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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I feel the poll misses the point. Western police forces often concentrate on speed limit enforcement, but that's lazy and ineffective and won't solve Thailand's road safety problems. Number one problem on Thai roads is recklessness, poor decisions made by drivers. Thai police needs to enforce a "broken windows" policy regarding rules of circulation. Crackdown mercilessly on: - driving on the wrong side of the street - running red lights - right of way, including pedestrian's - reckless driving not including speeding - driving without a permit - compulsory class 1 insurance for all motorized vehicles - double parking - no "loose" passengers in the back of a pickup on main roads and highways - failing to indicate a turn - crossing more than 1 lane to make a turn - crossing continuous lines on main roads - illegal overtaking - safety distances I don't include speeding, because including that would just have the effect of lazy policing, i.e. speed checks on highways, where the risk of accident is the lowest. General traffic safety would be best served if they concentrated on all of the above, in effect teaching people to behave on the roads, instead of occasionally lynching someone when something goes wrong. Driving without a permit should be considered a very serious offence, for which a hefty fine as well as confiscation of the vehicle is possible. It does not matter if people can pay their way out of the problem. Just make the payment a serious inconvenience so that they will at least try to not let it happen again. They should introduce a program where citizens can send in dashcam videos if they catch particularly bad cases of some of the offences above. Give the uploaders 500 baht for a successful report of an actual serious offence. Some serious offences should be sanctioned with cancellation of driving permits, mandatory re-training and testing to obtain a new one.
  2. that is correct as well.
  3. fdsa's remark was not stupid. teamviewer has access to the computer via the software, and no, they don't need the number and password to access it. other people need the number and password to be allowed to use teamviewer's access to the computer. and yes, some people at microsoft have access to your hotmail, outlook and whatever accounts and to all the data that is kept online with their company. same thing for google.
  4. targeting uninvolved civilians is neither attack nor defence - it's a crime
  5. I hold the opinion that there is such a thing as a "healthy interest rate". Because when interest rates are too low, markets get flooded with speculation and unhealthy, over-leveraged investments that ultimatively lead to the failure of markets. One example is the real estate markets. When interest rates are too high, it cripples the economy. My point of view is that the near risk-free interest rate should be approximatively between 2.5% and 7.5% higher than inflation, depending on policy.
  6. correct, Mig-29 require just 240m of runway. seems crazy. F-16 at least 500m. Ukraine could operate F-16 using bases in the West of the country if well protected by AA.
  7. It may have the "right", but it would be unadvisable to do so, it would lose a lot of respect throughout the world. Ukraine should never target civilians. One thing I would be ok with is putting one of these Storm Shadows into the very visible roof of the Kremlin, just symbolically, depending on whether it would be expected to yield any positive effects in terms of morale and/or politics.
  8. let's clarify one thing: Storm Shadow is not a long range missile. Its range is limited to 560 Km at most, and the export version has a range of 250 Km, although with some tuning the range can maybe be extended by 20 to 30%. So it's a medium range missile, and a rather shortish one if talking about the export version. I don't understand why the media are heating up the situation by saying these are long range missiles. A Tomahawk has a range of 1000+ miles (approx. 1600 Km) - that would be a long range missile. Short-range ballistic missiles have a range starting at approx. 300-400 Km.
  9. which version is it? the export version doesn't have much range
  10. I think Thai authorities have been very restrained and patient with this type of scum of all nationalities, especially in Phuket. It's high time to teach them some manners.
  11. I have a Redmi Note 10 The hardware seems good, but there are a number of things I dislike about the phone: - WIFI came with a bug, had to update the OS to a new version to get normal performance - disabling all the advertising is a PITA, I still get some sometimes - the UI is less practical than Samsung's, takes quite some time to get used to it - usability of many system apps is less good than Samsung - user-side camera is low quality - volume control is bad, I seem to be unable to set different volume for notifications and ringing - permissions seem to be flaky, some apps still post notifications to the screen when they have been told not to for the money it's quite the beefy hardware, but all of the above reasons make me wish I had spent 5000 baht more to get the equivalent Samsung.
  12. TreeSize Free is a good tool for identifying what's clogging up diskspace https://www.jam-software.com/treesize_free
  13. that's a very idealistic view which ignores human reality and instincts. real solutions do account for human behaviour.
  14. half badoo/tinder/fb dating and half chance encounters
  15. age over 40, weight under 40 ... 5555
  16. most are in their forties, but the odd teen here and there too kind of girls: city hall employee, hotel maid, teacher, construction worker, motorcycle mechanic, massage therapist, hotel manager, restaurant waiter, cook, golf caddie...
  17. it's still like that for me ... I guess time passes, eh. My time will be up soon too.
  18. it's obviously someone unexperienced that is asking. I found it's relatively easy to have free one night stands or free afternoons in Thailand, even in Pattaya.
  19. good news: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/06/europe/us-patriot-system-ukraine-hypersonic-missile-intl-hnk/index.html Ukraine says it used US-made Patriot system to intercept Russian hypersonic missile
  20. yes, but that doesn't make much sense. there is a small street just before where the accident happened, but driving 40-60 Kph in there is reckless. the other possibility is Naklua soi 33, but that would be too far away from the accident to be relevant.
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