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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. Joe, upon birth of our children, they were given a small book which kept track of all required vaccinations and when they needed to be administered, maybe that's a starting point? Each hospital should have these books.

    grrrrr why the hell didn't they tell me that when i was standing right in front of them to ask? my old lady has a book for each of the kids but she hasn't found anything in any of them regarding a name of a potential disease and a vaccine in relation to it. she's thai btw so reading through them isn't a problem. i don't think it's too much to ask to know what these vaccines are and where they are from considering we are in a part of the world where you can expect practically everything to be fake.

    is there anything like the CDC here in thailand, that could be used as a "reputable" source for this kind of information? any of these vaccines that originate in asia are highly suspect as far as i'm concerned.

  2. anyone know or have a link to vaccine schedules for children here in Thailand?

    not interested in having a heated discussion about autism, or anyone calling someone else a moron for not vaccinating their kids. i'd just like to find out something factual regarding the schedules and requirements so that i can do my own research, thanks.

    i've tried getting this information out of nathon hospital and a couple of different clinics but of course no one has any idea what they are doing or what they are injecting. i'd like to think that if i could find out what the actual requirements are, for schooling etc, that i could make a more informed decision regarding a source for the vaccine and an appropriate age for administering it.

  3. Yes .... same story last month and the month before! :o But the HSPA part is interesting, they did not tell me that when I was in on Monday... I did inquire about a ADSL fibre optic line to my house, but because more that 1 km off the Ring Road, they cannot or will not do.

    i know someone that lives well out in the sticks, probably 5km away from the ring road entrance to soi 5 mae nam, and he has just had fiber optic installed and said he's getting download speeds of 1.5mbps. i live just a stones throw from the main road and i can't get it installed without paying them to put 5km worth of cable from nathon. bastards.

    I think it comes down to how many people they can service in a particular area... Soi 5 has a large number of "High End" houses... so enough people to make it worth while.... My Soi has few if any "high end" such dwellings!

    As for Steelerian's comment,... yes I meant to add I had never heard of HSPA before either... so you are not the only one confused with all this "jargon".... so ....don't feel so bad... :blink:

    For regular computer I find the CAT dongle is very good, it's just the Ipad, that drives me crazy with poor signal at my house... I have tried True, AIS, and now on DTAC... all not good at the house... although fine, else where in built up areas at least..... Defeats the purpose of using Ipad, when having to turn on computer to create a Wifi signal.....:annoyed:

    could be it i suppose but the guy i know lives km's away from any of these high end houses, in a small bungalow seemingly km's from anything. i was pretty upset when they said they couldn't get service to my house on the main road. in time, i guess.

  4. my house is loaded with macs, iphones and ipads but i don't think i'd ever buy any of them here in thailand. the markup is redonkulous. i would consider them for "authorized" service but that's about it.

    What about from the Thai online Mac Store? I haven't purchased from it yet, but the prices seem to be same across the online stores.

    i've never checked there actually. have been getting regular visits from the states every 6 months or so, so i tend to stock up around those times.

  5. Yes .... same story last month and the month before! :o But the HSPA part is interesting, they did not tell me that when I was in on Monday... I did inquire about a ADSL fibre optic line to my house, but because more that 1 km off the Ring Road, they cannot or will not do.

    i know someone that lives well out in the sticks, probably 5km away from the ring road entrance to soi 5 mae nam, and he has just had fiber optic installed and said he's getting download speeds of 1.5mbps. i live just a stones throw from the main road and i can't get it installed without paying them to put 5km worth of cable from nathon. bastards.

  6. What's DLC?

    downloadable content. make sure that what you think you are buying is compatible with the box you have. for example my wii is an american version which means that even if i wanted to pay for a wii game at big c for example, it won't work on my wii. if i want to download a game, or a game update or patch, it needs to work with your system.

  7. My neighbour seems to think you may have some luck with this at the computer shop, just past Tesco in Nanthon...they have buffalo products but he was not sure specifically what you are looking for... Might be worth a try.

    Perhaps let us know if you have success or not!

    thanks i will look there i think i know the shop you are talking about. all the speakers out front? i didn't know they sold computer parts, the music always kept me out haha.

  8. well a group of married couples i had here last year specifically requested a ladyboy cabaret for their after dinner entertainment so i arranged something for them with christie's. i can't for the life of me remember the farang mans name who was running the show but i do have his number in my phone. since you say that something may have changed hands, i'm not going to search for it unless you can offer a name.

  9. No its maya inn on the ghost road is a good price at 10,000b a month and very nice rooms and a pool and braekfast i think.

    yep it is maya buri and it is about 500 meters away from blessing village so you can compare both have pools

    nothing wrong with maya buri, i've been there once or twice but only for very short periods. if i was going to live around these parts i'd prefer a bit more privacy but i guess that's why they make so many options.

  10. I have just spoken to Julie myself who told me the minibus did not lose control in the rain, a lorry, who was out of control, hit them from behind sending them into the central reservation. The lorry then left the scene. Julie's husband was driving and could have in no way have avoided the accident, it is worth mention that this is the first incident Julie's visa run has had in seven years. The mini bus had slowed down from 100k to 80 as they came to a corner, the lorry did not slow down until it was too late, skidded and thumped into them from behind.

    There are several nasty injuries that include one man in a coma, a lady with internal bleeding in her head, a lady with a broken neck, a man with a fractured back and Julie herself that has facial fractures and a broken shoulder and her husband who has broken legs. While Julie is more than happy to take calls from family and friends of the passenger please be aware that she is trying to co-ordinate a lot f insurance claims and help her customers so she needs her phone line to be available and not taken up by people that are not connected to the passengers and are just curios to find out what happened and worse abusive text messages and phone calls from those not involved or in receipt of the correct facts.

    If anybody needs more information then please let me know and I will contact Julie

    oh man that's terrible. hope the best for everyone involved. i've been driving myself for several years now but i've taken each of the border bounce buses at some point and the only one i've taken multiple times is julie's. her husband was always a decent enough driver. very sad to hear this.

  11. Thanks Roo.

    Here's one for you;

    I remember reading a little while ago abot some long term rates in a resort with free wi-fi but I can't find the post again.

    Ghost road rings a bell?


    sounds like blessing village but there are a lot around that area

  12. i was curious so i looked at that website. pretty dam_n competitive. they claim to be selling a brand new wii for the same price as they are available in the states. compare to tesco who are selling that same 6k thb wii for 18k. well, "selling" may not exactly be what they are doing with them.

    can't wait for the wii U!

  13. if it's beer chang you'll be drinking i'd like to enter a team of me, myself and i.

    The beer won't be cold enough for you but sitting in the ice water should balance it out some. ;)

    fair enough, but chang is like a fine wine and needs to be sipped to fully appreciate so i don't think i'd be a very good teammate for this sort of event.

    if they had side bets i would probably consider putting a few baht on nigel's team, i don't think he cares what kind of beer it is, only that it gets replaced quickly haha.

  14. anyone manufacturing methamphetamines for their own consumption, regardless of whether they sell them or not, is seriously unstable. one look at the ingredients would tell any sane person to stay away. the fact that a young child was present while this was going on is a major problem. whether he's looking at time for dealing or not, he should be tried for child abuse, endangerment and probably a few dozen other child welfare issues as well. unconscionable behavior.

    i'm amazed anyone would compare alcohol or tobacco to meth.

  15. yaba and ya ice are a huge problem among students not just on the islands but everywhere in Thailand. I speak from personal experience as one of our relatives started using yaba at the age of 15. If he's got any brain cells left now, at the age of 25, I cant tell. Don't be naive about this kind of drug use in Thailand, the govt acknowledges its a huge problem.

    im aware its a problem, i'm questioning the "smoking in school" part. i've got kids in school here.

  16. he is obviously a XXXXXX idiot who deserves everything he gets, i spent some time on the island last year and was shocked about how many people actually deal drugs in a country which has such harsh drug sentences, it just goes to show the intelligence of some of the people who live on koh samui, i worked out that about 40% of the people who live on that island are too ugly to get a decent girl in the uk, too stupid to get a decent career in the uk, thats why they go to go to thailand cos they think they are untouchable, clearly they are not, anyone who starts believing their own hype out there is in big trouble eventually.

    and there are some of us that have worked hard to earn enough money to make a legal business in Thailand and spend the rest of their days in the sun.

    yes there are allot of <deleted> out here. same like in our own countries but this ice and Yaa baa is a big problem on these islands. so if big heavy sentence don't do anything to stop the problem the they should make them harder.

    i have seen of kids smoking ice in local schools in samui. my kid will be going to one of these school in the future. If the problem is bad now then imagine it in 10 years time. i hope he sentence will put off other people following in his foot steps.

    ah, what? sorry but i can't just read over a statement like this and not question it.

  17. if it's beer chang you'll be drinking i'd like to enter a team of me, myself and i.

    The beer won't be cold enough for you but sitting in the ice water should balance it out some. ;)

    fair enough, but chang is like a fine wine and needs to be sipped to fully appreciate so i don't think i'd be a very good teammate for this sort of event.

    if they had side bets i would probably consider putting a few baht on nigel's team, i don't think he cares what kind of beer it is, only that it gets replaced quickly haha.

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