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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. charcoal lumps provide a home for all the illegal undocumented non visa having microbes that are a necessary part of any good organic soil.

    just don't use any from after the fires that thai's start using plastic bottles. the ash left over from the fire (without plastic) is necessary for root development and flowering. also swimming pools but this is the gardening forum. everybody comments on how thick and green my lawn is, due in large part to my super secret ash mixed with seaweed water recipe that gets sprayed on every couple of weeks.

  2. For information on how to legitimize a child look here:


    thanks for that link, very informative. i really had no idea what is considered legitimate, i just nodded my head and signed papers when they were born. just asked my gf to show me all of the documents, incl those from the amphur, and my name is already written in thai on them and they state that i am, in fact, the father of my children.

  3. are you talking about co2 cartridges? i've got dozens but i'm not selling them, sorry. there used to be an active airsoft club here on samui, in maenam near the atv place in maenam. you might try asking the guy that sells toys in the main floor kiosk at big c, near where they put new cars on display. he's always got air soft guns and toy pistols for sale, glass bb's etc. also try the shooting range, opposite makro.

    if you do find some co2 here on samui please let me know, i'd be a lot less tight with mine if knew there were others available.

  4. If you continue with your job and your Non-B, if you loose your job you can apply for a 60 day extension because of your Thai family and during that time, either find another job and apply for another extension based on employment or apply for an extension based on marriage. As long as you are working, I see no benefit to changing from employment extension to marriage. It actually would require more paperwork by both you and immigration.

    ah, had forgotten about extensions based on family. was actually just speaking with my friend here who is working on a non O and he says while it wasn't a problem to get a WP with his non O, if he wanted to continue working after the visa and WP expire, he would need then to switch to non B.

    in that case it appears as though there really isn't any benefit in my particular case to switching. thanks all for the replies.

  5. well i have years worth of totally legit jobs and tax returns. unless i'm mistaken, i believe i can have a work permit while on a non O.

    of course i'd like to think i'd stay employed at the same place for the next three years but i am more concerned about having spent the last six years here without even beginning to qualify for the PR. i have to leave for penang in the next few days, that's why this question popped up.

    if i was on a non O visa and my job status changes, would the same rules applying to non B visa holders with a one year extension apply? in other words wouldi i be forced to leave and obtain a new visa or due to non O status, would my one year extension remain intact?

  6. given that i've been here for 6 years, have children born here and i intend to stay here (eventually looking for PR), would it make more sense for me to switch from a non b visa to non o?

    in particular, the only reason i haven't qualified or applied for PR is the 3 consecutive one year extensions. ignoring how ignorant that particular requirement is, it seems that the non O would be a better choice because then in the unfortunate event that my job status changes, i wouldn't be forced to leave immediately and seek out a new visa and my quest for three consecutive extensions would continue.

    what am i missing?

  7. There must be a small pond near you. They have been known to travel over a kilometre.

    It certainly didn't come out of the sea.

    So......l.either it has come from a small pond that you are unaware of, or, it dropped out of a bucket.

    Take your choice.

    well, when there is heavy rain, a temporary brackish pond does form about 500m from here.

    i'm assuming that catfish have not developed cement wall climbing skills though, and that beach sand is not conducive to their trek. the bucket idea is even less likely.

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