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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Well, no families will come here from the UK as most children there are not vaccinated!
  2. They will be struggling more if they are in hospital, sick with the virus.
  3. My first jab of Pfyzer I had no side effects...only a bit of a sore and stiff upper arm where the injection was...which went away after a couple of days So I was not worried about my second jab .... Which to my surprise made me get the worst headache of my life that evening and feel really sleepy...but could not sleep as the headache was so bad. During the night I felt freezing cold, could not get warm and was shivering. Next day still had the headache and also all my muscles were aching and my body stiff. Thankfully by the evening that day I was 100 percent back to feeling well again.
  4. You are right there. There are elephants but the population is low...used to be a lot higher....until people killed a lot for ivory and also captures lots over many years to 'domesticate' and use to use in the logging trade.
  5. That is a great place. I have been there a few times. The elephants are very happy there and are free to roam a large valley and go up I to the jungle as they please. No chains, no rides, no shows or tricks. And they get really good medical care. They have a channel on you tube with many of their rescue stories.
  6. Yes. However, I said to take the animals I to the large jungle on the west side of the country and release the elephants out there. There are no roads (at least no major busy ones) there...and certainly none at all further in. It's untouched deep jungle. If there were any problems of some of them finding their way back just use safe electric fencing around the problem area. OR better still do my Safari park idea. I bet they could get all the money they need from international rescue / conservation organisations for that. They won't get money for keeping the elephants in the camps or using them for entertainment though.
  7. Of course the elephants can forage for themselves. They eat plants and grass....like a big cow. They don't have to learn to hunt. No excuse for keeping these animals as captives Plenty of jungle left...the west of the country has one of the largest remaining Asian forest left. Take them into the jungle, take of their chains and let the poor abused things free. Sorry, but that will not happen as the elephant camp owners and elephant owners won't make any money. No one is keeping these animals to help them. They are kept as a tool to make someone money. At the very least make some big safari style park and let the creatures roam free in massive natural looking enclosures and do as they please without being poked and stabbed with hooks. Then people will pay to drive in and see them enjoying life and behaving naturally...as well as get an education about wild elephants.
  8. Agree. And one of the core ideas of Buddhism is to alleviate suffering. By not tackling the problem, feeding stray animals so they can reproduce and make more feral animals...is simply INCREASING suffering.
  9. So are they allowing foreigners to come on holiday and WORK here now? I thought that was illegal unless you have a work permit?
  10. I thought private hospitals were the same price for everyone? Government hospitals are different as foreigners must pay more of course because we dont pay anything towards health costs like Thais do. No taxes etc Get medical insurance and don't worry about it.
  11. I am British. I have always preferred to sit on the floor when relaxing, watching TV, etc since I was a kid. Of course, formal or more family style meals I sat on a chair at the table. Now I am 45 and still prefer to sit on the floor. It's more comfortable and natural for me than sitting on a chair or sofa for a length of time. I did this many many years before I even came to Thailand. I don't get why some people think it's an issue to sit on the floor at home.
  12. I found its normally elderly expat Americans that try to talk to me here in Chiang Mai. I now try to avoid them as most were just wanting to talk 'at' me in a one sided 'conversation' that was usually all about how much money their huge house was worth, or some stories about how famous or great they are or how they know important people. Even get the wacky conspiracy theories rambling on and on.
  13. Terminology night not be correct. I mean they got passports / ID and and all the documents for all her family and kids easily enough after just keeping a low profile for a few years. Basically once get citizenship to a country in the EU you are free to live, work, buy houses and travel / stay in all the countries there....which I can not longer do after UK had Brexit. Maybe if I leave Thailand I can go live with my Thai friend and her family illegally and see if I get given EU status....but I suspect the rules are raciest. Lol
  14. Agree. I would never have believed it untill is saw it first hand. My Thai friends mother and boyfriend went to Spain on tourist visa and never returned. Opened illegal 'massage' shop. Several years later their daughter (my friend) got into Europe by basically leaving the cruise ship she worked on when it went into port. They are now EU citizens and she married a polish guy. It seems easy for people with nothing to loose to get in there. If it goes wrong they get their flights paid for to return home.
  15. 'People don't understand sarcasm on this forum?' are you being serious or....?
  16. Really? You don't love your children, your parents or closest friends, or even your pet dog or cat? Many people seem to confuse love with lust. Lust will always eventually wear off over time, but love can last a lifetime.
  17. Well, yes that would be the reason...and rightly so I heard that farang teachers also have been vaccinated here in CM.
  18. I am 44 and can't get a vaccine. I registered on several sites and apps and at my local government medical place. So frustrating. How did you manage it? Have you existing health conditions? Or maybe it is where you are located. I am in Chiang Mai.
  19. No, they usually make those ones 'disappear' or have an unfortunate 'accident'...or after some nice re education, publicly apologize.
  20. You are incorrect. Vaccinated people are just as likely to get the virus and spread it as I vaccinated people. However you are correct that vaccinated people are less likely to develop sever symptoms or die from the virus ...although this is is not quite correct in the case of the Delta variant, where the percentage of double vaccinated people hospitalised with it is similar to unvaccinated people....at least in the UK.
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