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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. You can still get helium from a supplier in Surat but you will need to buy a 40 ltr bottle its real expensive.

    contact info?

    what do you consider real expensive?

    On Amazon its £30 for a bottle which fills 30 balloons. So yeah expensive stuff. The only other use I know for it is in MRI scanners in hospitals. Chat up one of the nurses...biggrin.gif

    ya i've been checking amazon. those bottles are surely empty of any helium when they sell them. and they won't ship them here. the search continues...

  2. We own a party supply store and at the moment there is no available Helium in Thailand, we buy from TIG who is the main supplier.

    It was reported a couple of years back that the supply of helium world wide was quickly running out, and as such, we have been told by TIG that there will be no Helium available in Thailand for a long time to come.

    But please, DO NOT USE the alternative that street vendors and market stalls use, they use Hydrogen, and this can turn into a fireball if it comes into contact with something that can ignite it and it ignites very easily, we have seen first hand balloons filled with Hydrogen that have touched a hot light bulk and exploded and remember you don't want your child holding one of these if this occurs.

    thanks for the response. that is not good news. going to have to start googling then, all of my stuff leaves the states in two weeks and i will not be without helium for my kids balloons for christmas.

  3. ya these have small green pickle sized pods that grow into that red flower. i don't mess around with power lines, we've called the pea before to have them cut but it always takes months. better than me doing it though and getting a bill for causing damage. tomatoes? they've been eaten nearly ever day in somtam. not by me though, wouldn't eat them if you paid me.

  4. Much as I despise taxi drivers, I'm not quite sure how you deduce he was at fault in this case. He certainly wasn't the one that paid the hospital bills.

    looks like my post sailed way over your head. or should i say it flew past like a speeding lamborghini?

    let me go out on a limb and guess that the songthaew driver didn't pay the hospital bills because, um, wait for it.....

    he wasn't, at the time, exceeding the speed limit while driving a lamborghini?

  5. Gorgeous Jimmy, can I ask how much is "not cheap"? Plants are soooo freaking expensive to buy and usually they all have the same old boring stuff. This place sounds interesting, off the Thong Nai Pan road meaning? Up the mountain? Halfway?

    Yes, a lovely plant, the green jade one looks interesting too. It was too bad my flowers "fried" on the ferry back from KP, but at least has put on a foot or so of growth....

    The one I got was 500 baht... (it had better produce a lot of "babies") :D

    I tried to get to the nursery /farm on my last visit to KP, even calling the owner, but he was busy with stuff during the FMP in Haad Rin... collecting rent, I think, more interested in that than seeing me!

    Stopping to get directions was told the road up to the farm was very rough and warned off trying to drive up on a motorbike anyway.... Could see a red coloured roof way up the hillside to the left between the large trees on the right side of the Thong Nai Pan Road (name of trees escapes me for the moment, but you know the ones I mean SBK) ... and before the elephant trekking place, I think.... some where in that area anyway!.... I'll try and dig out the number... and post it...

    As for Joe using wooden posts, my feeling would be to use galvanized metal posts to support this plant, looking at the long term....

    I saw today that one of my vines is now laying one the ground, :( that has had a wooden post for three years, it's a real pain to stand vines up again.

    thanks Jimmy. only the big swing is made out of wood. any frame i put into the ground or up above it would be metal. let me know please if you find some more of these...

  6. Charming how people are more concerned about the car than if anyone was hurt. (They were by the way)

    from the looks of the photo, the songthaew must have been speeding along quite fast (as they are known to do) and tried to make a left turn at a very high rate of speed, causing the car to hit it broad side.

    meh, i'm concerned about any innocent passengers who may have been riding in the songthaew. the car, not so much.

  7. Gorgeous Jimmy, can I ask how much is "not cheap"? Plants are soooo freaking expensive to buy and usually they all have the same old boring stuff. This place sounds interesting, off the Thong Nai Pan road meaning? Up the mountain? Halfway?

    that is nice, Jimmy. i'm getting a nice heavy wooden swing and that looks like it would be part of a really nice canopy. if you see it again somewhere please do let me know.

  8. The only Maserati on the island has been damaged.

    On second thoughts I might open a luxury car hire outlet for all the rich & glitzy visitors.

    Another business opportunity might be some of the hansum men on the island can be employed as Escorts ( above board of course ) to all the rich middle aged jet set ladies.

    We can then start our monorail project to the indoor Ski Slopes if they miss the cold, they can then use the giant waterslide to the beach.

    All us plebs can then use Surat airport , as Samui Boutique airport will only be used for private jets, they do not want to contaminate the air they breathe.

    Anther business opportunity, stretch Toyota vans to ferry people from the airport.

    What a great idea for the re birth of Samui.

    please do

  9. Fixed photo for you.

    I think the Ark Bar one is powder blue & older model.

    did lamborghini ever make a targa top or convertible model?

    Roo - pretty sure the blue one has bee replaced by a white one

    Joe - yes they do

    i guess they do. i don't know anything about them really just from teen years don't remember ever seeing one but that's a few decades ago.

  10. Unappydayz.........electric was off all night,from 3 am until 8am,,,,,,sweaty ,sleepless night.....

    will try and find out later.

    isn't that related to samui sheduled rotating power cuts where hotel owners would be notified in advance by sms to turn on the generators?

    i talked to the old lady and she's not even sure how this particular number that contacted her got her number. it didn't come from the standard office number but a cell, and informed her that the power would be out for two hours on that day and time and further advised her to collect some water as the electric water pump wouldn't be working. sms ended there with a smiley face.

    i told her that if she has a boyfriend on the side working for the electric company then she's set her sights too low and to at least try for a policeman or a politician. 555

  11. why store in Thailand? ebay would do the job cheaper, i use it for comsmtics and never had problem with import duty, so its way cheaper. you do have some come back where as department store you would not, also you would have to use a CC for payment which would be risky in my opinion where as with e bay PP covers you better.

    well any holiday shopping i do will be on a credit card, gotta get my royal orchid points after all. i've already done the family shopping from stateside and am now looking for something for staff and wanted to spend some money in thailand.

  12. Does Turkey day have something to do with Turks.

    i Was un aware of this well i am in any excuse for a Turkey

    yes, it does. most people don't realize that it is a celebration of the slaughter of the indigenous tribes of east saint louis who were under attack by the mongols.

    turkish men were imported from constantinople and offered by the continental congress to the mongols to thank them for their hard work.

    it's become quite difficult to import turkish men nowadays however so we offer turkeys instead.

    sounds dair enough.

    what about Turkish women they are quite tastey at times

    thanks, but i prefer mint flavored floss.

  13. Does Turkey day have something to do with Turks.

    i Was un aware of this well i am in any excuse for a Turkey

    yes, it does. most people don't realize that it is a celebration of the slaughter of the indigenous tribes of east saint louis who were under attack by the mongols.

    turkish men were imported from constantinople and offered by the continental congress to the mongols to thank them for their hard work.

    it's become quite difficult to import turkish men nowadays however so we offer turkeys instead.

    Might be a few Greeks going cheep!

    given their contributions to the global economy right now, i'd say cheap is a bit too expensive.

  14. Does Turkey day have something to do with Turks.

    i Was un aware of this well i am in any excuse for a Turkey

    yes, it does. most people don't realize that it is a celebration of the slaughter of the indigenous tribes of east saint louis who were under attack by the mongols.

    turkish men were imported from constantinople and offered by the continental congress to the mongols to thank them for their hard work.

    it's become quite difficult to import turkish men nowadays however so we offer turkeys instead.

  15. There must be somewhere in Lamai that has one because I have seen girls walking down the road with long strings of baloons (one at each end) for various bar parties. However does it must do both because at times the middle of the strind is pulling up while at other times flat. Could be a shop between the Outback bar and the old market close to the top (neared the old market) on the right hand side. They seem to sell lots of party stuff.

    thanks for the heads up. i'm getting desperate enough that i will drive to lamai to follow up...

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