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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Last night I cycled back home, which takes 40 minutes, and during that time I counted over 50 dogs on the street... and there were many more on peoples property.. thankfully behind gates and fences.


    I had 3 instances of a dog going to attack me during that one cycle ride home.


    2 happened with 2 big packs of dogs... and one was a surprise attack from a single dog rushing out of a gate.


    We had feral dogs here kill a calf, break into my chicken coop and kill my chickens, kill my guinea fowl, attack my own pet dog. The big dogs at the village temple are really dangerous, having bitten several people and caused many people to fall off their motorbikes passing the temple. 


    I am an animal lover, but when dangerous disease ridden feral dogs attack people, other animals, each other, and also live pitiful lives full of pain and suffering.... I can not see how anyone can defend their existence like that on the streets. They also mess the place up by ripping open bin bags and spreading rubbish all over the street..  which also attracts more rats.


    I can also understand why people resort to kicking them, poisoning etc.  I have been badly bitten once several years ago.. which required numerous stitches and I still have a big scar on my leg.  Only last month I was bitten enough to draw blood and had to have a set of anti rabies shots. 


    Someone suggested I feed the dogs and make friends with them.  How can I do that with over 50 dogs every night? 


    When I am cycling and a dog is about to bite my leg.. its teeth and breath on my skin?  Should I stop and give it a cuddle and a can of dog food?  Or take it home on my shoulders to keep as a house pet?   I don't think so.....


    Pepper and other sprays are useless... as the dogs attacks can be split seconds and come out or nowhere.  No time to reach into a pocket and squirt the spray.


    I would love a taser on a stick to zap the dogs when they got too close.  One zap and they would soon learn to stop that behavior.


    I am thinking about getting a metal rod to use to smack them with.  But now it seems feral dangerous dogs have more rights than humans... they are free to savage you and put you in hospital incurring medical costs and upset... but we can't kick one that is about to sink its teeth into some part of our body. 



  2. Make your own... its really easy and cheap... and you can make a lot and keep it in the fridge or freeze it.


    Most of the store bought stuff if FULL of sugar and really unhealthy (and tastes way to sweet to me). Also its too expensive. 



  3. 12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    I see your last effort got kicked off before I was able to respond.  Not interested in the stupidity that you are looking for an answer to but if I may ask, why are you so touchy about the subject?  Marriage, I was brought up that this was between a man and a woman, not what is written into any act.  That is my belief, has nothing to do with gay hate, religion or anything else, just what my parents instilled in me.

    It did not get 'kicked off'.  It was removed because I put the replies in the quotation boxes.. my mistake... and it makes it hard for people to understand.



    Gay people, back in those days appeared to have been content to be in a union, they never whined or carried on like many do today.  If they weren't happy then don't you think that this matter would have been brought up in the papers, on the news  and dealt with many years ago.  But it wasn't so, why the need now,? 

    How do you know that they were 'content'? I already explained to you why... becuae gay people were made to feel ashamed of themselves, and were persecuted, and even jailed for being gay.. so how could they be in the position to start asking if they were allowed to get married?



    Why do you find the need to refer to it as gay marriage?  Why not just marriage, if that's what you want?  Your last question is just plain hyperbole, look at the number of defacto couples in the world, who are in love but do not find the need for the little piece of paper that has marriage written on it.  They are content with their union and the legalities that are afforded to them, much of which is also afforded those in the unions that you are not obviously happy with.

    How can I call it 'just marriage' when you say gay people should not be allowed to marry?  You are referring to marriage for only straight people.  



    Really, I find it hard to understand why people like you protest so much, all you are doing is dividing.  It would be much easier and more acceptable if you debated the subject and not attacked the person but given you appear to be an activist for the cause, that might be hard to do. 

    I don't protest so much as you!  I only replied to 2 of your posts!  You have been arguing you point for many posters and won't leave it alone.  You are the one dividing people.. I am for equality for everyone regardless of sexuality.. you are saying gays should not be allowed to marry.  You are an activist for opposing gay marriage.  I say anyone can marry.  You are dividing people by excluding gays from the right to get married. 



    Ever thought,  that if you were civil in you responses instead of denigrating everyone who has a different opinion, then maybe want you want will come.  But until you learn that civility costs nothing,  you stop the name calling and the constant berating and ridiculing of people, who have a different opinion, then what you are looking for may linger in the wilderness for some time. if you're not happy with you lot, then maybe you should go to another country where this has been allowed and there you can live in total contentment.  :wai:

    How have I been uncivil?


    Who have I degraded?


    What name have I called you or anyone?


    I am gay and I am married. and I am very content with that. 


    Are you saying gays in your country should be kicked out if they want to marry the person they love and have the same rights are straight people?


    You never answered any of my questions.  I just want to know you real resson why you thing gay people should not be allowed to marry the person they love?


    What if you met someone you loved.. who loved you too... but you were told you could not marry.. and gave you no reason as to why?


    What if your son or daughter wanted to marry someone of the same sex.. you would tell them no? 


    What if you met another guy and fell in love.. and they wanted to marry you?  Put yourself in others shoes....





  4. 21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Thank you for your opinion and I agree with a number of aspects, however, please do not try to analyse my psyche, as you have no idea what my views are and for you to suggest that I am one who would become upset and sensitive is beyond the pale. 

    Your welcome.

    I have a good idea what you views are from you posting your views on this thread.  You do seem to be upset and sensitive about this issue.. because you keep posting on here about your views and get rather defensive when people don't agree with you as you have shown in this and several other replies to posters. 

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    And you're only assuming that my friends are only telling me what I want to hear.  Do you know them, if so then I would appreciate your elaborating on this aspect, if not, then why the unsubstantiated statement?  My response that you are referring was not written to elicit someone's assumptions on what I might or might not believe.

    I may know them... let me know their names and I'll get back to you on that one.

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    If they have adopted children, and they provide, protection, love and bring them up with values and discipline, then why should they be taken away.  However, you should remember that it is the child who,  unfortunately suffers from other children at school because of their two mums or two dads, it's not the adults who suffer.  Children can be very cruel.

    Very weak argument.  Children can be picked on for anything.. from being tall, short, fat, thin, ginger hair, wearing glasses, black, white, Asian, mixed race having disabled parents, being disabled, wearing different clothes, etc etc.  It's the parents job to educate their children not to be like that.. and to respect other people.. as they get they views from their parents.... so parents like you who think gay parents are wrong will pass that on to their kids and create this bullying problem.

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    And yes, there are too many bad heterosexual couples who should never have children, however, if these children were removed does it really matter in whose care they are placed, either gay or heterosexual, as long as they are treated and raised with care, love and lead a disciplined life.


    To distinguish one couple over another is not the way to go, either could provide what the children need, then again, either may not.  What you have stated is your opinion but really it too is only an assumption.  May I ask why, if prior to 2004, there was no restriction in the marriage act, yet no gay couples rushed into marriage nor expressed their need to.

    So you think before 2004 gay people were free to get married and live in society same as straight people?

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    I have no doubt that then and now these couples were deeply in love, yet you're now saying that they need marriage to celebrate this and make that relationship stronger and be proud of being able to say they're married.  Wasn't their relationship strong before the act was changed: didn't they celebrate their love by staying together and weren't they proud of that relationship?

    Was not your relationship strong before you got married... why did you marry? Why do straight people get married?

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    When did those, who are actively engaged in seeking change, realise they needed to be married to have all these feelings.  And please, this is not a gay bashing response, just seeking an explanation as to why it is so urgent now, when it was not in the past.

    Because in the past gay people were treated very badly in society and as was a crime to be gay not so long ago.  There was a lot of persecution to gay people and many hid that they were gay because of this.  Nowdays its more accepted in society.. so not gay people have the comfidence to ask for equal rights. 

    21 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    Gay was not only a word used by straight people, especially when one notes that a male prostitutes rounded up during the Cleveland Street scandal of 1889 described himself in court as “gay”.  There are many more examples of this but I'll leave it to you if you want to do some research.  :wai:


    Just that one prostitute guy huh? 


    You seem to know a lot more about gays and gay 'lifestyle' than most gay people........ 


    Thank you for spending so much time on researching gay things on the internet, and gay topics. And you have clearly spent a lot of time with all you gay friends talking about them getting married.


    What is your real reason to oppose gay marriage... in one sentence?  I suspect you don't like gay people and think they are wrong and bad for society and morals.... so you like to discriminate against people you don't even know... even people you call you friends!  Why would you concern yourself with this topic so much if you don't have some agenda? 


    Think how you would feel if you were madly in love with someone.. and you both had a dream to get married... but you were told you could not get married because its wrong for people like you to get married? 




  5. 5 hours ago, Naam said:

    the "salt water" pools people often refer to are not saltwater pools but pools chlorinated by electrolysis of NaCl (commonly known as salt).

    People call them salt water pools.  That is what they are commonly called.  People ask for Chlorine or Salt water pools in the general public.  Most people would not go into a pool shop and ask, ''can you give me a quote for a pool chlorinated by electrolysis of NaCl please''?

    5 hours ago, Naam said:


    they are neither easier to take care of than a pool with a fitted chlorinator nor do they need less cleaning as they get dirty like every outdoor pool does. moreover, one does not need a pool company to clean a pool.

    I never said they were easier to care for or needed less frequent cleaning.  I never said you need a pool company to clean them!  I said they were easy to clean yourself. 

    5 hours ago, Naam said:

    pools don't come for free. all are expensive if you are on a tight budget or cheap if you have a fat wallet.

    Did I say they came for free? 

    5 hours ago, Naam said:

    no matter what pool, every pool needs cleaning. frequency depends what foreign matter is blown or drops into pool or what animals like your pool as much as you (eg. frogs, rats, snakes, mice, birdshit and crocodiles). before we moved to Thailand finding an alligator enjoying a pool was a common occurence in Florida.

    Did I say a pool did not need cleaning? 

    5 hours ago, Naam said:

    no sh*t! :)  the electricity consumption depends on the pool size respectively the water volume that has to be recircled. a pump for a medium sized pool draws approximately the same power like a 12,000 btu/h aircon.

    Many first time pool owners don't think of the extra cost of the electricity to power the pool pump.  Was I wrong or misleading to point that extra cost out?

    5 hours ago, Naam said:


    more on electricity consumption. Thai pool builders tend to oversize pumps and in addition think pool filtration of 8 hours a day is mandatory. but mandatory minimum filtration time is only required using chlorination by deriving chlorine from salt. average filtration for normal pool water sanitation can vary in rare cases (like our pool) from 2 hours/daily onward to 10 hours if the pump is underdimensioned (happens rarely but it happens).

    What is a 'normal pool'?.  Is that a saltwater pool, a chlorine pool, a natural pond pool, or pools chlorinated by electrolysis of NaCl?  You said I was being worng and misleading to call a pool a saltwarer pool... so what exactly is your normal pool.  Should the OP go into the pool shop and ask for a normal pool or abnormal one?


    I offered advise to the OP.. quite correct advise.  I can't see that I was being misleading or wrong in my advise. 





  6. Marriage is seen as something very special and wonderful between 2 people who love each other.  People get married to celebrate that love and make their relationship even stronger... to be proud to be a married couple and recognised as such in society.  I think any 2 people who love each other should have the right to get married... straight or gay.


    What's the problem.... the only problem I can see if from people who don't like gay people or are religious nutters.  What other reason can there be?


    Gay people don't need to be married to have children or adopt kids.  Many have children already, perhaps from previous relationships.  Do people think these children should be taken away from them because their parents are gay... and put into a straight married couples home?


    There is no 'normal' relationship.  All relationships are different... because all people are different and have different personalities and views about the world.  There are many very bad straight married people who do a disgusting job or raising their children.... who would be better off being adopted by a gay couple!


    One gay friend of mine has 3 children who are all very happy and well loved and have a great life. 


    And I would say that gay people should stand up to people who discriminate and bully them.. same as any other minority group.  And gay people did not hijack the word 'gay', it was used by straight people to lable them.


    Maybe you gay friends are telling you what you want to hear... because they know your views and are not wanting to 'inflict' you with their beliefs, as they know how upset and sensitive you are?




  7. If you have the money, space and time and you want one... build one.


    My first house we had a small pool.... used it every day.... and very popular with visitior and friends... so great parties.


    My second house... no pool.  Did not really miss it.


    Now my 3rd house has a pool.... for some reason I hardly ever use it.  Just the novelty of it has worn off.


    The modern salt water pools are very easy to take care of yourself.. so you don't have to pay a pool company to come clean it.


    Just keep in mind that the initial set up is expensive.  You have to clean it.. little and often.  If you don't it will get out of a balance and get green water or other problems.. which are a headache to get right again.


    Also the filter pump will use a lot of electricity.. so expect high bills! 

  8. 8 minutes ago, stander said:

    So called "Moderate" Muslims say that "there will always be extremists", but they feed on the same rulebook, the Quran as the extremists

    Yes... and they will sit around and keep quite and allow the extremists to do their thing.


    In the second word war most Germans were not extreme Nazis.. but it only takes a small percent of the population to go extreme to control the rest.  That's what happens in Muslim cultures.  The extreme ones hold the power and control.. and the normal people are too scared to stand up to them in case they get accused of going against their religion and get punished.



  9. Good for him.  Its his business... so he should be able to choose who he will serve.


    And he was in NO WAY RACIEST.  Muslims are not a race.... Islam is a religion... same as Christians are not a race of people.. Muslims can be of any race or skin colour..... same as Christians.


    I would refuse to serve bible bashing evangelical Christian missionaries in my restaurant...... that is not raciest.. its because what they are preaching and the way they are disturbing and acting to other people are repulsive to me.  


    People need to keep their religions to themselves...  The Muslim women wearing the head gear is a proclamation of their religious beliefs... which include any none Muslims being scum / sinners and the enemy of Islam.. and going to hell... and worthy of being murdered.  I don't what people near me that think I am an evil disgusing person... people who would not defend me or stop me being killed because I am not of their religion. 


    If someone came into my place with Nazi uniform on I would send them out the same. 



  10. I have a very nice lady who comes to clean my house once a week for just 4 hours.  She has worked for me for 9 years.  I can trust her.. but I still would never leave money sitting around the house... that is just careless and a temptation to anyone...  family, gardener, even the dogs might eat it!  She is a great help to me as she will also took after my pets when I go away.  She also like to take away all the plastic bottles and other things to get recycled.. saves me a job.  If I have any old things I no longer need I can see if she wants them for herself of her family, rather then thrown them away. 


    Also, what's with everyone saying they have 'maids'?   Do they have butlers and footmen also, or perhaps a housekeeper and cook?   Maybe they are just trying to be snobby... they don't have a maid, they have a cleaning lady.





  11. A dog can bite you even if you don't do anything wrong to it.    And also dogs change their mentality when they are in a pack or group and they all get into hunting mode.


    I took my own dog with me to my local 7 11.  One of the dogs outside attacked my dog and it took 3 people to get it off. 


    I have been bitten when a pack of dogs chased me on my pushbike.  I have also been bitten badly by a dog that sneaked up behind me silently and attacked itself to my leg causing me to fall off my bike.


    Just tonight, cycling back home, I was chased by a group of 14 dogs.. many of which got very close to my ankles.


    The people saying dogs have the right to do this to humans are mad.  They say they have the right to live like that.. be abandoned, starving and disease ridden on the streets.. like its their natural wild habitiat.  Well its not.  They are domesticated animals.. and as such need to be cared for by people. 


    Would you let your house get invaded and destroyed by hundreds of rats.. crawling over you food... because they have the right to be there... as humans are not superior to them.  And when your baby or child gets sick or bitten by the rats... its the babies fault for doing something wrong to the rat.. like stepping on its tail?



  12. I can't understand why nothing is ever done about these stray feral dogs. 


    I am an animal lover... and its clear to see that most of these dogs are suffering from disease or starvation / malnutrition.


    They are often wounded or injured on some way also. 


    How can dog lovers thing this is OK for dogs to live like that and object to solving the problem?


    Apart from the dogs suffering from severe neglect and often physical abuse, road accidents, poisoning, fighting each other etc, they pose a real danger to HUMANS around them.


    I could not even begin to guess the number of road accidents they have caused, the number of people (including children) they have bitten or threatened, and the diseases they spread.


    They are a threat to peoples pet dogs, often attacking them or giving them diseases like mange. They kill pet cats, and livestock like chickens and ducks too. They mess up the place when they rip open bin bags and spread rubbish all over the street (which also encourages other vermin like rats), they poop all over the pavements, they bark and howl throughout the night keeping people awayke.


    Living here many years I have been bitten 3 time... once quite badly on the leg.  These attacks were unprovoked. 


    Time to sort the problem out people!



  13. Thanks for the photos....  I am very jealous!  Did you make the roost boxes yourself?


    Where do you live?  What kinds of fancy pigeons do you have, and would you sell any?


    I am looking for the following breeds:


    White racing homers,

    Old German Owl (or anything that looks like them such as Shield marked pigeons)

    Black Old Dutch Capuchines


    I have a guy here breeds the Jacobin Pigeons... but I am not a fan of them as they are not good at flying.  I also have lots of Brown / Red Old Dutch Capuchines and White or Coloured Fantail Pigeons (not show quality).


    Thanks again for your message.... I am always keen to find other people into keeping pigeons and other birds. 






  14. 1 hour ago, innocenthai said:



    Actually I wonder why people still dive in Thailand when you know how ridiculous is the sea life here ?




    What are you asking here?  I can't understand your sentence.  Is English your second language?


    Do you mean you mean you wonder why I still dive here if the sea life is ridiculous?  How is it ridiculous? 


    A lot of the coral reefs are damaged by boats, people and pollution, together with climate change to some degree.  I still like to see the beautiful fish and life that still exists... and I don't damage it, pollute the sea, or pick things up from the seabed to take selfies with. 

  15. Back in the UK one of my hobbies was keeping fancy pigeons.. lots of different breeds. 


    In India it's a big hobby too, and most other Asian countries, but I can't seem to find any information about pigeon keeping in Thailand.  I know they have big pigeon races in Bangkok, but I could not find their website. I found a page on Facebook, but no one replied to my enquiries, , in Thai or English! 


    Anyone on here keep pigeons, for racing, pets or meat?


    I am looking for some new breeds to keep.  I currently have king pigeons, white homing pigeons, fantails and Dutch Capuchines. 



  16. That clam looks really angry and stressed out... poor clam.


    Seriously, the government needs to make real marine protected zones where no boats or people are allowed in.... so that the sea life has a chance to recover.  All I have seen when diving in the shallow water is damaged coral, dead coral, ripped up coral by boats, rubbish and plastic bags floating about, and a decaying reef with less and less species. 

  17. Use tap water and add the chemical to get rid of chlorine and heavy metals (cheap to buy this in a bottle from the pet shop).


    Best not to use rain water... as it is missing many vital minerals and elements needed by the fish and plants... also it can be too acidic due to pollution... tap water will be near to neutral pH.


    Once you fill up the tank and add the 'tap safe' stuff, leave it running with the filter going for a few days before you add any fish.


    And only add fish gradually... a few every couple of weeks.  If you put too many fish in all at the same time they will die... because there is not yet enough bacteria in the filter to eat their waste so they get poisoned.


    Good luck... nice to see if you put some photos of you finished tank on here... I too miss my fish tanks. 

  18. Dtua Heia....   That's what they are called... its not vulgar.  Calling a person by that name is very vulgar and rude.  If you are talking to someone about the actual animal eating you chicken eggs then its quite correct to call it what it is.


    I suppose its like calling someone a 'bitch'.  But if you are seriously talking about dogs and refer to the females as bitches that is not rude.


    Whatever you do you need to protect your chickens better so the lizards can't get into the hen house.  Next they will be eating you actual chickens. 

  19. If you have NEVER been scared of ANYTHING or ANYONE in your entire life you must be the only human on the earth that has felt like that!


    You did say you were worried about the monks reaction.  What are you worried about exactly?


    You did the right thing for sure... there is never any excuse for keeping a healthy wild animals in a cage like that.


    Those monks should know better... as a key teaching of that religion is freedom for animals.... crazy really as I know lots of temples with crappy cruel 'zoos' with sick and dying animals kept in disgusting conditions.




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