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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I won't display my paranoia, but when you post and somehow equate Ukraine's actions with those of Russia, could you please before posting ask yourself objectively "are they really doing the same, is it really comparable? " Dirlewanger's was a bunch of really bad people, whereas I suppose Ukraine would want to draft cigarette and alcohol smugglers, corrupt officials, tax evaders, maybe non-violent burglars, car thieves, forgers, etc. I might be wrong of course, but let's see the final bill as it is adopted by Verkhovna Rada.
  2. So what you mean is, because you don't know the exact exclusions, you go on to publicly defame Ukraine, despite the measure not having been decided yet and there being clear signs that not all convicts and prisoners will qualify.
  3. I think you totally overlooked purposely ignored the list of exclusions of the proposed draft bill to post your usual misrepresentation of facts with the goal of discrediting Ukraine. In the very article you linked, it says: In comparison, Russia took several times murders and cannibals into the army.
  4. wait ... charges for owning REGISTERED guns ? this whole story gets more ridiculous day after day. for this one Swiss scumbag who should answer for "kicking" (still waiting on the proof of the kicking - where are the haematomas) the doctor (not that it should make a difference who he kicked) - for that ONE scumbag, I see dozens of officials and officers abusing their power, peddling influence and intervening in the judicial process.
  5. so different from Russia, right ? Russia would have saved them from corruption and poverty.
  6. glad you had the opportunity to talk with a representative sample of the Ukrainian population.
  7. the chain of events is long, but the reason for them is simple: Japan was an aggressive, imperialist and expansionist power trying to take what wasn't theirs. for Russia, it's a bit more complicated, but it boils down to Russia considering Ukraine to be their exclusive back yard. Yes, there are some historical reasons for this, but here too the real reason for the war is Putin's personality as a dictatorial murderer and him feeling personally threatened by the West who wants to remove dictators. He has felt personally threatened almost right from the beginning because we knew about his shady and bloody tricks to subjugate Russians into voting him in for President.
  8. "after world war 2" I think you have your history mixed up. The embargo on Japan was before it started war against the US (and arguably led to it). Regarding Germany, the US' Marshal plan put it on fast track to reconstruction and economic development. End let's assume you meant "before WW"" - in this case, the embargo pushed Japan into war. Japan experienced very serious shortages of embargoed raw materials such as steel which crippled their arms industry. The same applied for Germany during the war. So Embargoes do work, but they aren't enough to induce political changes.
  9. yes, we know which playbook you use content from. these are short term costs for a longer term investment into peace and security.
  10. it's because they have run out of missiles and are very short on artillery shells as well. plus, the north korean shells are very unprecise because of poor manufacturing. so they send planes to use the ruzzian equivalent of jdams as infantry and front line support. so an increasing number of ruzzian planes get shot down.
  11. I think it's an early probing of gullibility for the later scam. They will praise some product (snake oil) to lose weight or whatever, and then direct people to their "brother" who has a shop or clinic nearby.
  12. I think what the you and possibly the Russians consider to be "secrets" is of little intelligence value. Heck, when I purchased maps in Russia and Ukraine, people were suspicious of me because they were wondering what the westerner wanted with their secret maps (this happened a long time before google maps). If you want something really secret, you should google the "Budanov triangle" where Ruzzian ships and airplanes disappear with increasing frequency.
  13. sure ... Putin wants weak Biden to support Ukraine with 100 Billion ... you sound like a dysfunctional artificial non-intelligence.
  14. Putin probably has kompromat on a number of MAGA Reps. If you wonder why Mike Johnson is so obedient: https://www.newsweek.com/who-konstantin-nikolaev-money-mike-johnson-1870600 It's time for US voters to vote against Putin and Ruzzia in US elections.
  15. proof that the rule about more than 20 points difference applies.
  16. the book is beyond repair, because a repair would involve changing some content, but that's impossible.
  17. usually to be recognized as being smart by normal people requires having an IQ that is not too high, for example about 20 points higher than average, otherwise people perceive one as being arrogant and aloof.
  18. it is right and correct to remind the public about this. but what is it with Swiss guys lately ?
  19. Hello, does anyone know where in Pattaya I could have photos printed in poster format (A3 and larger), with vivid colors (excludes laser printers) and that will last a while in daylight (no direct sunlight) ?
  20. I'm still trying to find a video of the initial assault and robbing. I saw one with a lot of finger flipping by the Pinoys, but nothing physical. Could someone please post a link to the initial video?
  21. This is way over the top. But ... if his visa gets revoked because of that, there may be a new avenue of investigation, namely that of abuse of power and influence peddling.
  22. Static websites (consisting of html and javascript) typically don't require maintenance. More complex websites that use content management systems, e-commerce platforms, etc. require regular updates of the software.
  23. I have started making websites 25 years ago, including e-commerce sites, hotel bookings, flight bookings, secure payment interfaces, etc. My clients are in Germany, France and Switzerland, I work remote from Thailand. Before choosing a solution, the best is to have a chat with a professional about your vision for your business and then it's possible to think about how a website would best support your business. A website can support several processes, such as PR, marketing, e-commerce, payments, for the obvious ones, but also resource management, call center support, fleet management, asset management, property management, etc. If you are around Pattaya, we can have that chat in person.
  24. storm in a glass of water (germanism)! make him pay 100k baht to the woman he kicked and put a lid on the whole thing.
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