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Everything posted by tgw

  1. there's certainly more to this story. especially with Netanyahu at the helm. what's the story behind the story ?
  2. stupidity meets social media ... result : instead of being just ignorant, the stupid nowadays find some drivel they are happy to believe.
  3. excellent videos what exactly is controversial about them ?
  4. the alleged cluster munitions attack on the "Russian village" has not been confirmed, but is used extensively in Ruzzian propaganda. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-shells-russian-village-with-cluster-munitions-russian-official-2023-10-03/ https://www.euronews.com/2023/10/03/ukraine-kyiv-fires-cluster-bombs-at-russian-village-claim-devastating-loss-of-us-aid-eu-pl (last line my emphasis)
  5. nono. many do beep when passing through. nobody checks though.
  6. and another Ruzzian shill spewing Ruzzian propaganda and lies... sigh
  7. well, considering they hold only about 50% of the territories they "annexed", they might want to fully control what they claim to have first. lol.
  8. it is what it is. it's a human reality, it's a mental disorder, yes, fact. but what's important is what we make of it. considering the amount of human suffering and oppression involved, not to mention violation of fundamental rights, it's not right to even consider attempting to therapize that disorder. instead, let's make the best of it.
  9. In German, there is a saying : "believing means not knowing" I have seen no signs at all supporting the existence of God.
  10. so wait ... he publicly admitted he has knowledge of crimes committed by police officers ? and he also admitted that he doesn't act to investigate these crimes and therefore he is not only failing his duty as a police officer, but also failed his legal citizen's duty to report the crimes to the prosecutor ? is there any way he can remain a sworn officer of the Law ?
  11. so what is everyone's opinion about Schrödinger's Ruzzian Admiral Sokholov ? depending on who you believe, he's either dead, alive, or neither dead nor alive (Ruzzian TV)
  12. tgw

    Decent sausages

    your post made me curious, so I tried these tonight. long story short : I'm not a fan. taste was average, but the texture wasn't nice. it consists of some larger pieces of meat and way too much fat. I think TGM makes a better product.
  13. as first steps, I would do the following: - check available space on the system drive (C:) - if space is available, try restarting the PC - still solves a lot of problems I wouldn't know why you can't save the screenshot anywhere. try using WIN + shift + S then something will popup giving you the option to save the screenshot. deleting cookies related to lazada from your browser might also help.
  14. some more details may help, firstmost the device type (computer/phone) and software used (app or browser).
  15. tgw

    Decent sausages

    the skinless ones are called Knacks, I think they were invented by Herta. they are "cooked" (at low temperature) in artificial "moulds" which then make a knack sound when opened to get the sausage out. not be confused with the knack sound a nice wiener or frankfurter does when its natural sheep casing breaks the "Knackwürstchen" (with casing) originates in northern Germany
  16. I have written quite extensively on the subject a bit more than a year ago - I am of the opinion that the virus is of animal origin and leaked from another lab in Wuhan. Maybe it's the virus that decimated Chinese mink farm populations in 2019. Coronaviruses have a history of escaping labs very easily and Wuhan concentrates 25% of the whole country's bio labs, for Universities, Veterinary Institutes, Disease Control, Ministry for Agriculture, Virology, etc. A lot of the main labs, central analysis facilities are in Wuhan. Typically samples of a virus collected in a mink farm would be examined in a level 2 lab, probably by students. So it's occam's razor: - virus possibly breaks out in mink farms, infects humans and infects back minks - virus sample is taken - sample is sent to Wuhan for analysis (no surprise, most national veterinary virology facilities are in Wuhan) - lab is probably level 2, low safety procedures - virus escapes lab (coronaviruses escaping labs is a common occurrence, especially when as contagious as this one) - result: COVID of course Chinese authorities wanted to hide their responsibility
  17. tgw

    Decent sausages

    indeed. there are different types (calibers) or natural casings too.
  18. nope, Russian leaders don't do what they say. they have a well documented history of lying to everyone and of breaking agreements and international treaties. they don't even come through giving Ladas to families of the conscripts they forced to fight in Ukraine.
  19. Good thing you don't school anyone with false facts. 1- Not a treaty, "Not one inch to the east" was a verbal assurance given, not part of any treaty. 2- "Not one inch to the East" was about NATO's non-expansion into Eastern Germany, guarantee given to Gorbachev and the Soviet Union at the time of German reunification, so that Gorbachev would approve it. Nothing to do with other countries joining NATO.
  20. Lavrov is a first class lying scumbag and a war criminal. You citing his arguments is appalling.
  21. tgw

    Decent sausages

    don't joke with sausages. sausage is a serious topic. there is an optimal fat content in sausage that results in the best texture and taste. the correct fat content (and correct type of fat) is part of the experience.
  22. tgw

    Decent sausages

    yes, but fat content has gone up
  23. tgw

    Decent sausages

    err... what kind of sausage are you looking for ? for Vienna / Frankfurter type, I like Foodland's (natural sheep casings) for Bratwurst of all types, I like TGM's (available on Lazada) other sausage ... ?
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