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Everything posted by tgw

  1. you are correct, but for Ukraine and the rest of the world, pushing the Ruzzians out of Ukraine will be a good enough result. then it will be the Russian people's task to finish the job. or not. up to them.
  2. I'm confused, the dam in the black and white photo in your post is not the Kakhova dam, but the Dnipro dam in Zaporizhzhia. how old is that photo ?
  3. ok another satisfied HiSense user, thanks for the report I'd be more interested however to know if these still work after 5 years or more, if anyone could report on older TVs ?
  4. Thanks for the review. I have one question: does any part of that TV get hot when playing videos encoded in H265 ?
  5. there is someone who always reacts with a confused emoticon to all my posts, even such clear-cut ones as this, lol. ????
  6. no, I don't think so. I think the lawyer he used was obviously not up to scratch because otherwise he would have spotted the deficiencies with land type, construction permit, etc. or I suspect he hired the lawyer only for the transaction itself, not for carrying out due diligence.
  7. some rules: - have a reputable real estate lawyer do all the due diligence (construction permit, check property deeds, does the seller actually own what he sells, is it free of mortgages, right of passage, correct land category, certificates of conformity of the construction, etc.) - don't buy any expensive real estate that doesn't have a Chanote (lower grade titles can be ok for some agricultural land) - use cashier cheques - simultaneous transactions and transfer papers signed with witnesses at the land office only
  8. it's the type of person that does well in Putin's hierarchy of henchmen. the same was true for Hitler, who valued loyalty over intelligence.
  9. Territorial birthright for citizenship is an issue that should be addressed, although due to the lack of substantial welfare it's not as big a problem for the US as it is for other countries like for example France, where "single" pregnant women would cross the unprotected green border into Guyana, give birth in a hospital there and then become eligible for welfare benefits while not working at all and cannot be deported because their children are French citizens.
  10. the lab leak is a realistic possibility. but this doesn't mean that the leaked virus has been manufactured. coronaviruses have a history of leaking easily from labs. in leakage scenario it is actually much more probable that a naturally mutated virus could have leaked from a lab where it was being analyzed, because I would expect manufactured viruses to be handled in higher security labs. viruses captured in the wild were routinely analyzed in level 2 biolabs. easy leak. and Wuhan concentrates about 50% of China's available level 2 and 3 biolabs belonging to various universities and FDA / ministry of agriculture and other similar organizations. also, it could have stemmed from another animal, not a bat. just before covid broke out, there had been massive outbreaks among minks. Wuhan would have been where veterinary samples would have been sent.
  11. yes, carts are compulsory on St Andrews because the course topography requires it.
  12. nothing wrong with the verdict. either there is a dress code or not. I can understand the need to regulate the dress code for the graduation ceremony.
  13. tgw

    "Wok Hei" in Pattaya

    for anyone too lazy to research it: https://www.scmp.com/video/scmp-originals/3219519/wok-hei-why-do-stir-fry-dishes-taste-better-breath-wok
  14. tgw

    "Wok Hei" in Pattaya

    sure. but the seafood fried rice you like so much now would be like an addiction to crack if it was prepared using the wok hei technique. yes, it's the ultra high temperature causing the food to taste slightly smoked and charred, but only very slightly. it's a taste I miss and I haven't found a restaurant here using that technique yet.
  15. tgw

    "Wok Hei" in Pattaya

    if only there was some kind of way to research any word or group of words ...
  16. Which Restaurants / Places in Pattaya can be recommended for serving food with that delicious "wok hei" flavour ?
  17. and they keep a straight face saying it ! reading it, I can't ????
  18. AFAIK, there was some kind of a crackdown against vote buying in the few days before the election. As it was just some days before the election (maybe a week?), old parties used to buying votes did so earlier than a week before. I also heard rumours that many voters took the 1000 baht and then voted orange instead of red/yellow. There is nothing better for stopping vote buying than that IMO ! well done !
  19. I heard members can play St Andrews 2000 instead. Excellent course.
  20. there are exceptions https://thailand.themispartner.com/company-registration/foreign-business-ownership/#what-is-a-foreign-business-license-FBL
  21. This I can tell you - the basic "apparatchik" a term that didn't completely die and makes a comeback under Putin - that apparatchik, meaning "a small piece of the big machine", that person has never seen a system that was not cruel and corrupt, never seen a system where people can speak freely. When they read about elections, or watch Western movies with elections, they think it's a show. They think all elections are fake/rigged and results dictated by the USA. And Trump didn't really help to sell the idea of free and fair elections. Most Russian apparatchiks when taken to the West are surprised - wait, a private person can win a court case against the state ? wait, police doesn't extort people ? wait, people can elect the people they want to run the country, just like that ? journalists can write what they want and not get killed ? It's a different planet for them, and they can only believe it after living for some years in the West.
  22. definitely the wrong place to ask. while only about 1% of posters here are able to make a useful comment, 30% will post nonsense and the rest will denigrate. AFAIK, you are right and business visas are routinely issued to people that do not work in Thailand but are conducting business here. A visa is not to be confused with an extension of stay though, which is granted on the basis of employment. If conducting business in Thailand (such as ordering/buying products), you could be issued a multi business visa. Visas are delivered by Thai consular services abroad, in your country of residence. The best is to ask there.
  23. Of course there will be arrest warrants, investigations, etc. But it's unlikely much more will be done than transforming Ruzzia into another North Korea until the regime changes or collapses. The Iron Curtain will be back. I expect many more Ruzzian assets to be seized and used/sold for reconstruction of Ukraine and compensation of victims.
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