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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. Good job by the dems and PDRC to prevent payment!

    there just rice farmers, why whould they change their colors and care now?

    You forgot the EC and the Constitutional Court, whoever put that clause in whichever constitution, and the banks and investors who recognise the illegality of the loans.

    It's a huge conspiracy to make PTP look inept and corrupt, as if they needed help.

    Please tell what PTP has ever done that does not make them look inept?

  2. How will the thug gaurds survive now that they cannot extort money from all of the traders who have set up in the protests sites?

    What are thug gaurds? Are that those killed animals from Kui Buri National Park? And where did you get the extortion facts? Imaginary friends I guess.

    Suthep made a wise decision to slow down a bit.His role is nearly over.It's time for the other players: the courts, the farmers and the reds!

    Suthep postponed the election and therefor killed the Amnesty Bill, exposed the rice scam and got Yingluck in a Chiang Mai corner!

    The courts, if unbiased, will do the rest of the shaving and the reds being aggressive as in their nature will put the final nail in the coffin of the Shin crew!

    For whatever reason(s) K. Suthep moved his base to Lumpini and closed all the other venues makes perfect sense. He has succeeded to do what he set out to do (and he knows it) and that is to bring this government down along with the Shins, it will become very clear to all within the next thirty days. The reds are stirring the pot and threatening, the government is on the ropes and the Dubai guy I feel sure is extremely desperate and K. Prayut is angry. If things goes completely sideways the people at Lumpini can be dispersed in short order, and the streets are reopened, win, win. Just my sincere opinion.

    Suthep has failed and will shortly slink off into the dark - this contest is over.

    Out of curiosity, what do you do with the goats once you have roped them?

    BBQ them.

  3. If you got the money knock yourself out but in my opinion it is just a glorify Toyota Fortuna that is important therefore the ridiculous import tax like 40% more. Benz and BMW great but limited to service as far as I can see. If you drive it upcountry and it breaks down What and where?

    Save the money but if you got it knock yourself out! enjoy!

    Spot on IMO, a spruced up Fortuna. I have never owned a Lexus but have a couple friends that own one and both say they OK vehicles are not worth the $$$$. In Thailand I have owned two Camrys, the first one was great, the second one is a total POS!! I am currently in the market for a new Accord. No more Toyota's for me.

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  4. How will the thug gaurds survive now that they cannot extort money from all of the traders who have set up in the protests sites?

    What are thug gaurds? Are that those killed animals from Kui Buri National Park? And where did you get the extortion facts? Imaginary friends I guess.

    Suthep made a wise decision to slow down a bit.His role is nearly over.It's time for the other players: the courts, the farmers and the reds!

    Suthep postponed the election and therefor killed the Amnesty Bill, exposed the rice scam and got Yingluck in a Chiang Mai corner!

    The courts, if unbiased, will do the rest of the shaving and the reds being aggressive as in their nature will put the final nail in the coffin of the Shin crew!

    For whatever reason(s) K. Suthep moved his base to Lumpini and closed all the other venues makes perfect sense. He has succeeded to do what he set out to do (and he knows it) and that is to bring this government down along with the Shins, it will become very clear to all within the next thirty days. The reds are stirring the pot and threatening, the government is on the ropes and the Dubai guy I feel sure is extremely desperate and K. Prayut is angry. If things goes completely sideways the people at Lumpini can be dispersed in short order, and the streets are reopened, win, win. Just my sincere opinion.

  5. Well whoever takes over the Government still has to sell that rice and pay the farmers..

    True, but very difficult to sell rotten rice so there will be nothing to sell. Evaluation from some Thai 'rice experts' they estimate up to 75% of this existing stored rice will be rotten by the time all is this political mess is settled. Sad really.

    • Like 1
  6. "They actually achieved all of their goals, you just haven't realized it yet!"

    The living in denial brigade are waking up to defend their leader!!!

    Not exactly

    Some are they are trying to raise an army of 600,000

    While others want to quit and run . Set up a new nation.

    "Some" are playing with fire.

  7. Looks like Suthep and his "men" have sold out on their principle. It's clearly a sell out and rationalization. A typical Thai sell out. They have achieved nothing.

    They actually achieved all of their goals, you just haven't realized it yet!

    I also believe they did accomplish their goals, They brought this government and YL out into the sunlight for all to see, except for the red's and they don't give a rat's about having an honest government. They think the Baht 15k/ton paid for their rice is eternal and as soon as K. Suthep is gone the government ill have s**t pots of money to play and pay with.

    • Like 1
  8. Hmmm….landlocked country with hostile neighbour controlling all the trade and transport links. Yep, that'll work.

    It worked well for Switzerland for all of the 20th century.

    And why would the central region be a "hostile neighbour" ?? The north controls the rivers and if it wanted could flood the entire central region.

    How many international banks will they open or attract just like Switzerland? Landlocked Like prosperous Laos, ALL goods shipped in from China, Laos and Burma, no exports as well. Governed by China. Control the rivers!? You have go to be kidding! Lanna is not in the Central region.

  9. Well I guess the "donations" are down for Suthep (SUSPECT!), and I'm sure many would be interested to know where all the "donations" thus far have gone!?? As the line says in "Tropic Thunder" movie, "I have a Bad Feeling about this One"!! (ie: Suthep)

    I very much doubt it has anything to do with funding, the game has moved on. Suthep has continually out maneuvered the government, and the pieces are falling into place for check mate on Yingluck.

    Nice try at suggesting that Suthep has stolen the money.

    I agree MT. IMO funding was never an issue, the gathering of money in the street parades were mostly for show and to garner support. I believe YL is history IMO and can anyone in their right mind imagine this government ever running This again? What is even more astonishing is the degree of massive in your face corruption like has never been seen before in Thailand and it all seems business as usual.

  10. And what sort of right has the Dusit Puppet to demand these sorts of things? Oh, that's right: none. Let's face it he's an intellectual midget next to her (remind me what educational levels he reached) but he can out-thug her anytime of course. Why on earth should she sit in the same room as someone who has threatened to have her and her family eradicated?

    Isn't YL the one that has been requesting talks with Suthep? I think about three times she has requested. Now she instantly declines when offered as it will be broadcast on live TV.

  11. As soon as the army secures the perimeters of the Bangkok , Yingluck will move to Chang Mai .

    RED shirts will cheer her there as she makes her attempt to make permanent HQ there .

    The longer she will stay there the faster RED shirts will ask to break the country in 2 ... You will see

    The army has set up 1 bunker...no doubt there will be several more in the coming days....I would hardly call it "securing the perimeters of Bangkok"

    She can stay in Chiang Mai indefinitely...(or until an arrest warrant is issued)...it doesn't mean the north is then going to secede....the reds aren't going to call the shots here...!

    I have a feeling simply based on what is happening that there will be an arrest warrant issued on YL, hence she is in the north ready for her quick get away for her trip to Dubai. I feel she has been ordered out of Bangkok by her boss-brother.

    I wonder who will arrest her if an arrest warrant is issued or will she just head on to Dubai?

  12. Reminds me of the last days of Hitler taking refuge in his bunker...while the country around him was falling like ten pins.

    Add a few other corrupt regimes to that list as well, Marcos and Suharto spring to mind.

    Soon as YL is formerly charged she will be one step closer to Dubai IMO. Her brother has ordered her to CM, CR just in case things get really nasty in Bangkok.

    Wasn't there some famous Thai fortune teller a couple years ago that predicted YL would suffer the same fate as her brother?

  13. I wonder how she will determine exactly when the 'last minute' is? Anybody know?

    Perhaps when the election is completed, the results are declared and show that she no longer commands a majority.

    Mind you if she does command a majority that last minute may be four years away!

    That's unlikely I'll grant, as if the election results are anywhere close to her winning they will never be declared.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I just cannot get it into my head she will ever be able to be PM again, seems to me she is too far gone to ever return. Too much of who she is has been exposed. I wonder if she going to CM/CR because of the outside chance a bench warrant for her arrest could be issued? The Thai way is to give her a chance to run but due to the possible charges against her she/her brother might be afraid of this happening. Where else has a sitting/care taker PM ever ran like she has and is afraid to meet her constituents in person? Any thoughts or am I way out there?

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