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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    If the marriage ends in divorce and the expat has the majority of blame, ie adultery, desertion, then he has to go back to the immigration status of a single man, and if he is found to be telling lies, then a long prison sentence followed by deportation.

    If the Expat is found to have done everything he can to save the marriage, then he keeps the permanent residency. There is no perfect solution to anything. People who are genuine in all their comes and goings deserve to be treated accordingly.

    I agree... genuine people who abide by the laws of that country and don't commit crimes DESERVE to be treaded accordingly. 


    However, this does not happen in Thailand.  It often seems the opposite. 


    I have lived here a long time.  As I got to speak the language better, and got more involved in Thai society (at least in my area) I started to understand more where my place as a Farang truly was... and its a good place on the surface, but not underneath.  I was making plans to return to Europe.. as I plan for the future, old age here does not appeal to me.  Sadly, all the mess with the UK leaving Europe has put that on hold for now.... I don't want to go back to the UK... so now have to revise my plans.



  2. 'Some women and children were on the boats'......    so what?  So were men.  Why is it worse a woman or child dies than a man?  And why even say such a thing?  Because its to give the sympathy vote... or no, poor children and pretty delicate women.   And it does not say how many women and children... you notice.... maybe 2 women and one teenager and 200 men. 


    Some people here seem to want open borders and allow the rest of the word to come to Europe and the UK for a better life.  Do they think that will really work?  Being strong and adopting a hard line approach is needed to send a clear message that they can not go there.  That will save the attempts to get there and save thousands of lives because no more people will be drowning at sea trying to reach those shores.



  3. 15 minutes ago, wayned said:

    The pup should get a 5 in 1 puppy shot. The 5 in 1 vaccination provides protection from Distemper, Hepatitis (Adenovirus type 2), Parainfluenza, & Parvovirus.   He/She should also be treated for worms, a pill.  It should also get regular treatment for heart worm, I use ivermectin injections every three months but there are many oral treatments available like heart guard. At six months old he/she should get a rabies shot.  I give my dogs booster vaccinations of both the 5 in 1 and rabies every year thereafter.  I've not had much luck with Frontline so I won't comment. Ticks are a real problem in farm country where I live  as all of my mutts frolic in the corm and sugar cane fields.



    My 2 dogs only shots where when they were puppies.  Never treated for anything since... not heartworm, no boosters.  I just pull off any ticks I find on them....  perhaps less than one a month... and they never had fleas.  They are indoor dogs (at night).. but have 2 rai of fruit orchard they run about in during the day with the ducks and chickens.


    Guess it depends on where you live.


    They are only small mix breed dogs.  One injured its eye once and I gave it some eye drops from the pharmacy and it recovered.  I bath and cut their hair myself too... as the groomers were too rough with them.  They never needed their nails clipped either... because they run about so much on concrete driveway.  The oldest one is over 9 years old now. 







  4. fThey have been eating the same food here for years.. and the obesity and diabetic problems are just a recent thing... so it can't be down to the Thai food. 


    It is no coincidence that obesity and diabetes started to increase significantly with the arrival of AMERICAN FAST FOOD AND SUGAR DRINKS LIKE COLA.


    Its these highly processed foods that are the problem, not the traditional diet... same goes in Europe and America.  Years ago most people in the UK were not overweight.. and they ate traditional foods like pies, baked cakes, meat, eggs, etc.  They even used butter, lard and dripping to cook with.. and yet still were not overweight.  Now we have so many fast food places, and people have forgotten how to cook a simple meal.. so they buy processed frozen or microwave meals. 


    I eat about 90 percent Thai food.  I only eat farang food if I go to a restaurant.. which is not often.. and then usually its Italian food I eat.  Don't have bread at home, and never eat breakfast cereal.

  5. I don't think that it's so much about 'going hungry', or even poverty,  but rather culture and tradition.


    I have seen lots of overweight Thai people catching and eating wild animals.. it was not out of hunger.  Have seen people catching and eating snakes, turtles, birds, wild ducks and pheasants, and endangered species such as different kinds of wild deer...





  6. 1 minute ago, bangon04 said:

    That would have been a terribly un-Buddhist thing to do........ Thai society would frown upon such an act.

    Yes, weird how it seems only dogs are not allowed to be killed or even put out of their misery if sick.


    You will get into real trouble if you kick or hit a dog, and even worse if you kill it. 


    But its fine to kill everything else, chickens, buffalo, cows, pigs, rats, pigeons, and all the wildlife.  Shoot any wild creature that moves also if fine, even if its an endangered species.  Cut down the forests and concrete over everything with expensive shopping malls and housing estates.  But NEVER EVER dare to kick a dog out the way when its trying to sink its teeth into you leg.

  7. I will have to tell my pet fancy pigeons that eating raw rice will kill them... as that is mostly what I fed them... and my chickens every day, and have been doing so for years.  


    As I said they are not a problem so long as they don't roots and nest INSIDE buildings.  I don't see how just sitting on a roof top will cause any problems. 



  8. 4 hours ago, xng said:


    How many levels of proficiency do they have?

    How many months of teaching do they take to teach each level?


    I've also heard of Walen, how do they compare with them?


    As I said they can go as high in proficiency as you want them to... they may not have the work books and a set course at such a high level.. but the teachers are very good and should be able to cater for you.... just go and ask the school about it... nothing to loose.


    I think Walen is closed down now... not sure.. maybe moved. 



  9. Hi.  I used to go to a small private language school in Chiang Mai called Pro Language.


    It was expensive if you wanted to learn Thai with the ED visa... but much better if you just paid for Thai lessons only.


    I went there a few years ago for 4 years altogether and was really happy with it.  They had group classes and also private ones.  The thing I liked about it was that they would make the private lessons to meet what you wanted to learn... so I think they would be able to meet your level.  They used to do free trail lessons.... and you could sit in with a group.  Not sure they still do that or not.



  10. 1 hour ago, thailand49 said:

    Put a big bowl of uncook rice out, let them enjoy themselves, once the rice gets digested and wet the suckers belly will expand and bang. The problem with this though they will flock make a mess but in time.....:thumbsup:

    That's is a myth.  They actually will love to eat the uncooked rice and more pigeon will come to the feast.


    What problems are the pigeons causing on your roof?  Surely the rain will just wash the poop away?


    Poisoning them is very cruel and they die slowly and a lot of suffering.  Also any animals.. cat, dog, wildlife, that eats the dead pigeon will also get poisoned. 


    There are 2 good options if you really don't like them on your roof.  Shoot them... get someone with good aim to kill a few.. and the others will soon move off to another resting place after a few days of that.  The other option is the scare them frequently.. they will again decided its better to rest in a more peaceful place.  Scare them with loud bangs, fireworks, even waving a flag or brightly coloured material about near them.


    I don't understand why people don't like these birds, so long as they are not actually nesting inside your roof and making mess. 

  11. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. They just wash the clothes in the bathroom. Have you never lived with a Thai family? My wife always washed the clothes by hand before putting them in the washing machine. Never could understand that.

    I thought everyone washed clothes before putting them in the washing machine.... otherwise the washing machine would get dirty!  55



  12. That's strange... just noticed that there were far fewer Chinese tourists in the shopping mall today... my friend commented to me about it.  Then I see this thread.


    I am off to Chiang Mai city tomorrow... will see if its the same there. 


    If it's true... what country will be the next lot to come here?

  13. 1 hour ago, JustNo said:

    But surely the must know that a quick cover up is not going to work in a serial murder case! You either catch serial killers, they die themselves, or they carry on killing most of the time. I am pretty sure they have the wrong person, but my point is if they are too lazy and think they can scapegoat their way out of this one, they are beyond moronic 

    They don't think that far ahead. 


    OR... they know the guy who is doing it and let him off for some reason... like money or family. 

  14. 20 hours ago, Fookhaht said:

    And in this case, it helps assuage the guilt of a typical trainer who uses abusive methods to break the spirit of their charges.  Don't patronize establishments that give elephant rides, makes them paint, play sports, and do other sundry tricks.  The enslavement process to get them to that point is brutal.  


    Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 1.57.22 PM.png

    Please research this elephant nature park before you make you comments.  At his place the elephants are not trained, do not do shows or perform tricks, don't paint pictures and don't carry people about on their backs. 

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