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Everything posted by tgw

  1. let's turn this around - what kind of person does one have to be to decide to try speeding away from police officers while having a gun pointed on oneself ? judging from videos from the US, the shooting would have been legal there. but how does such a situation even occur ? was the mistake made before that situation, by not putting the 17 old away in prison for some years because of his previous crimes ? why are so many parents total failures when it comes to controlling their children ? why aren't parents ashamed of their criminal children ? why don't people follow police officers' lawful orders ? what about the educational system ? the problems are many and deep rooted, only becoming worse since the liar Mitterrand's presidency in 1981 and lax policy before and after. But things had started to derail even before that, Giscard practically handed Mitterrand the presidency and before that, De Gaulle lay in bed with the communists, which had nefarious results on French politics past WW2.
  2. compare with this video from the US: https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=3444782485733995
  3. original video here. the officer shot the driver when he decided to hit the gas while a gun was pointed at him. I don't know why the officer had pointed the gun at the driver in the first place or if that move was justified. I think there is more to the story. France's problems stem from certainly racism, but also from disrespect for authority, and this isn't just from immigrants and their descendants. More and more homegrown riffraff rebels just against anything and thinks it can just do as it pleases, while toxic politicians from both extremes play them and cultivate any "anti" behaviour. Already 30 years ago it wasn't advisable to drive a nice car because it was likely to get damaged in cities by jealous people. The sum of France's problems is probably enough to keep hordes of sociologists and psychologists occupied for years and to fill thousands of pages of analysis. But France needs to get out of that smelly pit of jealousy, extremist idealism, excessive underdog mentality, "anti" stance and whatever. It has been destroying France since the middle of the seventies. Bring back common sense, sensible laws, respect for institutions (but that respect has to be earned), industry, work ethics, etc.
  4. the first character is a "tilde". temporary files which exist while being worked on in Word and other MS Office applications. they get deleted automatically when the application is exited normally. they may subsist incase of improper shutdown (power loss), and work can be restored using the data they contain. other problems might also interfere with the automatic deletion of these temporary files.
  5. SCB Bank should have that in their products - why don't you ask them ?
  6. S&P 500 is an index. so do you want to buy an index replicating fund ?
  7. thank you. why would it be unsuitable for cars ? I have driven to most places on Koh Chang with my car, it requires a car in good working order and some driving experience. Not for everyone, that's for sure.
  8. Is there a good option for visiting Koh Chang with your own car without driving the road to there ? Like a ferry from Pattaya or Sattahip for example.
  9. it's more complicated than that. ex-presidents still have clearance for many classified documents, they also get an intelligence briefing every day if they wish. the details will decide this case, not sweeping statements.
  10. If your wife owns a resort with at least 4 Thai employees, she should be able to apply for a work permit for you.
  11. great idea to publicly announce the cameras before catching the pervert ! not.
  12. wow so expensive. I bought my Nouvo 135 for 15.000
  13. Navalny doesn't have 25000 soldiers armed with artillery, tanks and air defense. Putin only understands power and violence and is responsive to it.
  14. there are videos of fighting inside Rostov and explosion of vehicles on the highway. looks pretty much real.
  15. Domino's pizza has opened in Pattaya, I thought I'd give them a try. They are currently selling their pizza at huge discounts, maybe 45% off or something, so I tried. It was meh, but for 260 baht including delivery I felt like at least I had not been robbed. Then I saw that they intend to sell that same pizza for 499 baht later. Cheeseburger fries and coke for 405 ... okay. if it's a good cheeseburger. From the pictures above I'd say I do better in my own kitchen, and they can't beat my burger sauce ???? haha
  16. What this shows is that the Russian structures of power and their level of control are a complete clown show. Wagner's push to Moscow showed that many Russian security forces would not oppose such a move. Putin must have freaked out. Prigozhin was careful to only insult the military leadership, not Putin himself, and Putin seeing how little support is left among his own troops must have decided to keep Prigozhin maybe not as a friend, but as a non-enemy which may in future be motivated to help Putin again. Putin is weak, Moscow is weak. That's why Prigozhin gets to live to see another day. for now. Maybe it has also something to do with the Chechens. The first news about them was that a huge Chechen column was heading for Rostov and Kadyrov talking angrily about traitors, etc. And then the next news were about the first Chechens arriving in Rostov being "detained". Rostov's population was showing some support for Prigozhin, so I'm not sure how Putin-loyal Chechens shooting Russians in Russia would have worked out as a mental image with Russian people. If a match was needed to embraze everything, it could have been that. I guess Putin realized he had no other choice than to defuse the situation. I wonder if Prigozhin gets his wishes of Gerasimov and Shoigu being removed.
  17. looks like they got a plan. Buturlinovka is another airbase. And Lipetsk has large airbase too.
  18. Wagner's movements can be tracked on liveuamap https://liveuamap.com
  19. I'm currently watching Operation Barbarossa 2.0 on Twitter and Reddit
  20. there are bigger fish to fry, let's not divide Wagner's attention
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