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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Hi.  My dogs ate raw diet for many years.  Now I am lazy and they have about half raw and half any dry dog food that is on offer.


    I don't believe the raw diet is this super healthy thing people say.   But I do believe its got a few real benefits..... mainly..... clean teeth and no bad breath.... and dogs really enjoy spending a log time chewing up big raw bones... so keeps them from getting bored.


    Eating raw chicken does not make them want to eat live ones!!!!  I have chickens and also feed me dog raw chickens. 


    You should feed a good variety and raw meets.. they can eat anything. 


    Its not dangerous for food poisoning same as us cooking raw meat.. just wash you hands after handling the meat... something you should do when you make you own dinner.


    I feed my dogs outside.. otherwise I found they like to sneak off with a big bone and chew it up on the sofa.. which is not very clean!!!


    You don't need to cut up the meat or mix it with anything like vegetables etc.. just throw them a big chuck of meat on the bone and let them work on it.


    Another thing they like is raw eggs.  Again just give them an egg in the shell to eat.  Also feed some offal for extra nutrients. 


    I recommend you research the BARF diet.... I find the most simple diet plans are the best.


    Remember to keep up worming you dog..... something even dogs of processed diets need. 





  2. Things I don't understand........ mainly other Farangs.. the ones with their tall tails and elaborate stories about how they are millionaires, have worked for this and that famous company, have invented famous things, have been the top and best of this and that in their country... etc.


    Why do people have to make up lies and stories?  They always forget what they tell you a few weeks later and the story changes and they just look pathetic and stupid. 


    I also don't understand why some (usually farang men) let themselves go... stop showering, washing their hair, dressing in normal clothes.. and just sit about getting fat and drinking more and more alcohol, moaning about Thailand.





  3. 54 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    Again, I will repeat 3 points I made earlier.


    1. A police investigation will show the mother's role in all this.

    2. I am not excusing the mother simply pointing out to the 'hang 'em high'  brigade that it is very easy to have a viewpoint of what you might have done, sitting in your comfortable chair in your comfortable house, full of confidence, money in the bank  and a support network of family and friends to rely upon compared with what you might actually do as a woman with 2 screaming kids, no money, no connections as your drunk psychotic boyfriend smashes you repeatedly in the face and threatens to kill you. Anybody can be a keyboard warrior.

    3. There is a huge trove of evidence to show that victims of domestic violence are very often unable to reach for help as any sense of control of or power over their own destiny has been removed by their abuser and they live in a state of constant fear and anxiety.


    Therefore to immediately call for the mother to be prosecuted without knowing the facts of the case may be wrong and show a lack of understanding over the events leading to the child's death.

    I can agree with some of you points.  But you seem to be defending the mother without yourself knowing the facts.   I get from your posts you are justifying the woman's actions and presuming her innocent as a abused and powerless women.  But how can you know that is the case?  It could be a possibility, so could be the possibility the man has real mental health problems from him being abused as a child, or the woman antagonizing him in some way which flipped him out and caused the incident. 


    As it stands the woman did nothing to help her child from previous abuse and then helped to cover up his murder. Then she failed to report the crime, or even just 'run away'.  Her actions seem strange in this situation. 


    It seems she cared more for herself than her child.  A mothers natural instinct should take over in an event like this... knowing and hearing you child being so badly beaten and getting murdered.... self preservation would go out the window and she would have at least tried to stop the man.. no matter how much she feared him, ran for help, called the police from her phone, or called a neighbor or friend.  From the report she only stayed in the bedroom scared.


    We don't know all the facts... I just hope that justice can be done in the end.  

  4. 46 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

    Yes i would have to agree with you on that. They tend to be in what i call the tourist slums. Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Phi Phi and areas of Bangkok for example.

    You think Chiang Mai... Thailand's cultural city... is a 'tourist slum'? 


    I live in Chiang Mai... its beautiful.  I suggest you go visit these places you are saying are slums before you comment on them.



  5. 4 minutes ago, cracker1 said:

    Looks like it may be bigger than 1.0m in length ? Are these protected or considered "fare game" ?

    If its the native Siamese Crocodile they are critically endangered.... very near to extinction.  However, that does not seem to afford them any form of protection here sadly.


    I don't know whey people can't just leave them alone!  They don't prey of humans or large prey.. instead they feed on fish, amphibians and snakes. No unprovoked attacks have ever been known. 


    I would love to see wild Siamese Crocodiles living here in Thailand.  But people here seem to just want to kill and eat every creature that moves. 



  6. 7 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Well outside human normative behaviour, but interesting from a biological point of view.

    Some apes kill unrelated young, as reproductive is competitive.

    This man is still young with reproductive potential and no doubt instinctively intended to replace someone else's offspring with his own.

    Step-parents are proverbially cruel, as their investment, from a selfish-gene point of view, is wasted.

    The child was allegedly displaying signs of being abnormal, increasing the biological pressure to replace it.


    We're still animals beneath the skin, though this individual appears to have been animal on the surface.

    And the mother was far less than any animals... she did nothing to help her son.. even though she knew he beat the boy.. and she even helped to hide his body.  Why would she even be with this guy... any sane persons would not be around someone who was abusing their child. 

  7. Thank you everyone.


    I don't care about the mango fruit next harvest... every year I get literally tones of the fruit!!


    I want the trees to look nice and be bushy to give privacy and look beautiful.  Now they are getting so big they are getting leggy and lots of open branches.  I like them to have dense canopy. 


    If they need a lot of water after they are cut... do you think I am better to wait until the start of next rainy season.. as up here in Chiang Mai it's going to stop raining any day now and we have the dry season.



  8. 10 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    It would seem that way, but if you were there and saw this happen how willing would you be to jump into that toxic canal? Others have died from merely ingesting the "water".

    I would be more than willing.... even if not to jump into the water.. I would get others to help and call the police.. I would throw things into the water to let him hold onto for a float.. and if that failed.. then yes I would jump in and help him as I am a very strong swimmer.


    But I WOULD LEAVE YOU TO DROWN..... I would let you drown while standing there watching and recording it on my mobile.... because I know you would not want anyone to help you as you would not want me to merely ingest the water. 



  9. 1 hour ago, JetsetBkk said:

    I like these - not too scary at all:



    What kind of snake is that?.... We had one like that at the old house.... but could not ID it from the snake book. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

    America wasn't at war with Laos but it didn't stop them dropping more bombs on it that were ever dropped on Germany by the allies in the whole of World War 2. They even went better than that and killed more than 2 million innocent people by bombing North Vietnamese civilians. Hats off to the yanks! They are right up there with Goebells and Himmier. 

    Agree... but most Americans are never taught this in their schools... all their war atrocities are covered up.. or the people just believe the lies their media / government tell them... because 'god bless America' they are the best in the world and pure and good.  They appoint themselves to be world police and want total control of other countries. 


    I think now Trump is in charge it's likely to get a lot worse. 

  11. 2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I haven't seen anything like that variety of snakes (!), but agree that when seeing a snake in the garden I'm too fascinated to think about taking a 'photo - and on the odd occasion a snake has come into the house, I'm concentrating on getting it out.....


    I think someone mentioned about just sweeping out snakes that come into the house (but it could have been another thread).  Easier said than done as they hide in/under/the furniture within a couple of seconds, and even when they're in an obvious place between bamboo curtains and windows - its still hard to find an easy way to get them out back into the garden!


    edit - particularly liked the 'photo of your dog pretending it hadn't noticed the snake :lol:.

    My dog is very good at finding the snakes... it will bark in a way that I know there is a snake outside.. so then I go have a look.  Lucky the dog knows better than to try to catch them.  Once she knows I know they are there she looses interest. 



  12. Here are some of the ones I have seen at my house...


    Seem many other species including python, cobra, tree snakes, water snakes, rat snakes,, etc..  but never have camera ready! 









  13. Joking... but I wish I had your problem.  I hardly eat anything... ride my push bike 1 to 2 hours every day, swim and walk a lot.  I am slowly getting fatter and fatter!!!


    Go to the hospital for a check up before you do anything else. I suspect you are not fully recovered from the food poisoning and your stomach has shrunk as you are not eating a lot, so you will feel full with only a small amount of food. 



  14. Due to slight overpopulation in my pigeon coop I have several white 'doves' for adoption.


    They are mostly white with brown speckling and have crests on their heads.  Very tame and easy to keep. Can be allowed to fly freely around your garden once settled in.  Very pretty.


    Location is Chiang Mai, San Sai area.






  15. Can anyone tell me what is the best time of year to prune my mango trees?  I have about 40 very big mango trees and I want to cut them right back so they are easy to harvest. 


    Can I cut them right back so they have no leave left, or will that cause them to die?  Also, is there a right way to do it... I am worried I will kill the trees.



  16. Got the same situation next door to me.  The family collects dogs.. animal hoarders.  When we moved here 2 years ago they only have one well cared for big black dog.  Then the daughter kept buying puppies, one or 2 at a time.  The puppies where treated very well, washed, petted, fed and carried around. 


    But once they get bigger they are then sentenced to life on a short rope behind the house... 24 / 7.  Never allowed off the less than one meter rope.  Left to walk of rusty sheet metal and other junk.  No shelter from rain or sun.  The ones with log fur hare all matted and dirty. 


    She now has about 9 dogs now.. and just got a new fully white puppy.


    2 of the dogs are mad.  Screaming and yapping frantically for 1 or 2 hours each evening when the owners come home and start to cook food.  How they can just sit about in the house eating and the noise and howling, screaming and baring dogs in so loud.  Even with all my windows and door closed, and the TV on loud volume I can still here them.  Sometimes its so bad I have leave the house.


    At first I started to be nice to the people.. taking dog food, smiling and chatting.  They just took the food and fed the dogs.  But the problem still remained.  I told them the dogs were noisy.. the woman just smiled and said yes they are.


    Then I bought an anti bark thing I ordered from America.  It was useless.  Eventually I got angry and kept going around there every few days when the dogs were very bad... telling her to feed them.  Her response was to beat them with a stick till they stopped... only to start up again a few minutes later.


    I have now given up.  There is nothing I can do... I offered to buy them... but she said no.  I can't steal them and release them to some far away temple... as they will know it was me.  The other neighbors just think there is no problem.  The don't care about the animals suffering... or the noise.  They are immune to any noise, many too busy partying and playing loud music themselves to care anyway. 





  17. I am one of the rare people who actually like snakes.  I see a lot on my property... even banded krait, cobra, and huge pythons.  No problem... except the pythons ate my ducks.  I live with them.. no rats, mice or cats about. 


    Had an occasional baby snake in the house... no problem.. just used a dustpan and broom to sweep them out the door.  


    Just be sensible and don't walk about at night in the vegetation, and don't leave piles of garden waste or junk about for snakes to shelter under near your house. 

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