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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I honestly think many posters here are way out their leaque trying to sound intelligent about what Trump is doing and why. Probably none of you have ever been close to playing the game at his level and never will but will come on here and try to get others to believe you know more that Trump and know what he is doing and can for cast the results. Bar stool talk is giving most of these posts to much credit.

    • Like 1
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  2. 7 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    The in the face garbage, smell and dirt problems, piles of rubbish wherever you turn your eye, are one of the main causes for a less and less quality Westerners. Who wants to vacation in such a place. The negative headlines about TH in the press around the world are unprecedented for such a prime tourist destination. Pretty much every visiting friend of mine has reduced his vacation time here or stopped coming all together. TH will not change, as the vacuum is more then filled by Chinese, Indians etc. 

    Pity for the once beautiful Los. MS>

    You are right about Chinese.Indians etc filling the gap. They are used to rats all over the place and garbage evry where so will be very acceptable to them. Thailand needs to do little to keep them coming. As  long as the money keeps coming nothing is wrong as far as Thai's are concerned. Pollution is part of life right.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, timendres said:

    I am just speculating, but is it possible that just the very outer layers of these ice flows were added in the last few decades, and that these plastics could have been trapped in these outer layers?

    Possible but highly improbable. There basically are no new outer layers. Otherwise the ice mass would not be shrinking. The ice is years and I mean years old.


  4. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    At the other end of the world, researchers in Germany reported in April that sea ice floating on the Arctic Ocean contains large amounts of plastic waste, which could be released as the ice thins because of global warming.

    I believed this article till I read this. 

      I spent 2 years in the high arctic and will be damn confident that the ice flows melting are hundreds if not centuries old. 

     For  Germany to make this statement is foolish at best and a lie at the worst. The artic ice flows were created hundreds of years before plastic was even present in the world.

      Why did they take a credible article and add this lie.

      A daily job well there was to auger down in the ice to measure depth.a daily reading was never less than 6 feet no matter where we went. Most of the ice I measured is still there.Ice flows melting are like I said before plastic.

    • Like 2
  5. So what if other nations do not co operate . That is a plus. If no one trades with America it will have to get organized and get back to work.If America cannot get cheap Asian labour  imports and has stopped illegal immgrants. Americans will rebuild and be stronger than ever. If given no choice America will rebuild and be stronger than ever. Just like after the last world war. Just this time lives where not lost. Out of necessity things will change and there will be growth. A phoenix sort of thing.

      I am Canadian it will hurt for the short term but will benefit us  in the long run.

    • Confused 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    This is so slovenly expressed and generally obtuse that it's difficult to understand what point is being made.As it stands it's just vague bar talk.

    Ok sorry if it is hard to understand my point. My point is guys here are discussing this as if it is political and discuss who is playing their game the best.

     I am simply trying to show that this is Thailand and power will do as it pleases. Guys can discuss it till eternity but there are no rules here. The ones who have power keep it with force always have always will. So to talk the crap most are here is just that crap talk.

      Thanatorn  and his party may not even make it to the election. It is very possible a witch hunt will see him out.

      It is good to see intellectual discussion but it is senseless regarding  this. Peoples short term memory is very short term. Remember Yingluck wanting to hold an election.It never happened under threat of lost ballot boxes etc. But there was lots of wasted discussion about how the election would turn out. and it ended up no election because that is what the powers that be wanted. 

       So does any one really believe Thanatorn will get any where. We are wasting our time even giving it notice.

       The powers that be want their charter and will keep it. Trouble makers will be ran out simple as that.Many people here do not understand dynasties.

      Political discussion is great but holds no value in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:



    But what happens if Thanatorn has very powerful backers?


    Remember that in the East power is really exercised by those behind the veiled curtain rather than those in the front.


    Viziers come and go.

    When the military goes after him his present backers if he has many will disappear. He will be left to go down alone.

      Let me relate another story.

      Pitsanulok again.

      There was  young guy  doing quite well. Building resorts opening new restaurants, whole shopping plaza's of small shops etc. One night I went for dinner with an retired army major . I was introduced to a young woman who ask me to go with her the next night to a plaza,that this young man owns I agreed. I think they wanted me to see what was going on,because I had friends who owned shops in the plaza.

     I show up the next night there are 2 Bangkok big wig policemen there we sit with.  Then this young man shows up not the owner his brother. The owner is hiding in the mountains waiting to see how this meeting goes.The police talk t the woman I came with. She talks to the brother of the owner. The police would not even address him had a woman do it.The brother is sweating like a stuffed pig and is nodding and agreeing to every thing that is said. In the end the police let the brother go to tell his brother in hiding to come out. All the properties this man had sat empty for more than a decade. Perhaps 2 decades I quit paying attention.. The man lost it all but was spared his life.


    • Like 1
  8. 59 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


    hhhm. Maybe.


    I suspect the big guns don't yet consider him a threat - partly through arrogance and partly through the legendary Thai stupidity. He's a threat alright, but not because of what he is but because of what I suspect is his representing what I perceive as a seething and simmering resentment of Prayuth, an awakening of sorts. Late yes, but that's Thailand, a day late and a dollar short on most things useful.


    So the powers that be will wait and bluster until it's too late for anything but violence to work, even if that violence is only searching around for  convenient peg to hand yet another election delay on. There are at least 2 upcoming bereavements that would fill the bill, and both of them have large bodies of water named after them.

    I am quite sure this will happen. I have seen it before.

     I knew a guy in Wang thong near Pitsanulok that was a politician from Bangkok. He  had picture hanging on his wall at home of Ronald Reagan  meeting and shaking his hand at the airport in the USA. This guy was quite successful in Bangkok and area well his party was in power. He  had a chain of convenience stores and was doing well. When the army decided to go after him he lost it all in 3 months. Moved to Wang Thong with one of his wife's,3 daughters and grandson. His family tried to make a go of it . But all his daughters were banned from the markets in Pitsanulok  and then banned from the markets in Wang Thong.He could not even keep up with payments on a small 2 bedroom home. Moved to  Isaan  and ended up making and selling white whiskey .

       Thanatorn is a thorn and he will be removed for sure.To just suggest what he did is to write his political end. Threat or not he is a problem. They will remove the problem.

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