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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. Yes I did. Thank you. Sorry it was impossible for you to validate your claims.
  2. Huntsman spider. Harmless. Actually beneficial to you as they catch and kill insect pests and insects that can transmit diseases to humans. If I find one in the house I just trap it under a drinking glass, slide a bit of paper under it and let it outside.
  3. You are misinformed. "We find no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine "breakthrough" infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses. Our results, while preliminary, suggest that if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS CoV-2 transmission to others."
  4. So you can't then? I guessed that would be your answer.
  5. Can you please provide a link for that statement?
  6. What's the problem? If people are vaccinated they are safe from unvaccinated people who might have the virus. So why the need for segregation? In fact it's the vaccinated people that are the danger to the unvaccinated ones as they still can get covid and still shed and spread the virus. Maybe they should be the ones not allowed into sports events and restaurants? Are you one is those that thinks you can't get covid if your are vaccinated? Well, you can..just as likely as an unvaccinated person. And you can also be a mutation virus hub...just you are less likely to develop severe symptoms. So, I would not let a vaccinated person near my u vaccinated and covid free family!
  7. Is it 'travellers'? Was it a Chiang Mai or northern newspaper? Might not be Thai...but rather a Lanna word?
  8. I agree with you The news today they are telling is not to panic as a spike in covid is on the way. ..so it's hardly 'improving' as the op wants is to believe.
  9. From what I see the rice farmers themselves are not doing much 'back braking work'. 1. Open gate to floor field. 2. Pay someone to drive a tractor around to prepare the area. 3. Pay under minimum wage to a load of poor migrant workers, including women and children, to plant the rice. 4. Spray some toxic chemicals on the rice which you have not read any of the instructions and don't use safety gear. 5. Sit back for several months. 6. Pay the harvesting machine people to harvest it for you 7. Collect the money. 8. Don't forget to then burn the fields to make pollution for the dry season to give people lung problems. 9. Repeat year after year.
  10. I eat the Kaw Lam often here in CM it's easy to find. My Thai friend also taught me own to make it myself. However they thought I was mad to suggest adding raisins to replace the bland tasteless black beans. It's not like rice pudding though. It's too sticky And solid. Also they are not very sweet. The only flavour one that is sweet has eggs in it as well as sugar and coconut cream. They don't usually sell that one up north...as the northern Thai people don't like the sweetness of it.
  11. Is that the same Nairm we ear here in Thailand? I eat that fermented raw pork often...delicious.
  12. I felt a lot of GrengJai trading the OP 'story. Has he been in the newly legalised Krathon tree leaves?
  13. Nice bug. Have seen one here in CM too, but that one was green. They are very strange looking, but kind of cute.
  14. Happiness is clearly different for everyone. So, there is not a way to tell someone else how they can find it. For me it is being out in nature, not wanting or having lots of material possessions, not having a lot of money (that would send me mad like some of the superstars). But having security of enough money if I need it for health reasons. Lack of worries and commitments, lack of debt, lack of clutter in my life. So...I just like a simple honest life where I have freedom to be myself and am not trapped by anyone else or commitments. Also keep healthy and fit!
  15. Sorry about that. That is crazy. Must be your land office there. There are many people I know that have the pink ID card and they got it just as easily as me. All I needed was my passport and house book with my address inside . I did not even need to take photos as they did that for me at the time. Took about 20 minutes and cost about 70 Baht. Not sure what you mean about a legalised copy of your passport. Won't they accept your original current passport? I don't know of any other people who have had an issue with it. You are very unlucky.
  16. We are not married. We are both farang. Got pink ID card very easily and only cost a few Baht. Have you actually tried to get one?
  17. Why would a single male want a baby?? As for couples that can't make one themselves there are plenty of children and babies that need adopting or fostering.
  18. Both people were in the wrong here, the 'entitled grumpy farang and the infantile Thai driver. But the driver went way too far with his actions. However, have little sympathy for the farang.
  19. Have a huge tree of it in my street out in the sticks. The Thai Yai builders in sed to send their kids to climb the tree and stuff plastic supermarket bags full of the leaves. Told me they used to make tea from it. It's an old tree.. thick twisted trunk...think about 100 years old. Not tried the stuff myself.
  20. Of course not. If I go outside now and cycle around our village I would see plenty of groups of Thai people hanging around chatting, eating and even, in the evenings at the local ma and pa shops, drinking alcohol . I have to go to the market later and it's always packed with people and none are doing any social distancing. There are even 2 small bars open and stall holders having drinking beer on their food stalls with their mates from other stalls.....all while they serve customers. My neighbour right now is a village official and he has a BBQ going all day with About 12 of his other mates joining in and random people arriving and leaving. If I took a photo of any of these people and sent it to a newspaper do you think it would be published ....... Or probably I would be the one in the wrong and be charged with defamation...and every Thai neighbour would hate me.....and rightly so...lol.
  21. Ups. Made a typo there. Was going to correct it just now...but I think I will leave it the way it is...as it's more interesting. Hope he does not take my advise though or he might get in trouble.
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