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Everything posted by tgw

  1. News Summary: Australian teen died on Koh Tao, we won't tell you how. Family needs money for repatriation. ... yes, it's pretty obvious that a big part all of the story is missing, I wonder why Thai authorities don't say anything more, or why the "Thaiger" wasn't able to slip a thousand or a couple to a police officer or an emergency worker to get the story.
  2. lying is a crime when the lie causes material, financial or reputational damages to others.
  3. you might want to read what the mother posted on public media
  4. the mother should get a suspended prison sentence and pay damages and a fine.
  5. Scumbag. Welcomed by the vice-governor huh. Probably meant as an insult, but he should have been welcomed by an immigration sub-lieutenant telling him to turn back to Russia. I see he has some really important things to do. Inaugurating a consulate. I wonder who he is secretly meeting with.
  6. maybe I'm late to the party, didn't read all messages. vinegar is for the kitchen. if you want to buy "industrial strength" of something, you need to search for the product using its industrial name. so search for "acetic acid" on Lazada and you will find 99.85% pure "vinegar": https://www.lazada.co.th/products/acetic-acid-glacial-9985-1-5-i2621882568-s9544853702.html
  7. obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to find this forum.
  8. I'm not sure logic will get us anywhere with the Ruzzians
  9. yes, that was my thought too. ceremonial burial was tied with pomp and sacrifice, look at Pyramids, Taj Mahal and even human sacrifices when someone important died. now it's "let's make as little of a fuss as possible" and not spend any resources instead of splurging on massive mausoleums. it reflects also in a way how much our buying power has shrunk. who would be able to pay for a proper cemetery plot nowadays?
  10. "ceremonial burial" is one of the first advances of humankind in the "Civilization" computer games by Sid Meier. it seems we now go the other way.
  11. ???? it worked ! https://www.dictionary.com/browse/compleat ????
  12. wrong. they see them, they are just too lazy to drive properly. all starts with that motorcycle driver crossing the road like a compleat fool, counting on cars to avoid him. this is very common in Thailand, sometimes they don't even bother looking before turning on a road. I guess the red pickup driver expected the motorcycle to stop on that white crisscross line to let priority traffic pass, but then it doesn't and the red pickup trying to avoid the motorcycle at the last minute then causes the rest of the mayhem. should not have tried to avoid the motorcycle. one day I was waiting at a T-intersection for a safe opportunity to turn onto the main road, when on my right a Thai guy with a sidecar stopped too and waited. he looked directly at an oncoming car (like 50-60 meters away) and then he took off, the collision was unavoidable. I couldn't believe my eyes.
  13. yes it is, because the escalator segment gives way if there is enough resistance. something just needs to get angled in the small gap and it instantly widens.
  14. take away the holes, and most of the things wouldn't happen !
  15. overall I enjoy watching Jack Ryan, but it's sad that the stories can't even compare with Tom Clancy's plots. the series' plots are weak and full of holes which are then covered by unnecessary action scenes.
  16. it's possible that maintenance is not to blame. the investigation will clear it up. no machinery on earth is 100% safe. sometimes small details just align perfectly to create the perfect storm. what would you think is safe ? 1 / 1.000.000 ? 1 / 100.000.000 ? in 30 years, how many people did that escalator already transport without causing injuries ? it's likely newer escalators have better safety mechanisms, like those saws that will stop when the blade encounters a sausage (or a finger) instead of wood. there are videos where people demonstrate it. would I risk it ? no. the results of the investigation pending, it's quite possible that nobody is directly at fault for what happened.
  17. there were previous posts about how they want to regulate bars and other establishments, but the proposed texts were lacking common sense. the best would be to just strike out the parts of current laws criminalizing the sexworkers, add some rules to protect the workers and give them social security and healthcare and leave the rest untouched. all the registration / licensing stuff is nonsense.
  18. the deceased's history with police is a fact that stays irrelevant for as long as nobody starts describing him as an "innocent victim" and uses his "empty criminal record" for propaganda purposes. unfortunately, that's not how the media work. different media will either paint the deceased as being an angel and/or put the character of every involved person on trial, so it's quite natural to present all facts. the deceased's background however, explains his risky behaviour at the traffic stop after his joyride, during which, according to police, he endangered at least one pedestrian and one cyclist. your post reads as if you think I am on the officers' side, which is not the case. of course nobody should die in a traffic stop. there are several videos of the shooting from at least two angles. another argument brought forward by the cops is that they were their backs against a wall, 40cm away, so if the driver had turned his wheels to the left and accelerated, he could have killed the shooter. I don't know if this justification is valid or not. I guess that's one case where a reenactment could help to understand what happened. New facts pending, my opinion so far is that the cops put themselves in a hazardous position to stop the vehicle. I am surprised that pointing a weapon at the driver is standard procedure. These guys are Police, I think the Gendarmerie would have acted differently, starting with how they would position themselves around the vehicle. beyond the questionable procedure, once joyrider and cop were both in place at their positions just before the shot, it just took yet another silly action by the driver to trigger the tragic end.
  19. the "kid" technically had no criminal record, but he had already been arrested several times for similar behaviour, refusing to obey police orders, driving without a permit, drugs, fencing stolen goods, using fake license plates, driving without insurance, and consuming and selling drugs. there are a total of 15 records in his police record. just a handful of days before his death, he was summoned by a judge to set a first court date in september. so the fact that Nahel has no criminal record is due to him dying before he could be found guilty in court. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Nahel_Merzouk
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