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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. I like dogs, I am not scared of most of them, I don't scare them or try hurt them.


    But I have been bitten 3 times in the 10 years I live here, from street dogs.  One very bad bite to the leg required several hospital visits and anti rabies shots.


    I cycle every day and have to pass several packs of dogs.  I live in a rural area.. and these dogs breed like rabbits and each year there are more and more of them.


    If you are cycling home in the evening and about 30 large dogs surround you on the bike, lunging at your legs, showing teeth, barking and snarling, and you are on you own with no houses near by, you will not think these are such lovely pets.


    I agree its not the fault of the dogs.. they are just acting like wild animals.  Its the fault of the 'owners' and people who feed them and encourage their population to grow.  But the people are not biting me.... so its dogs that have to go. 


    And yes, dogs are the same as rats, foxes, even cockroaches.  All these animals are alive and can feel pain.. and all of them reach annoying and dangerous population levels from humans, so the humans are to blame also.  Many people have pet rats, and even exotic insects like hissing cockroaches and scorpions, so just because something can be a pet does not mean its got immunity form being culled if posing a danger to the population. 





  2. 3 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

    What are you all complaining about? Many western governments are doing exactly the same for many years now, mostly not in a such obvious way as visiting homes but in many other ways. The American government has been screening phone calls for years, as well as emails. For few years now they demand all other governments to disclose any and all financial information as well as property holdings of Americans and green card holders off shore. 

    In Thailand so far there has been no control of foreigners staying here. Many TV members (well, mostly it's friends of...) are overstaying their visas, many work without legal permit, even more are exploiting the visa exempt program by doing visa runs for years. I am pretty sure that already many years ago Thailand was a good place for criminals to hide in, but according to many news articles reported here on TV, seems there are too many of those bad guys here nowadays, and taking measure to get it under control is good for all those staying here legally.

    Yes.. I am sure the hardened criminals living here will be very truthful with their personal information when filling in these forms.  Its going to make catching them SO much easier to catch them whey they actually write they are a criminal for their occupation. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just another thing to make me feel unwelcome here.


    What on earth are my neighbours thinking about me when police come to my house asking questions.. and also going to neighbours houses asking stuff about my family. 


    Are they trying to make the Thai population be scared of Farangs and not trust us? 


    Seems like paranoia about farangs. 

  4. We had these at my home in Chiang Mai.  In my village and neighbouring ones. 


    Problem was the name on mine was not me.... and the address house number was wrong.  So I told them I did not want to fill it in.  The head man came to take it back the next day.. and told me he has been told that the government has told all the head men to get this information form any Farangs living in their village.


    I found it too personal.... asking height, weight, eye and skin colour, and lots of family information.


    That same day I had already filled in 3 of the weird forms at the Immigration office about the places I like to hang out at and all that other stuff..... filled out 3.. all the same.. and they wanted a photo on first one.  Kept telling them I filled on in already and also at my last 90 day.


    What's going on?  Next will be having to report to the village head man AND immigration every 90 days?  And why do we have to fill the information 90 day forms out AND this new one AND this home delivered police one... ALL with the SAME information on them... EVERY TIME we go to do 90 day or visa renewal.  Seems crazy. 

  5. Quote
    On ‎19‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 1:54 PM, MaxYakov said:


    It's not just advice. It is acually minimalistic rules for safe (aka survival) cycling in Thailand. The full rule set is too voluminous for this thread.


    If your life is worth anything, ride wherever it is necessary to preserve it. A bicycle is not a motor vehicle and does not belong on roads used by motor vehicles.


    As I stated: A cyclist is essentially a pedestrian.


    As far as riding on sidewalks, Hello!


    Thailand is not a Western country, but even in Western countries cycling on sidewalks it is common for it to be both legal and accepted.


    The Bangkok Metropolitan Authority has spent much time and money making many of the sidewalks capable of being used by cyclists and in advertising that fact. In fact, in Bangkok sidewalks are used by cyclists of all sorts. If you don't believe me, go to Sukhumvit Road or just about anywhere and watch them.


    You obviously do not cycle in Bangkok and do not know what you are talking about.


    I don't know what I am talking about? 


    You think bicycles do not belong on roads?


    I have been cycling nearly ever single day here in Thailand for nearly 10 years... always on a road.  Many roads do not even have 'sidewalks'.


    The problem is bad drivers in cars.  They are so bad its just as easy for people to get run over or killed on a sidewalk... and people are motorbikes / scooters as just as much at risk as a cyclist.  Are you going to say motorbikes and scooters also do not belong on the road?


    Bangkok is just one place in Thailand... what about the rest of the country? 


    You obviously do not cycle outside Bangkok and do not know what you are talking about.  Come to Chiang Mai and try cycling on the pavements. 



  6. Quote
    38 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    The cyclist broke several of my cycling safety (aka survival) rules:


    1) Minimize sharing the road with motor vehicles, especially where there is high-speed traffic


    2) If sharing the road, ride as far off the road as possible. In this case, the cyclist is well into the road and should have been traveling to the left of the white shoulder-edge marker, not to the right.


    3) Have a mirror and monitor constantly for rear-approaching vehicles. Chances are 99.9% he didn''t have one.


    4) If a sidewalk is available, use it to avoid motor vehicle traffic. He could have used the other side of the road where there appeared to be more opportunity for separation from motor vehicles and he would have been facing oncoming motor vehicles so he could have had a chance to react.


    This type of oblivious cycling is common in Bangkok and probably Thailand in general, if not the entire world. He could have used the other side of the road and had more safe areas available and been able to see approaching cars.


    Talking to Thai cyclists, most will  not even mount a mirror on their bicycles. It's a "style" thing, or they didn't think of it or they didn't have the money or they can hear vehicles coming or they can just turn their head and look.


    Cyclists have to realize that they are essentially pedestrians and should utilize motor vehicle roads as if they were walking. They have advantages  over pedestrians in that they are moving faster, can utilize a mirror and lights and can gain some minimal protection from a helmet.


    Ride Safely (i.e. Establish some defensive cycling rules and stick to them)


    The saddest part, to me, is that a 2-year old who did not have a say in the matter of cycling safety and trusted the judgment of adults had died and so young.



    This is very bad advise.


    1.  How can you minimize sharing the road with motor vehicles.?!  Cars use roads. I don't know any roads with no traffic.  If you need to cycle somewhere you need to use a road.

    2. Ride as far OFF THE ROAD as possible?  What?  Ride in the rice fields or down the drain?  Riding very close to the edge of the road is very dangerous.  Have you tried that?  There are holes, drain covers, rocks, bricks, glass and plastic bottles, etc.. if you front wheel hits a rock or worst a bottle, it can throw you off balance and into the main road.

    3.  Your only good idea.  Having a mirror will help you see approaching cars, but its no guarantee a stupid, drunk or incompetent driver is not just going to slam into you anyway.

    4.  NEVER RIDE A BIKE OF THE SIDEWALK.  This is actually ILLEGAL in most western countries.  Have you seen the state of the sidewalks here in Thailand... you would be hitting you head on roads signs, falling off down open drains with no covers, weaving around trees planted randomly everywhere, smashing through plastic chairs and street cart vendors stalls.  Also you would be a danger to adults and children walking or using the sidewalk, or leaving shops.



  7. I eat mostly from the Thai markets and Thai Food stalls.  Never in 10 years had a single problem from them.  I don't know why you doctor would warn you not to eat from them.  If any one of them started serving food that was making people sick they would go out of business as no one would buy from them.


    The poster who says most Thai food is fried... that is not true.  That is the Thai fast food you are talking about.  There are so many dishes that are steamed, grilled, BBQ, soups, salads, som tams, eaten raw, and even a few baked foods.  I like the steamed meat rapped up in Pasanda leaves, and also the steamed fish.  Pork satay is grilled and delicious, fresh spring rolls, are very healthy, and there are many more examples.


  8. All looks nice.  I eat Thai food about 90 percent.  I never like burgers, fries and pizzas from fast food places anyway... and cooking farang food from scratch just for myself works out a lot of ingredients wasted and also wasted money.


    Thailand seems to have an unlimited amount of different foods... the other poster saying the markets only does the same things it gets boring...... I can't understand that!!!!  Maybe he is only going to one small market?  I am always finding new foods here and love to try everything to see if I like it.


    Also I buy nearly all my food from Thai markets, street stalls, and small local restaurants.  Its much cheaper and easier than making the food myself.. and I don't have any cleaning up to do!


    Having local Thai friends helps too... as they often cook at their homes.. or mine in there is a party.. and they will cook real local food, which is not found in the restaurants. 


    As well as the usual Thai food I actually like a few more unusual things like raw buffalo laab, some of the fried insects with lime leaves, chicken ovaries soup, and chicken feet five spice soup.



  9. Leave the monitor lizard alone.  They are a protected species and native here... unlike cats! 


    I would rather have them around than a load of cats... which kill birds, frogs, and all sorts of other animals, apart from spraying piss and shitting all over the place, and making noise fight each other late at night.


    There are plenty more cats to adopt if yours gets eaten.... there are far fewer monitor lizards.. and their population rapidly declining thanks to humans.



  10. Sounds like another idiot winging farang neighbor.


    Maybe he just moved in there and is not used to frog calls.


    I think the sound is relaxing and exotic... and anyway, after a short time you don't notice the noise anymore as you get used to it.


    I think he is way out of line going into you property and taking stuff (even the frogs) without you knowing.. and no normal person would do that.


    Be careful, after the frogs have gone it will be something else he will find to upset himself with. 


    If you keep the frogs they actually will do a good job is keeping down the mosquitoes and other nasty insect pests... and once their breeding season is over they will not be calling anyway.



  11. I can see in the future there will be agents for agents for immigration.  Get you number to get a number to get an agent, to get another agent to get a number for immigration!!!!


    Where does this madness end?  Now its got to the stage then agents are getting there 10.30pm the night before.


    I had an appointment with CM immigration for renew my visa.. and when I turned up I was kept waiting 3 hours after my appointment time... only to be told that the guy who was going to see me was having some kind of immigration parade day and I had to make another appointment using my agent for another day!!!!



  12. I don't think this goes on in the UK.. there was no hazing at my University or work.  Don't know about the Army though.  I thought it was just an American thing... guess the Thais are copying America? 


    It seems like childish bullying to me.  It's not an 'initiation'.... these days we are hopefully past the primitive tribal stage... but I can see some humans still have the mentality of cave men. 


    Getting pleasure and enjoyment from doing cruel, humiliating and potentially dangerous  things to other humans is perverted.

  13. No.. not doing anything wrong.    Not scared of them either.


    Its how the dogs are around here.... I am not in the city or on a housing estate.  I am out in the country... rice fields, small villages and mountains.


    These dogs do this to anyone walking or cycling. Even sometimes people on motorbikes.  I have seen them chasing other people and other people getting upset too... and I have seen the temple dogs cause 2 motor bike accidents..... causing one mother and her small child to fall off onto the road in one instance. 


    Oh, and dogs in a group... its called a pack, not a flock.  Perhaps you are confusing them with chickens?  So far not been chased or attacked by a chicken. 



  14. Its not equal rights at all and that is why people are getting upset and angry about Muslims.. because the Muslims (some of them) want MORE rights than the other religions or none religious people of the country they move to.


    For example, if that white hairdresser wanted to go into a Mosque and sit with the men, while she was eating a bacon sandwich and wearing a short skirt and let her long blond hair flow down naturally...  I think they would kick her out and refuse to let her stay.  So her refusing to serve this religious woman, who is wearing inappropriate clothes for that shop, should be no big deal. 



  15. 5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    As for the attacks on your peoperty, either a bigger fence or the dogs need to be culled. 


    As for the dogs chasing you while bicycling. that is a tough one. If you slow down to peper spray them you risk a bite but that really would be the best option at training the dogs not to chase you (and others)...a good dose of pepper spray. 


    I think it might also cause less of a commotion amongst locals if you pepper spray rather than hit the dogs with a steel pipe...although that would also "re-trsin" the dogs. 


    The best thing about pepper spray is it "reaches out" and the dogs don't see it like they do a pipe in your hand. Just get a very large can of spray because those small cans empty out very fast. They also have a tendency to shoot high so aim a bit low. 


    Good luck.

    Thank you for this helpful and sensible reply and advise.


    I have now walled and fenced in my entire property.. as considerable expense.. due to some other peoples neglected dogs.  I have also re build my animal housing from strong metal and concrete.. again thanks for other lazy and careless people and their neglected and abused dogs.


    I really like the pepper spray idea.  As I said I love animals.. and don't want to hurt any... but if one is actually biting me I will not hesitate to inflict pain back to it.


    Where can I buy the pepper spray.. and what is the best kind?



  16. What are you talking about... is that a joke?


    My bike is a cheap womens bike with a basket on the front and a rack on the back with my shopping from the market!!!   I hardly race through the place... and I have lights, bell etc.. and always watch out for things in the road.  I even stop for snakes and toads!!!


    I have the right to defend myself from getting bitten.  You think you should just let dogs maul you and no react?  What planet are you on?


    Do you really think a water pistol will stop an aggressive dog from attacking you, or a rabid dog?  Come to my place.. walk through the pack of 15 plus big aggressive dogs that circle around you snarling, showing their teach and lunging at you... stand there with you little water piston and give one a squirt when its running full speed to you leg with mouth wide ready to sink its teeth into your flesh... then just ignore the dogs latched onto you body as its OK you DESERVE to get mauled and injured because you happened to upset them by being a human and walking near them. 


    I am not an idiot cyclist or a road hog... and nobody going about their daily normal life activities in a public place DESERVES to get attacked by dogs.  How could you even think that?!

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