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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Hitting your kid with a stick or coat hanger is pretty common in most of all of Thailand. You could jail most people in this nation for doing it at some point in time.There has never been any leadership in this nation. TV could have so much positive information about raising kids but there's only propaganda and soap operas (and music) about only love, love love. No meaning in anything mainstream. The media here just doesn't get it. You need to change the culture and that won't happen easily.

    I would never hit a child, but there is a big difference between a quick slap on the backside and beating a child 'black and blue'.

  2. A 'mongkut' is not a rose apple... its a mangosteen มังคุด (has the white soft segments in the middle and the outside is dark purple red colour.

    A rose apple is a very shiny crunchy pink or green longish apple shaped fruit.. called a 'shompoo' - ชมพู่ in Thai.

    But you are right about the great exotic fruits and strange vegetables that we can find here. I like seeing the reactions of my guests to them.. and seeing if they can work out how to eat them.

  3. R.I.P. sad loss for her family.

    Another case of someone coming to Thailand without insurance.

    Crazy for anyone not to have adequate cover.

    As already stated do not blame Thailand or the hospital

    As already mentioned, some people can't get cover, or will not be covered for existing problems. I don't know if that is the case with this lady. But it's wrong to presume full cover is easily available for everyone.

    If someone can't get cover, or won't be covered for existing problem, they have to take responsibility for deciding to travel to a country or not. They know the risks.

    Its sad she died, but the Thai hospital should not have to pay the bill!

  4. More plant based dippies:


    I like this part:

    Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: “If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth we’d be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

    Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

    The natural way is for the mother to chew through the cord and eat it, then lick the blood off the baby, before eating the afterbirth... that is what nearly all other mammals and primates do to my knowledge.

    Her letting it rot away is not natural and potentially fatal to her baby if bacteria got into the babies body through the rotting cords attacked to its stomach.

  5. I have become quite disillusioned with the Buddhism practiced here, for the most part.

    I have been here many years and had the good fortune to know several very nice, kind and genuine monks in my area. I have also had the misfortune to meet and see some very bad and immoral behaviour from other monks, and they were well respected and long term monks, not the usual teenagers novice ones.

    The first village I lived has a temple, and they were very spiritual and had lots of festivals and the like, all very well done. It was a real center of the community without being materialistic and over the top showy. The monks were well respected and well liked.

    The temple in my new village is the opposite. Without going into details the monk is feared by the local people and acts like a bully, there is also very strange in none Buddhist behaviour going on there and huge sums of money seem to mysperiously appear and get spent on it.

    I think the problem in Thailand is that there are don't seem to be any actual regulations or inspections of the temples and monks in them, so each one becomes a law unto itself and can go off the right path.

    Lucky for me, there is another temple about 20 minutes form my house with a very basic and traditional feeling and its a very spiritual calming place for meditation, with a very sincere abbot.

    The Thai Buddhism is mixed up with their old religion and also a lot of superstitions, which can get in the way of the true way and distract people minds too much and confuse them.... just my personal opinion.

  6. Two references to the offender in this being gay or a queer. What a broad minded bunch you all are. This is 2016 so wake up and smell the coffee. Calling someone gay or queer is inappropriate. Please <deleted>, nimrod, dip stick, <deleted> by all means. Because he is.

    Why is gay offensive? Gay parade comes to mind. Do you feel that reference is wrong? It was introduced by gay people. If a person goes with another of the same sex then they are GAY. A kettle is a kettle not "an implement in which to boil water". Sounds like you are gay and do not like the label. As for the cyclist he is dressed in flamboyant colors that is seen at the gay parades so that, I guess, is why the poster called him that. Toughen up Princess and get a thicker skin

    Calling him / them, gay, queer, and a bunch of fags, all used in this situation as insults is not offensive to gay people reading this?

    And your stereotypes about gays coming out of the closet and wearing flamboyant colours and gay parades.... I thought all people, gay or straight usually wear flamboyant colours at parades and carnivals?

    'Gay' is not offensive, any more than 'black' is on its own, but when used as an insult to put people down it is... surely you would realise that?

    The guy was a selfish egotistic idiot. His apology was half hearted and worded so it was not really an apology at all. And it was disgusting seeing that other guy spitting on the steps to the temple.

  7. Next time dress to code,

    you've been warned...


    The reason muslim women dress like this is so they do not get groped , because if some lad tried it he could be sticking his hand up his grannys bum smile.png

    The reason muslim women dress this way is because the angel gabriel would not speak to their prophet as long as a woman was present who was uncovered.

    No, the reason Muslim women dress this way is because of the stupid made up stories and cruel rules made up by controlling and evil men.

  8. Seeing as I only eat maybe 10 per YEAR, somebody is going to have to step up and eat 600 to keep the stats up.

    I think you probably eat more than you think. Eggs are included in ingredients of many things such as:


    Breaded and batter fried foods

    Caesar Salad dressing

    Cream pies, and cream fillings

    Crepes, pancakes and waffles

    Ice Cream, custard, puddings

    Coffee drinks like Cappuccino (eggs in the froth)


    Meat loaf, meatballs,



    Some soups,

    And even WINE.. egg whites are sometimes used in the wine making process.

    A note to other posters about eggs and constipation.... this is a myth.. eggs do not cause constipation. The cause of constipation is a diet low in fibre.

    Also, concerning cholesterol, your body produces 4 times more cholesterol that you eat, and a diet low in cholesterol makes you body produced more!!! Its also been found that people with low levels of cholesterol are just as likely to have heart attacks as people with high levels.

    Look up 'the cholesterol myth' on the net. Makes for an interesting read.

  9. Simply go a an optician. They all do eye exams and have the proper machines to test for any eye diseases. These test are usually free.

    Then choose your lenses or glasses. Glasses are not always expensive, often they have promotions. I always avoid the designer frames, which are the ones that always cost the most.

  10. I am probably going to get laughed off the forum for my ignorance......but seriously can you really tell if some one is gay by inspecting his anus...??

    I'm not trolling honest...........coffee1.gif


    I've noticed that if I pull my bum cheeks apart and stick my thumb up my anus............my girlfriend leaves the restaurant in tears

    Not according to doctors in the West.

    'With regard to anal sex, virginity also can not be detected (in any gender). The anus stretches during sex, but soon contracts back to its regular size after sexual activity is over'.


    Also, many gay men do not have anal sex, and many straight men and women use anal sex, so even if it was detectable, then its no guarantee if the man is gay or not.

    What a backward country and people, and they get upset if they are belittled or called stupid, or anything about their skin colour. With things like this going on there, what can they expect!

  11. You should not need any supplements if you are feeding a balanced diet. The raw is great... but they need all the animal.. such as the bones, offal, even some feathers and hair. Some people make the mistake of just feed cuts of raw meat.. which in not balanced.

    Can you post details of the dogs diet?

    If the diet is OK it could be allergy to something in the home or garden, or even parasites such as fleas or the dreaded mange.

    If its not the diet you should take him to the vet to get a diagnosis.

    I have 2 small dogs.. I feed raw most of the time, but sometimes the dry food. One dog has really bad skin allergies. I thought it was something in the diet.. but from tests at the vet it turned out to be some kind of pollen dust, that's why she only gets it at the start of the rainy season.

    Good luck with your dog.

  12. If all parties are legal age and consenting there is no problem. If the sex industry was legalised it would only be a positive thing, for the people in this kind of work.

    I personally I don't like prostitution, and I have low opinions of the kind of people who frequent these places, but that is my personal view, for my personal lifestyle. I have no right to tell consenting adults what they can and can't do with their lives.

    I don't like it even more when Christian freaks start interfering with things they have no understand about.. and they have their own twisted agenda for 'helping' their 'poor innocent delicate abused women'. Same reason they have to helping the hill tribe 'orphans' and trying to get Thais to attend the local Church and give up they religion.

    I am not ashamed to say I have several good friends who work in the sex industry. I can assure you they were never being exploited, in fact they do at great job of exploiting their unsuspecting customers. And there are many well qualified sex workers too, but they choose to do their current job, rather than a lower paying or more boring or time consuming 'normal' job. Its not only women that do these jobs, there are many men, straight and gay, but these are not 'helped and rescued' by the kind Christian folk... as they are not as pretty I suspect.

    This is a difficult and dangerous kind of job for anyone to do. It can be the ruin of many peoples lives. But at the end of the day we all have the right to choose to live how we want. If they would rather work in the sex industry rather than in the supermarket, office, or on the farm, than that's the choice they make, and many make a very good living from it.

    We have no right to tell people what they do is wrong or force them to do other jobs.

    Each to his / her own.

    Each to their own eh! Unless it comes to something you disagree with then they are "freaks",,, such as, well lets say religion as a wild guess to where your hypocrisy lies. Despite most of the world having one faith or another.

    So you believe because most people believe in something or are doing something then that is right? Most people on this thread agree with prostitution, so should you should stop posting that it is wrong?

    You know as well as I do I am talking about consenting adults here, people who are both into what they are doing, and don't harm the other.

    Religious nutters always harm people, they twist and warp vulnerable peoples minds. They force their religious morals and views on the rest of society, and help grow hatred and persecution for minority groups, and any one in society who does not believe in what they dictate. Here in Thailand they take pride in destroying ethnic groups cultures and families.

    What are you talking about? Have you been persecuted by a religious group lately? Do you know of any vulnerable people who have their lives and families destroyed by a religious group?. And where exactly are religious groups destroying ethnic groups, cultures and families. south Korea is now over 30% Christian, do you see their country destroyed or has it actually thrived over theist 30 years?

    This is your own misguided and misinformed prejudice based upon nothing but your hatred for something you truly do not and are probably do not have the inclination to understand.

    I don't believe that most people endorse prostitution, I believe there are a disproportionate amount on this forum simply because of where we are, the home of the sex industry which inevitably attracts people who indulge.

    And as you are so fond of talking about majorities 85% of the worlds population follow a religion or some sort or other, in Thailand for example over 90% are Buddhist and they also do not endorse prostitution, they see it as an "unwholesome" act.

    So, I am begging you please think about what you are saying, check that you are speaking the truth and ask around before you spout your hatred, it can be more damaging to society then you know.

    I have been persecuted by different religious groups in my life. As a teenager I was reduced to attempted suicide by my fanatical Christian church leaders and congregation. In several countries I visited I could have been put in prison or even executed because of my sexual orientation due to some other religions groups.

    I know several people who have had their lives ruined by Christian Foundation groups here. They have actually caused many children from these families to turn to prostitution to survive! I have met hill tribe families living in filthy prison camp like conditions, in poorly built air block houses with no electricity, no running water, and huge holes in the roof and walls, with wet muddy floor.

    These families are promised a better life, help with their disabilities and a future for their children. The price was to convert to Christianity, give up all their culture and beliefs, costumes and traditions. They had to leave their mountain homes and come live in the Christian village and go to the expensive built village church, while they live in poverty and dirt. One family I was close to, the father explained to me why he came. He became blind and was finding it difficult to cope in the mountains. The Christians promised him a house, electricity, water, a future for his children if they moved to this village. Once there they got nothing.

    Its a similar story for the other families I talked to. I spend several nights in their houses, much to the disgust of the bus load of happy clappy American teenagers that came through the village to pray with the people and check they were behaving themselves and not going back to their old ways. Once they left to go to the hotel in the town the villagers would light the fires, cook food together, wear their traditional clothes that they kept hidden, and sing songs and drink rice wine. The teenager of these families had no ID cards, no future, no education. They ended up 'escaping' and going to get work in the city, low paid construction work or worse. Many turned to prostitution to get money, nearly all of which they send back to their families in the village so they can buy food or get medical help.

    In my home area there are several Christian foundation hill tribe or ethnic minority orphanages. The children are taken away from their parents, who are promised education, health care and a chance of a better life. The parents can't visit them, many times they don't even know where their children have been taken. Once at the homes the children live in very poor conditions, while the owners of the places live in big houses and drive new cars. The children are taken to Church several times a week to brain wash them into the new religion, and warned they will go to hell if they don't believe it and give up their old religion. The young ones are told their parents died, or don't love them. In these places a huge amount of child abuse, both physical and sexual goes on, with no regulations or inspections.

    Only last month one farang owner here was arrested for molesting the young boys in his care. I have a friend who is doing undercover work with the police here, investigating paedophilia, and they have liked a lot to these chrisitan foundations and childrens homes.

    I have a lot of experience with the harm that people do in the name of religion. This guy in the article is clearly on some mission form his Jesus to save the women and convert them to Christianity. People like you and him, telling women what they are doing is bad and evil, telling their customers they are disgusting and immoral, when in fact you have no experience of such things, and don't spend the time to really know the people.

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