pound sand...<deleted> does that mean?

    Are you telling them to put a couple of quid on the sand? or get a hammer each and "pound sand" at say Pattaya beach?

    God you read some dribble on this forum bah.gif

    No insult intended, but if you don't know what "go pound sand" means, you are obviously not an American, or you are, but one under the age of 40.

    "The origin of the expression go pound sand is from a longer expression, not to know (have enough sense to) pound sand down a rathole. Filling rat holes with sand is menial work, and telling someone to pound sand down a hole is like telling them to go fly a kite. The expression dates to at least 1912 and is common in the midwestern United States."
    Source: Urban Dictionary.
    by anonymous October 31, 2003

    Thank you kindly Just1!voice. You are spot on and a much better explanation than I could give.


  10. Yeah I quite like Hua Hin myself and I have a good friend who lives there with his Thai wife and I have visited him several times over the last few years.

    Maybe you should should consider Khao Lak as its a lovely area and further north is a place called Tukka pa and its a lovely spot as well.

    Access to these areas from Phuket airport is reasonably good as well.

    Phuket Island itself is quite good in several areas as long as you keep clear of Patong Beach as thats a tourist trap and a shit hole.

    I quite like Kata beach as its a nice quiet area but still has good amenities.

    Good luck with the travel.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks again, will try to post a trip report upon our return

  11. I have seen a few people recommend Chalelarn Hotel, l have not stayed there but looks great.

    Try Agoda web site for the best price.

    Price isn't always an indication of quality or great location so check trip advisor reviews.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Many thanks, had a look and is worth further looks. Friends have recommended Aleenta. We are actually bored with Hua Hin proper but do like the area. We are frequent visitors to HH for twenty years, drive south is easy and not too far from Bangkok but we need a change..

  12. At one point, Thaksin owned almost 50% of Air Asia. I would double check, if he is out of it, before believing the Air Asia Announcement.

    That was another conflict of interest...owning almost half of Air Asia and then slowly demolishing Thai Airlines, the Government owned, once profitable corporation.

    One thing that baffles me is, that Thai politicians don't even try very hard to hide their corrupt practices. I think, the US and Canadian Politicians, are just as corrupt, but they are doing a lot better job hiding it.

    I did like the one commercial I seen on Blueskychannel.tv today, that showed some Government offical receiving the "brown envelope" from another person. Meanwhile a subordinate watches this and when the offical comes to give him the paper to process, the subordinate rips up the paper and the whole office is pointing their finger at the corrupt boss.

    Commercials like that go a long ways in having the public stand up against corruption and actually exposing it at all levels.

    Corruption is a cancer that festers in every level of society here. In the end, nobody really benefits from it. We all loose! wai2.gif

    I am with you that corruption is a cancer that destroys economies. However, I don't agree that US and Canadian politicians are as corrupt. There are always going to be dishonest people, anywhere but generally this is a minority.

    In Thailand corruption is accepted as a way of life. If starts with a simple police check by the roadside where everyone knows you can pay to avoid trouble right up to the PM abusing position.

    It runs through everything and can only be stamped out when attitudes change towards it. Put simply when people see it as the poison it is and stop accepting and tolerating it things will change.. Until then nothing will happen.

    Yes, corruption top to bottom and wall to wall. A friend of mine (Farang) just had his five year drivers license renewed. He took all the required tests and was told if he needed his new license in a hurry it would cost him Baht 500, other wise take a seat and wait. He negotiated Baht 300 and was out the door with new license in ten minutes.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

    Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


    Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

    Sadam Hussein was an elected leader too.

  14. Without seeing the setup, and assuming the sediment filter can be used by water being drawn through it rather than pushing through or dropping in. Then i guess it should work.

    For my sand filter (home made) I think the sand would be drawn through if there was suction, because it is a gravity system and it is designed for seepage not pressure.

    This is the kind of sediment filter I'm talking about. How one can know if it can be used to suck the water through instead of pushing ?


    In my experience you should never filter on the suction side of the pump, always filter on the output/pressure side. A foot strainer on the suction side is what you should have, not a filter. IMO.

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