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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. If it is a fungal infection or other skin problems then it's not a good idea to allow the dog to swim at all.
  2. Because I have a job, family, friends and a life here. It's my home and I love it here. That does not mean I love the worst air pollution in the world. LIke you, I have also been here some time...I fact all my adult life since I was 24. So I have lived here the largest percentage of my life.
  3. Where are you? I am a in San Sai....today is first day the pollution is arriving. Smelly like burning and the mountains in the distance that were clear to see yesterday are all hazy now. Not looking forward to the coming weeks.
  4. I have no face book or Twitter or tiktok or anything. Only have this forum. Mind you I am not a criminal either.
  5. Except if you are a fishing company...then you can drag your nets and anchor through the reef or use poison or explosions to catch the fish..... or speed boat driver full of tourists, throwing trash into the sea, oh, or oil companies having oil spills, or hotels pumping sewerage and grey water into the sea... That's all ok. But don't pick up a sea slug or accidently sit on a lump of coral....that's obviously much worse for the reef and marine wildlife.
  6. Planned. Not a mistake from a 14 year olds teenage romantic unprotected sex on Valentine's day. Sounds crazy I know, but my parents were in their 20's and married. These days I don't know why young people would take the risk of unprotected sex. There are so many unwanted pregnancies here, illegal abortions and underage pregnancy. There is no need for these problems at all.
  7. Well.....they are stupid and deserve what they get / catch. Just feel bad for any unwanted and unplanned babies.
  8. Ferns Mother in law's tongue Christmas and easter cacti Begonias Spider plants Pitcher plants Ivy Also...check out this link...most of these plants are available here https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/house-plants-for-shady-spots/
  9. Op is just stupid story. Anything could be much worse. Could be a worse covid virus, or could not be. Could be a different virus...could be a bacteria..... Could be worse if aliens invades Earth. Also could be better. Could be a covid virus that cures cancer or extends life.. Ask what is the OP agenda.
  10. Nope. And probably the fishing boat slip someone a brown envelope and it's business as usual.
  11. Yes...and why in earth are the ponds 6 meters deep!? What were they raising in there, whales?
  12. I have been thinking I am a handsome young billionaire for years....so what's gone wrong?
  13. Try offering a cut open ripe papaya. Put fruit on a tray hanging on a tree....many birds feel safer feeding off the ground.
  14. Try reading this. Also a lot of power is imported. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_Thailand
  15. And the batteries are very toxic and hazardous to the environment. They have to be replaced and what happens to the old batteries? Think how many there will be from all the worlds electrical cars!
  16. So if a women pours drink over your head you can fell proud to go out after her and attacker ..then post on on social media like you are a hero?
  17. Hmmmm. The new dominant strain is said to be not that dangerous....like a common cold....if you are vaccinated. Everyone get vaxed and let's get back to normal please. If some people still worry about getting I'll after they are vaxed then they should just keep wearing a mask and take their own precautions. Personal responsibility.
  18. Not just those that hand around mom and pop shops, but also the fancy pants ex pat plastic hi so ones that hang around ex pat events telling everyone how famous and wealthy they are.
  19. Hmmm. Thanks for clearing that up. Just as I suspected. So this is not really news at all. Just another attention grabbing, misleading announcement.
  20. So does this mean we can legally smoke it? If not then what changes? I read the article and it says it's it's going to be classed with magic mushrooms and opium.. ..
  21. So you are prepared to do this the rest of your life are you? The virus will not be wiped out, it will become endemic here.
  22. Let me tell you I am pro vaccine. But, I have seen people getting aggressive about vaccines and having to wear masks towards other people. Also there are companies basically blackmailing staff to get vaccinated or loose their jobs and income.. Police have been fining or arresting people for not wearing masks etc. There are fanatics both sides.
  23. My thinking also. What happened to people simply using common sense? Take sensible precautions, take personal responsibility for your health, and don't go crazy anti or crazy OCD fearful.
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