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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 17 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

    Ok, you're right and I'm wrong. As your were sir ?

    You must have misread what I wrote. I said I WAS a liberal(thousands of similar stories on the youtubes). Thanks to the identity politics of the Left I snapped out of it. It was a journey but I'm a hard-right conservative now.


    I was far left also same as you.I was even labelled a commie by some. I was forced to  move from my province and city and 2 houses because of my left leanings. at the time. 

      Now I have gone right also.Right is right as far as I can see in these times.

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  2. 2 hours ago, katana said:

    There do seem to be quite a few of these videos on Youtube:


    I could not watch the video all the way through. I was so sick looking at it. Hard to believe this can happen to a country by non citizens. They just come to the country and abuse and bring it down. Send them all back and live safe and happy.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Last time i looked at Honda they had three grades of battery. Good,better and best. The difference is less that 500 baht. Just replace the battery every two years and it will be fine.


    I had a 1986 Cagiva, it also had no kickstart.  But yes could be bump started. Some modern Vespa's also don't have a kick start.


    Need a boost/jump? 98.8% of taxis have cables it is part of their business model. Battery dead? Call a taxi. 



    I use a private shop not honda so not sure  of how many grades of batteries they have but cost was double the first one I replaced .800 as compared to 400. I like the shop the mechanics appear to really know their stuff. 

  4. I had same problem with my Phantom. I went out to local store bought a charger. Got tired of charging it..

      I then ask the mechanic to put in the best battery he could get.I paid double the normal price for my new battery but has not given me a problem since installed.

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  5. I hope this helps. Not what you ask for but something that may help

     I ran for years.Never better than a 6 minute mile but ran a lot. I used to run 10 mile road races back when it was miles not kilometers. I used to simply change my pace when the legs got tired or I got a stitch or lost concentration and got bored.. Try  just changing the pace then work your way back up or over the pace you had set.

      Another thing I did when I got older and used the thread mill is I would try to  reduce the time to run a distance. Pick the pace up earlier in the run and see how time you take off. Or for the last 1/2 kilo pick up the pace. Boredom was my biggest problem so I kept changing and checking just to keep the mind active and not notice how tired I was.

      Do not try and improve the time very day but try and improve the time over 2 weeks or 3 weeks but keep changing pace and moving up the pace earlier in the run.every day.Play with it and see what results you get.

      If endurance is the problem do different things different days also. Do maybe once a week where you run hard for 1 kilo,then walk for 1 kilo then jog for 1 kilo then run hard again etc do this repeatedly about 3 times in the workout. But only once a week at most


  6. TV  is the only forum I have ever joined. I have learned every thing I know about forums right here.

      It seems to me trolls are the biggest problem. But after being in the forum for years I realized all of us when discussing some things can cause emotional reactions from others who oppose our views.  

     That said there are some to me that irritate me more than others and are very aggressive with their views. Some will arque it appears just to arque because a few months later will change their view .E.G. Junta supporters who for months supported them now say hey I want them out. So all their posts in the past were just trolls i would say.

      So any way I am curious as to who each of us see as the posters that disturb others the most with their posts but cannot be called trolls. Just posters that get under your skin

       My 3 are <member names removed> and the new player is <name removed>



  7. 42 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


    Even a very large ship can sink in heavy seas if not skippered correctly. It's a daunting challenge for the helms man. Over my years at sea in small and very large ships I have had more than my share of experiencing wild seas. It's more tricky than you think when wind and sea not running in same direction. These cowboy 'captains' know as much about boats as driving a bus, Same result.    

    I  feel we agree poor skipper skills would be the major problem.

      The size of the boat is irrelevant.  I to have been in many boats and many sea states. 

      If I knew how to put pics on here I could show water breaking over the bow of the HMCS Yellowknife repeatedly. in sequence I took so many.That is not a small ship believe me. But then again I have been on Canadian mine sweepers that become unstable in anything over 15 knot winds with a crew and skipper that believed they could cope with what ever the sea threw at them.

      On my own I have sailed my 27  footer single handed in 50 knot winds riding out a 2 hour squall.With a 120 genie up and full main.

      As the old saying goes the boat can usually take more than the crew.

    • Like 1
  8. The way this is going it makes me wonder what has it got to do with democratic leadership?

      Democracies are I thought by the people for the people.

     Merkel seems to be more of a dictator or want to be emperor. 

    She is in power by bargaining. Not a true representative of democracy. More  a show of a leader who will not  relinquish her power but is not really elected by the people. 

      She is determined to shove her way things are done down the throats of the German's whether they like it or not. 

     I cannot wait to see her gone.And real representatives of the populace take power who ever that will be.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Ulic said:

    Not exactly true as far as I am concerned. If rescue ships are actually turning off transponders so they

    can pick up migrants in Lybian territorial waters and not international waters what is to stop them from

    docking at Lybian ports and making everything safer. No feet ever get wet, smugglers can maximize profits.

    I don't think the smuggler boats even have outboards anymore. They are just towed out a couple of miles

    and they then call/radio "rescue" ships for "Uber Boat" pickup. If the ships are turning off AIS the captains and

    crew should be charged with people smuggling. I am sure they have a professional crew paid by charity groups.

    That would make them paid people smugglers.

    That crossed my mind too. But hey that will bring out the nasty people here that will attack so I stayed away from that.

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