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Goat Roper

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Posts posted by Goat Roper

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Suthep called on shareholders of Shinawatra-owned or affiliated companies, such as Advanced Info Service and residential developer SC Asset, to sell their stakes en mass"

    what would that achieve?... except for losses for existing investors and gains for anyone who has taken a short position in the stocks prior to Suthep's statement?...

    I wonder how many shares Suthep sold the day before he announced this boycott. laugh.png

    Keep wondering and quit grabbing for straws.

  2. looks like brand new tractors, unlike agricultural machinery which is seen in the countryside.

    somebody lend them to the farmers?

    also it looks like there are several groups, each with a different objective. It seems somebody is playing politics, instead for the farmers to represent themselves.

    those national flags on the tractors are worrying, a nationalist card is played too often in thai politics, always against interests of the majority

    What has tractors got to do with anything?! Unless you are into tractors and other Thailand farm vehicles which you seem to be. It's the people on those tractors that are important.

  3. The situation is indeed coming to a head for all the reasons pointed out in this article and more. Chalerms's defiance yesterday of the Civil Court's order not to use violent dispersal of the protests - is likely the definitive factor. Never before has a cabinet minister - or anyone invested with so much power - issued such a blanket defiance of a court ruling. By so doing, Chalerm has set himself above the law. Having said that, the Civil Court's ruling stands, and if Chalerm defies that ruling by use of violent dispersal, the army may very well step in in defense of the court's ruling. The Civil Court has given the army a means to judge if a line has been crossed. But that notwithstanding, the courts are proceeding, and the administration - now caught in a cul-de-sac political vacuum from which there is no path out - has nowhere to go.

    Don't worry, iLerm will never go against court orders. He is a coward and full of BS and is all talk. His spewing of BS is all for show for his boss the Dubai Dandy. iLerm is for the most part inert and nothing more than a noise maker.

  4. The newspaper is giving Suthep and now Abhisit a lot of press space and coverage. The Thai press is showing their blatantly partisan favoritism at the expense of evangelizing true rights and freedoms inherent in the one man one vote principle.

    We don't see the Thai press campaigning for the voting rights of poor Thais standing around in front of their shacks with no teeth and warn down rubber flip flops and the the towel around their neck. Rather instead, we see a lot of press space provided for the establishment and the elite privileged class seeking to run Thailand with a "people's council" run by 185 elite/establishment/privileged insiders rather than the ordinary man on the street.

    Do you know any place in the 'western' world that does not pick sides? Why complain about the press in Thailand and point fingers.

  5. I'd like to say "Take em down, arrest everyone, stop all this nonsense". But it would be better to continue as before. Find a way to continue "care-taking" despite the protest annoyances and let his numbers continue to dwindle on their own as people get tired and leave from the lack of effectiveness that they are having and the fact that they have no real clearly formulated goal in sight anyway.

    What is hell are you on about?!

  6. That right put the blame where it belongs. Farmers are not very smart they been duped by Suthep.

    Please explain. How has this been done?

    I am not going to waste my time trying to explain to you. You would never understand anyway. Like talking to a brick wall.

    I don't think many of us understand much at all of what you write... to be honest.

    What makes you qualified to evaluate how smart the farmers are? A little out of your league aren't you!!!

  7. I wonder if Mr.Thaksin still thinks he can save his party ....

    But he is far away, his sister may take the full blast

    I hope she takes the 'full blast' and then some. The duke of Dubai will know when to pull her out on a chartered midnight flight to Dubai with fifty steamer trunks on board. On several occasions different PTP minions have said these actions are on me and not Yingluck. Don't they/she realize she is the boss and responsible for everything that goes on in government?!

    You don't Blame the cook when the ship runs aground! I hope she is the first one jailed over this mess.

  8. The Democrat Party is not part of the government. Why are they owed an explanation about the rice scheme? The rice farmers are the party to this dispute and it is the farmers to whom the government owes an explanation.

    Every Thai have the right to ask where the money come from. Whats wrong with you? Wonder sometimes how dumb a comment can be, and than anybody come and topple...facepalm.gif

    Yes, I agree that every Thai citizen has the right to transparency from its government. But when the Democrats no longer have the balls to be part of the solution by being a part of the government, they have disenfranchised and disengaged themselves from the 'process'. Now that they are acting 'concerned' is totally disingenuous to me. Stay and fight or stay on the sidelines like they chose to do!

    Would that transparency you speak of include the convicted criminal on the run the 'Duke of Dubai'?

  9. Who should be responsible for the government’s failure on overdue payments?

    The highest percentage of 35.92 named the caretaker prime minister, followed by the Cabinet at 32.33 per cent, the commerce minister at 16.58 per cent, the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee at 9.85 per cent,

    There will always be people with lower mental capabilities, in the Thai society.

    If a ship runs aground you don't blame the cook.

    • Like 1
  10. This is a shameful day for Thailand.

    Why is it a shameful day? I have been in SE Asia for the better part of 38 years and I don't call this a shameful day. Please explain your expert view.

    Mr. Yoon of the nation described Thai politics pretty darn well and I still don't understand.

    Thai politics: A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

  11. This is a shameful day for Thailand.

    Why is it a shameful day? I have been in SE Asia for the better part of 38 years and I don't call this a shameful day. Please explain your expert view.

    Mr. Yoon of the nation described Thai politics pretty darn well and I still don't understand.

    Thai politics: A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

  12. ..a drop in the ocean relative to reserves ( not that I support the scheme as structured)

    You like TS cannot get your mind's off Thailand's foreign reserves, why is that?

    Because some people like to raise the speculation that Thailand cannot meet its debts. It can...plenty of reserves, a healthy bottom line, even in the context of some bad policies. This not like the govts following the last coup...they ran mega deficits of hundreds of billions of Baht

    My question is still the same. The government owes and wants to borrow Baht 180 Billion to pay farmers for rice pledges, what has that go to do with foreign reserves? Where is the collateral for this massive loan, the foreign reserves?

    • Like 2
  13. Ever heard of poking a bear with a stick?

    His facebook a/c may have been hacked or his password stolen. The comment could have taken out of context. The whole thing could be a complete lie. In this game of controlling the narrative, one needs to consider who stands to gain from making this the non-story of the day. The Nation needs to teach its journalists the difference between personal and personnel.

    anything is possible but given red shirt history and words which cannot be disputed ill believe threat is genuine. Any group of people who can throw contaminated HIV blood around try to kit-nap Abahist offer 5 million for Supep's head are not a group you can give much if any benefit of doubt

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