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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. ha, i've got 3 kids in the house. there's nothing more environmentally friendly than disposing of used diapers as quickly as possible.

    i can just see it now, hey babe, i know you're watching three kids and trying to keep the house from looking like a disaster zone and everything else that you do, would you mind hand washing those soiled diapers?

    And in the days, not so long ago, before disposable nappies????????

    my guess is there were a lot of people dreaming about some day in the future when they wouldn't have to deal with soiled diapers anymore

  2. the grass is already greener on the other side !

    Samui is alot more expensive then Bangkok , and most ' working ' people here never stop going on how they wish they lived in Bangkok

    but it all depends on what you are after, and how you wish to spend your time....

    yes, the grass is always greener...

    samui is more expensive perhaps, but count me amongst those working class expats who would absolutely not under any circumstances, consider living in bangkok. perfectly happy here and looking forward to the apparent mass exodus of those who live here but wished they lived in bkk, or anywhere else for that matter.

  3. almost forgot, what tot had offered me for fiber optic internet connection was a 10mb DL 1mb UL for 1,499 per month

    cat package is 12mb DL 2mb UL for 1,500 per month.

    substantial difference.

    aaaand still getting the run around from tot. no refund, now 1 month. first they "have to contact bkk" , now it's "waiting for surat office"

  4. Try Joy pharmacy in Bang Rak, they are one of the cheapest on the island.

    Yeah get your meds then a no4 breakfast next door.....laugh.gif

    OK thanks guys! .... Will check out Joy's, and see if I get any joy... ;):D

    Joe should set up a road side stand... for his excess of toms! :)....even though they are green! :bah::D

    let me have my accountant check if my work permit allows for that and i'll get back to you ;)

  5. funny i should see this topic....i just moved back to lamai after 10 months....dont have any enemies here in fact dont mix much with the thai locals in lamai at all, dont go out to bars or anything - keep myself to myself really....used to always love my morning trip to the market for noodles and coffee... a few days ago at 8am i returned to my bike to find dog crap in the footwell....i thought weird for a dog to pass and poop in my footwell...didnt think anything of it - then today the same thing happened. someone clearly thinks it is funny to put dog crap in the white womans bike....its the first time i have felt truly targeted and unwelcome.

    I intend on getting my good thai friend from chaweng to come with me tomorrow and have a few words with the sellers around where i leave my bike....personally i think it is the guys who sit on the wall of the familymart opposite lamai market. My friend is going to be furious when i tell him - he will consider it an extreme loss of face to him and thai people that they should do this.

    Its beyond me why they would do this to me :( makes me sad and feeling targeted now......if i were a tourist i would not think much of the land of smiles or samui right now.......

    It's those random and unexplained acts that can be so disconcerting

    ya that's malice. premeditated. probably you'll never know why. probably doesn't matter too much either because there won't be any satisfactory resolution to the matter. doesn't matter if you're in thailand or topeka. some people are just going to be shitty no matter what.

  6. ya, that should be a sticky. thanks poor sucker for noticing immediately where i turned the wrong way.

    turns out to be one of the more straightforward of the various forums i post on. perhaps if more people understood how easy it is to link to various types of information it would stimulate discussion. i like to link to video/music/news sources sometimes as a response in order to source material, save time and avoid confusion or misunderstanding. sarcasm never seems to translate, no matter how many languages you speak.

    looking for a big c video to keep this on topic, i searched a couple of pages to find something and thought that there may be some value in this...


  7. Hi Yorkie, to each his own but I deffo prefer day time driving! Roads are so badly lit and the amount of trucks and buses with their irresponsible driving makes me prefer the daytime. Safe travels though and hope the roads will be dry!

    You are so right. Not only the roads are badly lit but you can count the number of lorries with correct lighting on one, never mind two hands.

    Problem is I have two dogs to take and it's unfair for them to travel with the sun??? beating down on them in the back all day.

    i used to drive across the states quite a lot and with kids it just seems a bit more comfortable that way. they can sleep and i can avoid confined kids being kids. unfortunately that doesn't apply to asia or thailand in particular. i was driving after midnight and the overnight vip buses were out in full force, driving 140, switching lanes without signalling, staying in the right lane etc. i just looked for a hotel to get away from those idiots and when i got to samui, i read about a vip bus crashing on the same stretch of road i was sharing with them, killing 5 people.

  8. thanks smokie but i only get a link to the vid that way, it doesn't embed. rooo sent me a how to link, i'll figure it out when i'm done for the day.

    Use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY1KIo_vcdY instead of http://youtu.be/QY1KIo_vcdY

    Don't you guys know how to copy and paste? laugh.gif

    are you suggesting i typed that url into the media field? look i post on half a dozen different forums and for the most part, each uses a different format. it's a rare occasion to share media here so i hadn't realized that this site doesn't use the same media sharing format as many others. rooo sent me a link that was a few pages long so i haven't looked at it yet because it isn't beer o'clock, and poor sucker came along and was able to notice that i was using the standard "share" link and embed code found below the video. this suggests to me that i can link directly to the page url, which i will test out now by embedding a video completely unrelated to this thread.


  9. from various reports around the area, it's only going to get worse over the next week or two. ayutthaya is under water and it's all headed down to bkk.

    when i drove down, on the western section of the outer ring road, traffic on both sides was restricted because half of one lane going each direction was under water. a friend took the bus up to bkk and isan two days ago and said it was down to one lane each direction. if you need to drive through that area, allow for a lot of extra time and do anything possible to avoid regular rush hour traffic. it's going to be a mess for a while.

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