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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I guess the guys at the top are thinking "hey, if we buy out the red and control the yellow, then the country will be stable, right?" but already before the election half the red's electorate figured out they were sellouts, I guess by now the orange voter base has probably doubled.
  2. I don't quite understand why they would be sitting in offices during wartime with their location being public knowledge and not in underground bunkers and within range for enemy missiles...
  3. old mafia revival. makes it pretty clear what Pheu Thai actually is all about. the electorate won't forgive that.
  4. to make it interesting, let's take her question literally, "around Bangkok" not "in Bangkok". So it's actually not easy to answer. I'm not aware of red light districts in Samut Prakan, Chachoengsao, Nakhon Nayok, Saraburi, Ayutthaya, Nakhon Pathom or Samut Sakhon
  5. "health problems" seem way too common among people in higher positions in Putin's environment
  6. There are restaurants where the main goal is providing meals for cheap, so I'd say itemizing small extras is ok as long as they are itemized in order to cover the cost, not with the goal of making extra money. 2 GBP for a little ketchup is a rip off. And there are restaurants where the main goal is to provide a good dining experience, pleasure of eating nice food in a relaxed atmosphere. In such a setting, I as a customer wouldn't like being annoyed by extra charges here and there, especially if they are a rip off. For example, there is an allegedly very good Thai restaurant at Terminal 21. I went there, checked the menu, very reasonable prices I thought. Then I noticed there was no drink menu, so I asked to see that, and it was like 150 baht for a small beer and something like 60 baht for a small bottle of soda. I didn't taste the food. It's not about the money, it's about the annoyance of exorbitant prices for drinks spoiling the dining experience. thinking "oh gawd I hope one small bottle of beer will be enough, otherwise it will cost me another 150. Children, please have enough with one minuscule coke (25cl !!!!!!! what an insult) ". I can order 2 large beers and a large soda with a good meal when priced normally. They would make more money serving me with that at normal prices than the gross margin they would make on their 1 small beer at 150 baht. And in general, such practices demonstrate a general disrespect for the customer, it's not about providing a good dinner experience it's about ripping people off.
  7. ok, then elaborate on the parts you disagree with so we can have a proper debate.
  8. please answer the question. I'm genuinely interested, because I might not understand my agenda myself.
  9. I don't have an agenda. Just sharing my thoughts. I accept all kinds of gender / orientations etc. I think the body has a biological sex, but it's a continuum between male and female, proven by people born with sexual characteristics of both sexes. I think that any kind of sexual orientation should be accepted. I think people should be addressed according to their appearance. I think people can request the use of "pronouns", but it should never be wrong to address someone according to their apparent sex. I think "gender identity" is irrelevant both in social interactions (which should go by appearance) and in sports (which should go by biological sex). I think "gender identity" does not override biological sex nor should it override legal sex. Sports and some other areas should use biological sex as a reference. Legal sex should account for biological sex, maybe we need to add a "style" to the legal sex in passports. For example, Assigned Biological Sex: M Style: F. Maybe a style "none" should be added. I think the only case where the Assigned Biological Sex should change is when the sex at birth was ambiguous and then assigned in an undesirable way. For example, when a vagina and a penis were both present and the docs cut the penis off and made the baby a girl. But later the girl feels more like a boy. I think society, while being accepting and inclusive of alternative genders and orientations, should not encourage delusion. A man that transitioned into a female remains biologically a man. Sex: M Style: F.
  10. Does it indicate queerness though ? LGBTQ Is bisexual a gender identity ? Or active transsexual ? Why not queer or transvestite ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity So your statement "Transvestite does not indicate gender identity" seems false, or only true in a restrictive gender classification that again puts labels on people and tries to stuff people into pre-defined categories. "While a person may express behaviors, attitudes, and appearances consistent with a particular gender role, such expression may not necessarily reflect their gender identity." It's indeed "too complicated"
  11. but included in LGBTQ+ Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT there is no escaping the logic.
  12. I use RAID-1 for the system disk. So the volume has to be setup before Windows installation. But the system disk isn't the object of my question.
  13. to transport it in my pocket and connect it to another computer, be it out of home or onsite if my primary computer fails.
  14. RAID-1 is not backup. it's for availability. I have backup solutions.
  15. I'm talking exclusively about RAID-1, so no data loss should occur, even if parity is lost. the laptop is not the issue. I'll use Clevo with built-in Intel software RAID. there are 4 internal bays. (... and a RTX 3080 with 16GB VRAM !) for the external enclosure, it seems nobody manufactures these, as apparently software RAID is the way to go. so an NVMe enclosure with 2 NVMe slots - that will need 2x2 USB 3.2 to fully use the available bandwidth.
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