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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Never forget that many of these squirrely Maoist groups have been lying in wait for years, if not decades, to achieve their ambitions of social revolutionary transformation. They've turned Nepal into a nuthouse, they infest the jungles of the Philippines and India, and now they are resurfacing, here, in Thailand. The true heirs to Peru's Shining Path. Tida and her Maoist terror gang.

    Do you check under your bed at night to see if there are commies hiding there?

    Gkid, what a silly and childless thing to say. My guess is that you are barely out of your teen years.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The government should step down immediately.

    We have seen how there supporters support them in Trat last night. If it is to be a civil war it will be the actions of the government supporters.

    Whatever you may think of the PDRC movement, they have only ever flared up into violence, when provoked by others. They are light years away from the red plague in Thailand that uses violence for its own ends. I am disgusted that so many here can still seem to side with these red dogs. Shame on you all

    As if throwing grenades into the peaceful protests, shooting them from ministry rooftops, siccing Tarit and Chalerm's dogs of war on them wasn't already an attempt to "deal with them". Good greif, what an utter mess this Thaksin remuneration and blanket amnesty for all his crimes past,present and future has turned out to be.

    No bias in any of these posts then?

    Right as rain you are. Absolutely you are seeing things correctly.

  3. So YL is in hiding and has not been seen in 4 days. How do they know she is even in BKK?

    Only a few days ago it was announced plans were being made for her to go north on a mission to (oversee) the drought problem. I guess she is sufficiently scared now to be in hiding and must be doing her caretaker job via facebook. Either that or she is on a shopping trip?

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Doing as she is doing makes it easier for her to make a fast get-away if things really goes sideways. I feel sure she is being told by Dubai what to do on a daily basis. If in essan she can scamper across the border into Cambo and be protected by the Dubai dandy's good buddy. The G5 private jet is probably already on standby.

  4. Didnt Suthep just make s direct threat to the red shirts suggesting they may be shot at? And tjat "masked popcorn shooter" was from the Dems crowd. That was a direct threat from mr. HONORABLE Suthep.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Is your post a question or what? I had a Lt. in the field that was always asking questions and trying to disguise his questions with orders, He never made it home.

  5. The court ruling has left Bangkok in a state of lawlessness. The court must define it ruling on how far the protesters can go. When you think about them blocking people rights to vote at some polling stations and blocking roads and bridges and saying this is there peaceful right. Well what about the right of those who live and work in the city. The civil court has taken away their civil rights.

    "The court ruling has left Bangkok in a state of lawlessness."

    A thousand pardons RS but when exactly was any Thai government (or anyone else in the Kingdom for that matter) standing by the "Rule of Law"? There has never been any "Rule of Law" in this country except when it suits anyone's particular needs or desires. The courts can state whatever they please, but until there is compliance with the "Rule of Law", it's all rather pointless, isn't it? The court this, the court that ... so what! Look around mate. They will all continue doing whatever they please, as is evident by the current going-on's. Nothing changes ... yet! coffee1.gif

    Good post Dap and spot on IMHO.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Hmm... We now know who the mysterious men in black of 2010 were. Suthep sympathisers from the military acting as agents provocateur. We know who started the fire in Central to justify the murder of innocent protestors. In 2014 we know that a "mysterious" (according to the Nation) grenade was shot at the police by the men in black among the PDRC protestors, and that one protestor was shot by his own side (which is why he had to make the point that he knew it was police because he was getting ready to turn around). We also recall when the Thai government used the only known explosive tear gas grenades to blow off the legs of PAD protestors by striking them in the pocket area of their pants (we reject the alternative explanation that these were poorly constructed homemade explosives that accidentally went off in protestors pockets as to far-fetched to be believable).

    You could just as easily say that the "MIB" seen in these protests are red shirt supporters acting as "agents provocateur.

    We do know that the red shirts started a fire in Central World in 2010. I'm not sure what they were trying to justify.

    Which protester was shot by his own side?
    Actually, we don't quite "know" the fire was started by red shirts. Most available evidence points to military officers who deliberately started the fire to deflect attention from and justify their murderous suppression of peaceful democracy demonstrators.

    To understand who was shot by their own side, read (between the lines of) the article above. Its very clear.

    Actually, most evidence, ie photos, show the red shirt protesters throwing stuff on fires in the building. Plenty of conspiracy theories talk about the army doing it. Not much evidence of that though.

    Sent from my phone ...

    With all the publicity the MIB will soon become the men in ?????????????.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A brilliant idea, hope it keeps working. I am sure the Singapore wealth fund that bought
    into AIS is regretting it now.....

    Have a look at the huge share price increase over the last few years. I am quite sure they do not regret anything :-)

    I hate to agree with you monkey but I don't think this is a good plan by Mr. Sutep.

  8. So for all the comments above , intruding / tresspassing is not a criminal offence in your country's ? try to be a little honoust , even for who ever you are supporting ...a little fair play in this "Thai soap game"

    You have to ask. Is it trespassing if it is a government building. Ie : the lobby of said building?

    Surely during opening hours any Thai citizen is allowed access!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You can't be serious? Allowed access to legitimately use government facilities is one thing. Demonstrating inside a building to shut it down is another. There are rules you have to follow in public buildings otherwise you will be arrested and removed. The airport is a government building but you can't just go shut it down because you are a Thai national and have the right to do so. Your post is so off base that it is astounding.

    You from the Ukraine anotheruser? Please don't respond with your

    hair-splitting crap!

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I don't see a good end to this. If either side gains control, it's still graft and chaos. On the one hand there is proper democracy which might leave the Shinawatra clan in charge, on the other is anti-democracy Suthep.

    I don't even see a lesser of two evils.

    You're clearly not allowing yourself to see the potential advancements that could be made because you regard the current situation under the Shin clan as being a "proper democracy"...!!

    Yes, take that man to the gas chamber, show him the bright future our leader will bring.

    All hail Suthep!!!!

    All hail the great leader!!!!

    Now where did those tractors go?

    gas chamber are for real you foolish moron...w00t.gif alt=w00t.gif>


    what the devil are you? Your gas chamber mention is repulsive; Your should have your sack slit and have you leg run through it, that is if you are a man.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Let's see how long the Shinawatras will stay now that their own money is being threatened. Yingluck will say bye bye soon I bet! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

    Gerry...you have said 'bye bye' 150 times....doesn't seem to be happening

    And you've said that the protests would fade away 151 times and they're still around aren't they?

    Duh, they are fading away...every day the crowd is less and less. Last photo i saw, there was practically no body there. facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif alt=facepalm.gif width=24 height=18>

    Just because you don't see them does not mean they are not there.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Stock runs up and down happen in relation to fear, speculation and manipulation all the time. Its quite expected under the circumstances. The assets themselves are untouched ... their value remains ... and the stock prices will go up again in time. Price now is mere manipulation by clever people trying to use circumstances to make stupi people scared. Personally I recommend waiting for another 5 to 10% drop and then buying ... then selling 5% short of the previous top ... it will happen eventually irrelevant of the current political turmoil. There's a quick buck to be made if you can see past the idiots predicting the end of the world for the shinawatras

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Call us when you're kitted out with the personal Lear and the estate in the Bahamas then...

    Who and what are 'stupi people'?

  12. Ok, lets add to the nation incredible story for them.

    Farmers have pulled out and are heading home.

    Headline - tens of thousands of farmers decide to have no truck with suthep and cancel their rally. yep, 20,000 farmers just withdrew support from him.

    Wonder how they will spin the numbers now

    What happens when 'next week' doesn't arrive? Do you think they are going home to kiss their Shin family portraits on the strength of a (likely false) promise?

    No matter the outcome, paid or not this group will not be returning to Bangkok and this was Barnhan's plan all along.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What a brave darling of Issan she is, taking the offensive from a keyboard. Show some leadership and call a press conference and make these claims in person and back them up by answering the hard questions. After all Poo has the ice-cream gang and her caddy backing her up.

    "What a brave darling of Issan she is,.taking the offensive from a keyboard"

    And Mr Waza what exactly are you then? Aren't you a keyboard warrior'?

    In case it had escaped your attention, Mr Waza isn't running the country.

    Mind you, neither is YL

    You are 100% correct.Thaksin the convicted criminal- on- the -run is controlling the country, YL and her minions.

    • Like 2
  14. False Kittiratt. This is also illegal. Bonds are debts and the government needs to pay interest over their debts.

    The only thing the government can do is beg for money, pray for donations or sell their rice.

    Selling rice on the open international market seems to be quite a reach when this government is accused of dumping rice out the back door against international marketing/trade rules. If true YL should be jailed immediately..

    • Like 2
  15. I have a lot more understanding of the agricultural sector than you imagine, and it is not just the rice crop that is now being affected, other government policies are causing problems too.

    But please go ahead, buy some binds for you "karma" - I would prefer to rely more on sound financial analysis, rather than bleeding heart ideology.

    I hope you can feed your kids on "karma" or if you have so much money that you can waste some, why not put it to some better direct use - there are a lot of things you can contribute to directly through charities and NGOs that would have a lot more benefit than buying junk bonds that carry no guarantee that the proceeds go to the deserving.

    Do something positive for Thailand and the community for a change

    Not trying to stir your pot but Please explain your position in plain English please. Just one simple sentence would be nice and I will thank you..

  16. If this hole the government keeps digging gets any bigger the entire country is going to disappear down it. sad.png

    Something is very wrong, this last group of farmers that spent three days to come to Bangkok and were sent back in one day with their tails between their legs. Of course this was all accomplished in part by another of Thaksin's lapdogs Barnhan. I do try to keep up but I am at a total loss as to where this is all heading.

    Floating bonds is not a short term deal when you start from zero, it will take a few months to raise enough money to pay these farmers and the success largely depends on the public investors. I cannot imagine this scheme will be anywhere near successful, smoke, mirrors and lies comes to mind.

    So now what do the farmers do if there are no payments next week as promised. They are bored and will not return to Bangkok which IMO was this government's goal all along. They could not afford having this group anywhere near the city. IMO no matter what happens, money paid or not this group will not return to Bangkok.

    have to agree with you, something weird was going on with Barnhan, it was like PTP were leading a march against themselves, did Barnhan hijack the farmers protest or was he leading a group to challenge the PDRC, there is something just not quite right about what went on here, did all the farmers just turn around and go home ? on the basis of another government promise

    Any time Barnhan is in anyway involved you can bet it will be a sad ending for democracy. He sticks his head out of his hole when Thaksin beckons. Barnhan is on par with iLerm.

    • Like 1
  17. If this hole the government keeps digging gets any bigger the entire country is going to disappear down it. sad.png

    Something is very wrong, this last group of farmers that spent three days to come to Bangkok and were sent back in one day with their tails between their legs. Of course this was all accomplished in part by another of Thaksin's lapdogs Barnhan. I do try to keep up but I am at a total loss as to where this is all heading.

    Floating bonds is not a short term deal when you start from zero, it will take a few months to raise enough money to pay these farmers and the success largely depends on the public investors. I cannot imagine this scheme will be anywhere near successful, smoke, mirrors and lies comes to mind.

    So now what do the farmers do if there are no payments next week as promised. They are bored and will not return to Bangkok which IMO was this government's goal all along. They could not afford having this group anywhere near the city. IMO no matter what happens, money paid or not this group will not return to Bangkok.

  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Suthep's campaign has clearly had a great deal of success, because devalued stock sends investment away. As the public now begins to focus on these companies and whether or not they wish to patronize them or not, Thaksin today closed his hotel's doors to farmers, who were booked with the help of the PDRC, as companies that had a past association with Thaksin now vehemently maintain they have nothing to do with him. Even if they don't, the public statements make clear business sense. They don't want an exodus of investment. GBS set a cautionary example of the power of a boycott.

    Please don't give Suthep credit for this he is not smart enough to think that out. It's was the fake monk who came up with it.

    Red Snake are you fifteen years old? Where do you come up with these diaper loads???

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Anyone looking at the picture posted with this story will not be surprised that the administration was quite determined about this not taking place. And the only thing that could have deterred it would have been yet another promise. But now that the proposed event has been cancelled, the farmers enter yet another of the Yingluck administration's promised timelines. The problem is - with each one that is not met - simply angers the farmers even more. Although the administration has promised payment by next week, there is no way they can actually do it from any constitutional or practical means possible. 130 baht is a huge amount of money, and they are beyond the constitutional capacity to raise it. And yet, the farmers are in Bangkok. Tens of thousands of them. And they are not leaving. Nor have they stopped pressuring the administration. The fact that splinters within the Pheu Thai coalition are already happening is in itself interesting. Indeed - as one of farmers states here - this crippled caretaker administration has no longer the ability to deal with this. The sooner they step down, the sooner the farmers are more likely to be paid.

    They've got one week to pay, then those farmers are coming back.

    I have a difficult time to believe what we are reading/seeing is real. Why would these farmers spend three days on the road to come to Bangkok, spend one night and then return to Essan or wherever it is they come from? Was the leaders of this group paid off for the purpose of taking these people home? No idea but all this just smacks of some sort of corruption.

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