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Everything posted by tgw

  1. yeah. that's dumb. there should be no distinction of sex or gender in Chess competitions at all. being human should be the only requirement.
  2. and ? the money trail would end in a country where it's legal. then no legal aid would be provided to identify the principals. for example through a company setup in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia or Turkey. it's rather these agencies here that haven't thought through their business plan.
  3. transfer to a country where escort agencies are legal and all investigations end there.
  4. with ST/LT in the profiles, they are advertising sex. media editor's responsibility.
  5. how would they otherwise pay the money to the escort agency ? bank transfer would work too, but it would be an international transfer.
  6. I guess dating sites will now take more drastic measures to avoid any hint of prostitution, no more LT/ST in the profiles. and owners of escort sites that are themselves in Thailand will start sweating and sleeping bad at night. The most difficult for such sites is probably to maintain confidentiality for the principals in money transfers, that requires a foreign entity that accepts credit cards, and the girls would need a card too. "follow the money" - not always the easiest trail to follow, but certainly the most promising.
  7. Budanov is a first class troll, I'm glad he's on our side ! https://twitter.com/golub/status/1689540866300362752 https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1667860271354748928 *somehow my twitter link / embed doesn't get picked up by the forum software
  8. yes, absolutely correct, it was the prudent step. which doesn't mean it would have been impossible to steer the boat.
  9. yes, I don't dispute that. I said it depends on how intuitive a person is. The question was "would it be possible without training" - I say the answer is yes, I don't say everyone could do it.
  10. lol, if you need that kind of "training" then go ahead ! I admit when I I went on my dad's fishing boat, around Brest, Le Conquet, Ouessant, the conditions didn't require any skill. No wind, no currents, never any waves, no rocks... the area is well known for smooth sailing in nice weather.
  11. it looks unusual, but there are really only two things to figure out: - how to control the speed - how to make the thing pivot once the exploration and experiment phase for that is done (5 - 10 mins), then it should be possible to steer the boat.
  12. depends on the boat on its condition and on how cold blooded and intuitive the person is. how long is a piece of string ?
  13. usually it is quite simple, but then I also would expect Thai boats to have some quirks that could potentially make it difficult.
  14. it's not about "wearing a watch". if you made a nazi-themed watch and wore it in Germany you'd probably get fined too, in theory also jailed. it's not about a watch, it's about promoting a way of life that isn't approved in Germany. or in Malaysia. this LGBT-themed watch issue opens many perspectives / cans of worms. should we respect other cultures ? what if that culture includes the oppression of minorities ? what about a religion ? how is an enemy of our culture / state defined ? should we go to war ?
  15. recently watched both seasons of Perry Mason the remake. solid series, set at the beginning of the thirties in LA. the stories are creative, characters developed. enjoyable to watch, although the second season develops a bit too much the lesbian romance that brings nothing to the main plot, which also seemed simpler than the first one. now that I think about it again, I'd say both plots could do with a bit more intrigue. solid 4 stars though.
  16. check the rest of the bed, thoroughly. there might be a simple explanation for the pillows being moldy, such as if there had been a cleaning after your last departure and the pillows were placed there while still being wet after washing. if there are no traces of mold anywhere else (under the bed, under the mattress, behind the bed, on the walls, etc.) then I'd suggest going to Tesco or Big C and buy a couple of new pillows.
  17. I watched "Revenant", a Korean series about a ghost story. As with "Attorney Woo", the series is very well made, the story is intricate. It was especially interesting to get some glimpses of the countryside, houses, streets and interiors, how people live. 4 stars - lost a star because it lacks romantic relationships
  18. many classic series have episodes like that, probably happens when the authors are bored and feel secure in their jobs. I hate it as well.
  19. *thinking hard* uhh honestly got no idea. sugarcane work is ideal for keeping the girls in shape.
  20. civilian organizations serve the population. in Russia, all the functions you mentioned serve Putin. there's the difference.
  21. hmm... 100 food carts taking up ALL the beach area to themselves (as per the article). the beach is 5 Km long (if counting from Pratamnak beach parking til Nakawari Village), and let's estimate the average width of the beach to 30m (it's probably more, especially if counting the footway). So we can factually conclude that a single food cart has a surface of at least 1500 square meters. Follow me for more scientific calculations.
  22. I disagree. Putting a representation - any kind of representation - in a place where it will be seen by people who didn't realistically expect to see it is making a statement with intent. Many statements can be made. While I'd think presenting a photo of a concentration camp on a billboard would be ok making the statement "never again", I'd also think that such a photo has nothing to lose on a milk bottle or pizza box. The placement just feels weird, using milk, eating a pizza or having a coffee aren't moments and places where I'd like to be "stimulated" into thinking about such a topic. Like an intrusion into a moment I'd normally use for relaxation or organizing my day.
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