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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 51 minutes ago, peeba7 said:

    Thanks for all the replies.


    I am now thinking it was a small snake bite, never thought it would happen to me but there are two small raise bumps and it is sore where the initial reaction started on my butt, I may have sat on or startled a small snake.


    Can a snake bite cause an allergic reaction like severe hives?

    Could have been a spider bite... they leave 2 small raised lumps.... and their venom can cause such allergic reactions as you describe. 

  2. 18 hours ago, bannork said:

    I suspect they don't use the buffalo like in the past because it takes time to train a buffalo to plough, plus it ploughs far far slower than a tractor.

    The tractor used by most farmers with handle bars can also be used to pump water, it just needs a belt attached to the pump, plus you can put rubber tyres on it and attach a trailer, then it can move at a fair speed, 10 or 15 miles per hour, far faster than an oxen with a cart.

    If you have a buffalo where are you going to feed it in the rainy season? Everywhere has rice fields or sugar cane or rubber plantations. You will have to take it to some public land and move it every few hours or keep it in a shed and find grass to feed it.

    True it provides free fertilizer and generally it's a gentle animal, far less temperamental than a cow but you need many rai that you can fence in to make it worthwhile looking after them. And if you don't live near their shed someone could easily liberate them during the night.

    as pump.jpg


    with trailer.jpg

    You make some good points.


    Tractors are quicker... but what's the rush?  It's not like the farmers are running about doing 3 things at once in a busy kind of stressful  job.  Looking out my window each day,  the farmers are mostly laying out sleeping in the bamboo shelter things listening to their radios,, eating, drinking whisky and playing with little fires.  Other times they are aimlessly wandering about chatting and perhaps picking up a few leaves or catching a frog.  They have plenty of time on their hands most of the year. 


    Only busy times are planting and harvest... and even then they seem to pay out money to get some Burmese immigrants to do the hard work.


    As for feeding the buffalo when the rice is planted... easy... stock pile a load of bales of the old race straw... and also move the buffalo out to feed under trees in orchards or on the sides of the road.  Most people would only need 1 or 2 buffalo.. so not taking about feeding a great herd of them.


    Now the farmers have to pay for tractors, harvesting machines and staff, people to plant the rice, fertilizers, pesticides, and food form the supermarket. 


    In the past they had ducks to control the pests in the rice field, which provided free  eggs and meat.  They had buffalo for the ploughing, meat and also to eat grass.  Because the rice fields had no chemicals pumped into them they were full of life... turtles, frogs, wild ducks and geese, fish, eels, etc.. which would all be free food. The rice plants were tough and adapted to local conditions and pests.


    Now the strains of rice are mostly weaker, not hardy  to pests or local environmental conditions.  There is no free organic fertilizer and pest control or meat from ducks and wildlife, farmers have to buy or rent expensive machinery which needs fuel and fixing, strimmers and tractors replaced cows and buffalo.  They also have to buy in chemical fertilizer and pesticides.... as they are banned form using traditional pesticides made from natural ingredients like ginger. 


    Trapped in a vicious circle. 







  3. Some of the caterpillars are very bad... even just a very small hairy one can cause a big reaction.  I accidently touched on and my finger swelled up huge and I could not move it at all for nearly a month!!!


    Also been stung by hornets a few times... once on the motor bike one fell down my shirt and stung me on my stomach a few times before I could stop the bike.


    I sometimes get a massive skin allergy, with itchy, swollen red skin large areas of skin on my neck... I suspect its from something... either the small black ants, or some other creature dropping onto my neck from the mango trees when I do the gardening. 


    As you found out sometimes you just can not avoid getting attacked!!!

  4. People keep saying farmers don't have enough money to use an expensive tractor to plough in the stubble. 


    Why don't the farmers use the buffalo and cows like they did in the past?  I suspect its because most of the farmers are lazy... just throw a match to burn the fields... much easier than doing some work walking behind a buffalo.


    Also they can sell the buffalos offspring for good money... or raise them to a big size and they are worth a small fortune.  They are free to feed to.. eating the rice stubble and straw... and don't have to be insured or filled up with gasoline. 



  5. Nothing wrong with picking up washed up shells from the beach.  Tourists picking up shells and dead coral is not going to make any difference.... after all they are dead already and the shells will only get smashed up and ground down to sand over a few years...... and they are basically just old snail shells... think how many snails people kill in their gardens each year... but they don't look as pretty.


    The real problem is the shell shops and other people selling the shells... because they collect the LIVE animals and kill them for their shells... so that is removing live animals from the ecosystem which will mess up the balance and put species at risk.  So the authorities should be concentrating on shutting down these shell shops and stopping people harvesting live protected species.... not moaning about someone with a couple of dead shells in their case they picked up off the beach. 



  6. 3 hours ago, gemguy said:

    Nope, just my 25 years experience dating several hundred Thai women over the years.

    Some will invite you and they will pay while normally if you invite them for dinner then they are thinking and or expecting you to pay while they commonly bring along a friend on a first date as they will tell you bringing along a friend, as a chaperone of sorts, is Thai style.

    I recall that when I did not speak Thai then that happened more often.......but when I learned to speak Thai then it happened less

    Meantime, If I wanted to get the know the girl I would not ask her out for dinner rather just ask to meet her and suggest meeting her for coffee and if she showed up with 2 or 3 friends I would say let's go to a coffee shop and talk ..but if they all wanted to go eat then you can be 90 percent assured that they think you will be paying for the whole meal.

    If you want to go eat with them and find out then you can go and commonly you will pay for everyone's meal while sometimes they will share the bill...but usually ...they wait for you to pay the bill for everyone.

    When that happens all too often you will be thinking of a way to avoid that situation as you did not ask the girl out to end up eating with 3 or 4 or more people coming along while they size you up and get a free meal.

    The meal is usually not that expensive but it does tell you something about the girl and how she thinks about you.

    Naturally if she shows up alone that would be better but still the first date does not have to be at a restaurant  with 2 or 3 or 4 or more friends that she invited along making things somewhat awkward and somewhat uncomfortable when the bill comes and it is you that ends up paying for it.

    Or you can make a fuss about it and tell everyone they pay their own meal and then it gets all the more awkward and uncomfortable ........so the first date can be arranged at a coffee shop not a restaurant.

    But you do it your way ..what ever that way is


    You are offering advise about dating Thai women and yet you say you have dated several hundred Thai women.. yet you still seem to be making the same mistakes over and over again?  Where are you meeting these women... on internet dating sites or picking them up form bars? 



  7. What has become of peoples lives that that are so sad and pathetic to firstly post pictures of themselves on the net to total strangers... pictures that they would feel they need to KILL THEMSELVES for if anyone else saw them, and secondly to actually kill themselves over a fear of someone seeing their dick?


    Did they not think just to delete all their social media accounts, or is their facebook and other stuff more important than their own lives? 



  8. 2 hours ago, rijb said:


    I tried talking to them about staying out of the house.  But, they ignored me.



    Have you tried to put little signs up with 'no ants allowed' picture on them for them to read..... as you know they aren't very good at understand English.



  9. 3 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

    But why do u want to kill them all? No need! We are destroying everything on this planet!

    ???  Just save the women and children ants!!!


    I just had a load of ants get into my chicken chicks pen and kill most of them.... in a very slow and painful way.  I am not going to cry about killing all the mindless ants that cause problems for me. 



  10. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Do you know what tests were performed and how the diagnosis was made? 


    What area of Thailand were you in? What kind of Vet? Local Thai vet 'clinic'?

    I live in Chiang Mai.


    I don't use the small local vet clinics for much, only basic things, as I found they don't have all the equipment or expertise of the bigger vets.... however they are much cheaper. 


    I used a big vet clinic / hospital in San Sai, near behind the Big C supermarket.  It is a 24 hours hospital for small animals, has a hydrotherapy swimming pool for dogs and is a small animals Hotel. 


    It was just one blood test for the liver / tick parasite... which was done straight away and I got the results after just a few minutes.   Here is the link to it. 



  11. 1 hour ago, meatboy said:

    i dont know if you have read any of my postings regarding,ticks,vets and medications.

    when you say if its caught early and you get treatment straight away,it will be very easy to cure in less than a WEEK.

    dont delude yourself as there is a lot more to this treatment than what you think.

    our boy showed something was not right just once,a wobble as if he was drunk.straight to the vets,after the so called treatment which took all of over 3months.

    no discolour of his gums,eating as well as ever,very active,but depressed.blood tests every 7 to 14days proved NOTHING yet the vet kept insisting the parasite.s sometimes dont show on the blood tests.[B.S,]

    after a 5month spell no signs of anything the vet calls HERE WE GO AGAIN.

    SEPT.2015 5months later and 3different vets we were now at breaking point.and the gravy train was still rolling.

    after many recommendations we eventually went to what has been said the best animal hospital in korat[issan]

    so you should read mine and many of the other members posts if you think cureing is easy,[ITS NOT]

    Maybe in your situation it is because the vets you are using are not getting it right or are misdiagnosing the illness?


    I know both my dogs, when we got the test and diagnosis very early at the first signs of the disease.. they got better really fast.. and it was not expensive... just a couple on injections, a course of 2 different tablets, and some iron paste put in their food every day.


    No lasting damage.  But the one I left too long.. because I was not sure what was wrong.. that one nearly died the fist time... but still got better quickly once treatment began... about 2 weeks. 



  12. Hi.  Both my small mix breed dogs got this tick blood liver parasite thing.. even though I use frontline and hardly every see a tick on them.


    The first dog was only a puppy when she got it and nearly died.  The problem is that the dogs seem OK one day and suddenly go downhill fast... and if you wait a day or so to see if they get better the disease has got 100 times worse!.. The had to spend many days in the vest on a drip and was very weak. 


    That is how I knew what to do when the second dog started showing the same symptoms about a year later.  I noticed when she was less active than normal.. a bit off her food, and her skin felt really hot under her belly.  Also a very important sign is the gums seem to go light pink from lack of blood and they start to breath faster than normal.  I rushed her to the vet and with the early treatment she got better very fast.


    Then the smaller dog got it a second time.  Again prompt action.  Dog got better.. but the vets made a mistakes with the medication they gave me to take home.. and I was shocked when the dog suddenly got worse about a week later.. going back to the vet they were very rude to me and would not admit their mistake... trying to blame me for not giving the tables they gave to me... despite the fact they never gave them to me!!!  They had to treat the dog again from the start and they even charged me a second time.  The actual vet knew they made the mistake.. but he could not say anything to his boss.. because of the staff dispensing the medication would get into trouble or loose face.  So I now use a different vet.


    So moral of the story is.. as soon as your dog seems slightly not acting normal, less active and pale gums... get it to a vet and get and blood parasite test.


    With quick treatment this disease if very easy to cure and the dog will get better in less than a week.  But delay a few days and it gets much more serious. 

  13. Get one big tokay gecko to eat all the small ones.


    Seriously they are great to have in yours house.  They eat all the bugs and mosquitoes.  I would rather have some geckos in the house than get bitten to death by mosquitoes.


    And their poop is just small hard pellets.. easy to sweep up.  If you clean the house normally then you hardly notice the small amount of them.



  14. I live in the sticks.... in a very small rural village. 


    I don't have a Thai partner.  I live here because I love the country life.  I like greenery, trees, wildlife, etc.


    I can't drive.  I get about by pushbike.  Ride 40 minutes to the market to get a Songtaew if I want to go into the city. 


    I love it.  Been in this area nearly 10 years. 


    Happy to live in my house in the middle of a mango and lamyai orchard, take care of my chickens, ducks and other animals... and eat Thai food.  I could not stand city living.. even back in the UK.  I hate being surrounded by thousands of people, concrete, cars and noise. 


    Everyone is different. 




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