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Posts posted by joe84330

  1. yeah i suspect they would all be thrown away. i think i'd appreciate the effort if someone actually tried to forward my mail however so i'd at least like to see if there is a simple way to do it. i'm not sure it's a good idea to post the name here, don't know if forum rules or etiquette allow it.

    does anyone here get junk mail from the UK?

  2. we've been getting envelopes from the UK addressed to an individual with a "western" name and i'd like to find a way to forward them to the correct person, or at least make them stop.

    back home it's as easy as writing "return to sender" "no longer at this address" etc. on the envelope and giving back to the post office but i don't think they'd go through the trouble of sending something back to the UK for free.

    apart from just throwing them away or spending money to send what may or may not be junk mail to the UK, is there any correct local procedure for reuniting this person with their mail?

  3. Tony Martin. He shot someone who had repeatedly birgled his house in the back.

    Exactly. He shot him in the back. The British law is that you can use reasonable force and, thankfully, shooting people in the back is not considered to be reasonable force.

    most sucker punches and cheap shots happen when they turn their back to give you the impression that they are disengaging.

    not saying that's what happened in that burglary case, but hey you're in my house xxxxxxxxx and i sure as hell didn't invite you in here while i was sleeping. got what he deserved imo. darwin has a lot more awards to give out, it's unfortunate that countries like england try and shackle him, he should be handing them out faster.

  4. interesting, i didn't realize that we now have 3 international schools on samui. fwiw i've spent the last week reviewing and visiting all of the local school options and very happily placed 2 of my children into one of the schools mentioned above. only disappointed that they can't yet provide anything after "primary 5" (10-11 yrs old?)

  5. I dunno what he's complaining about really...most of us would be flattered to have a supermarket (albeit a crap one) named after us.

    Kum and Go?

    laugh.gif Is that a new drive thru place?

    it is in fact a completely legit regional gas station and convenience store in the US, i kid you not.

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