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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. Hi Joe,

    My G/f had her's done at smile dental opposite Post Office on ring road in Cheweng. (2 shops from True Vision). Excellent job and very reasonably priced.

    thanks for the tip. those were actual corrective dental braces and not cosmetic?

    Yes mate corrective braces, and they have done an excellent job. The dentist speaks English reasonably well also.:thumbsup:

    great, thanks for the lead. he knows his next day off from school is going to be spent driving around meeting dr's, now i just have to figure out how to get him in the car haha.

  2. it's unfortunate that it's come to this because people obviously want to ride the jet ski's. hope that tourists do in fact avoid them though, can't say that i'd miss the early morning and late afternoon jetski convoys or the bad attitudes or the constant scamming, sucks that everyone has to suffer because of a few rotten apples.

  3. not looking to build a new villa, i am looking for someone to alter a spare hallway by building a wall and dropped ceiling. there will also be a few odds and ends such as scraping and painting, as well as re-tiling a pool but not necessarily all by the same builder.

    if you know of someone in the building trades who is capable of summing up the job and preparing an actual quote to have this job done, please provide me with a name and number.

  4. looking for a recommendation from anyone that actually has experience getting actual dental braces here on samui. have no interest in hearing about cosmetic braces please, just dental braces to bring my boys mouthful of teeth back into order.

    i don't think i've ever seen an actual orthodontist here on samui and i'd prefer not to go to bkk for something like this as it requires regular follow up attention.

    recommendations please and thank you.

  5. someone call the expendables and tell them that a wealthy and domineering politician has a stranglehold on the local population, but his beautiful daughter is leading the fight to have him removed and peace restored. only problem is that she's been kidnapped and held in a dungeon on that island to be reprogrammed and neutralized.

    we'll find out what's on that island soon enough...

  6. that address doesn't help much. all that means is that it is somewhere on the ring road just west of the bophut traffic light, all the way out to ban tai or anywhere in between.

    probably easier to ask them which property developers or estate agents have closed down nearby and find them that way. any landmark would help.

  7. Watch out when the snow melts, we may have flooding and another concrete skeleton .... perhaps then we could have days tours of failed projects on the island :D

    I do like the idea of the day tours of failed projects. (Can we fit them all in on one day?) :rolleyes:

    it is a good idea and if it were allowed to be colorfully descriptive (read:accurate) it would be a profitable venture i'm sure.

    honestly i would love to see a project like this succeed. "be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid". having said that, please don't write me to tell me about a fantastic new investment opportunity...

  8. I kinda feel sorry for hundreds of investors who invested money in this scam. I was working with these guys as a contractor and saw day-by-day their practices how they were trying to sell the villas which were never going to be built. The whole project was based a sham, nice shiny looking projects and then one day close down entirely and dissapear. I know the Happy Elephant developers are still owed 20m Baht for Bophut Residence, Tropical Hills projects, which also never came to existence, there were only some villas built for Bophut Residence...

    At this point they still owe their CEO and accountants, they couldnt do anything as well. The Chairman of the company, which took the money to a Hong Kong offshore account still enjoy the high life in samui, the rest just dissapeared. Many of the investors now have formed a group and are trying to take legal actions against FAREPS which were the marketing agency in England, Kent. They are still trying to sell projects, land in Spain and even in Samui, in the Cool Blue project which was also a scam.

    I know some people that have the hard drive of all their activities from the past, including all the bank transfers, email communication and all the Excel spreadsheets, Quickbook accounts of all 17 companies created to confuse the Thai government and DSI.

    It was a smart scam, right now its under investigation by the Scotland Yard and Thai DSI...

    i knew someone from the UK that bought two villas in bophut residence and two in cool blue. he did get his two completed in bophut residence although each of the additional things that were to make it a nice little community never came about and that entire project is plagued with engineering problems. cool blue of course was only cool if you were on the receiving side of a transfer. total scam as far as i can tell.

  9. i've had tomatoes ripen here, swear to buddha! i don't even eat the damned things. let me sort through a few thousand photos in my camera and see if i can find some. the kind i've had the most success with is called "black krim", purple color, fun to watch grow. and i've just received a few more packages of seeds from the states that are quite heat tolerant so i'll be planting them soon.

    i don't think i'd try them commercially, but there is no reason why any person here can't have a tomato plant. or two. the biggest problem is night time temps to set fruit, so starting a tomato plant in april probably isn't the best idea.

  10. anyone ever seen tomato cages anywhere on the island? i know i know i know just make them yourself but i'm having a hard time locating the right size wire mesh so if anyone can point out a place for wire mesh (i've been to mae nam trading a few times for other things and not seen it there) i'd appreciate it.

    also, i'm looking for some pre made metal fence panels. if you are familiar with the large rabbit cages sold in all of the pet shops, that is pretty much what i'm after but none of the shops i've stopped at have any, only the entire cage. basically i'm trying to make a small (perhaps 3m x 3m) portable rabbit enclosure so that the little guys can hop around and shit all over my lawn.

  11. "nobody comes here to play golf",.... my understanding is that Santiburi has several tournaments each year... not sure how many people attend... perhaps not the 'world class league" but seems to attract golfers from some where...

    I think Joe's point is for golf holiday tourism it would have an impact. Having two international standard golf courses would justify a golfing holiday trip.

    yep. would still fall short of hua hin but everyone that's anyone has played those already and samui is an island after all.

    Would that mean those on the beach would be pestered every 10 seconds with vendors on the beach, trying to sell you some thing? :realangry: My first Thailand beach experience was staying a Hau Hin, never to go back again! :w00t:

    As for a second course perhaps they should look at joining the Bopout golf course and the one in Lamui, (which I have never figured out where that is) ... and everyone in between being in a "FOUR" zone....:cheesy:: ;)

    I would also think it would attract an "exclusive elite type of traveller", that would not frequent the many bars and restaurants that are looking for business...?

    At least at the moment, tourism seems to have picked up, I judge that by the number of Safari trucks I see full everyday, also the tour boat companies busy with all boats doing day trips to other Islands (Marine park, KT and KP) Staff not had a day off in weeks, because full everyday.

    i can't go to chaweng beach without being pestered to buy something already. just par for the course really.

    most of the restaurants and bars that are here already weren't exactly established to be long term ventures anyway. most of them were started with "hey let's open a restaurant/bar and see how long we can stay here". it's in everyone's best interest that those restaurants/bars/massage parlors etc are allowed to fail in order to build a foundation for better business in the future. i don't think it's much of a stretch to assume that people who would travel here specifically to play golf would frequent those restaurants and bars that have done their homework and established a reputation for providing good attitude and service along with the good food and drink.

    as for your comment about tourism seeming to have picked up, all i can say is that it is august. if we can't draw people here in august or dec/jan then we may as well turn out the lights.

  12. "nobody comes here to play golf",.... my understanding is that Santiburi has several tournaments each year... not sure how many people attend... perhaps not the 'world class league" but seems to attract golfers from some where...

    I think Joe's point is for golf holiday tourism it would have an impact. Having two international standard golf courses would justify a golfing holiday trip.

    yep. would still fall short of hua hin but everyone that's anyone has played those already and samui is an island after all.

  13. "looking into other high profile destination attractions such as a Luxury Marina and 18-hole Champion Golf Course"

    with all that money to spend it seems like they should have started there first. this island doesn't exactly have a stellar track record in either regard. would love to see something like this pulled off though, both marina and another professional 18 hole course would really go over well. closest marina in pattaya and face facts, nobody comes here to play golf, they come here and then decide to play. i don't even play any more but more golf would have a pretty decent impact on the local economy all the way through.

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