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Everything posted by tgw

  1. candidate status is not membership. give them motivation and a reason in improve the situation. https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/9-503-0144 Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Cyprus and Greece are members. Not so very different from Ukraine, and one can certainly expect big changes after this vile war. A significant part of corruption in Ukraine is part of ex-Soviet culture, and was necessary because the institutions weren't working. Corrupt institutions is what oligarchs strive on, and one of the reasons for this war. If Russia has working institutions, it would have got ridden of Putin and wouldn't be Ruzzia today.
  2. from kyivindependent.com: wot tak. pravilna. sounds like a dramatized sort of blackmail, but he is right.
  3. Rather than about full and total victory over Ukraine, Putin is now talking about "fighting for the motherland in Donbass". Talk about a slight change of objectives ! soon the Ruzzian media will announce the victorious retreat of Ruzzian forces from Ukraine.
  4. Russia’s offensive in Donbas bogs down https://kyivindependent.com/national/russias-offensive-in-donbas-bogs-down/ UK to provide 1.3 billion pounds of further military support to Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/uk-provide-13-billion-pounds-further-military-support-ukraine-2022-05-07/ Well done UK !
  5. UK sanctions could lead to "final destruction of bilateral ties," Russia warns British ambassador https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-07-22/index.html I'm confused ... should that be understood as a deterrent or as encouragement ?
  6. of course I mean military "rescue" ships that are armed. called "rescue" because they to go to rescue, but are otherwise normal warships.
  7. when they do something like this, they need to have more missiles ready to welcome the rescue ships too.
  8. I have an idea. Selling rotten eggs painted blue and yellow, in ergonomic anti-shock boxes, also blue and yellow, for easy transport and quick availability when needed. "Freedom Eggs". Non-edible. Use wisely. Boxes made 100% from recycled materials and past date eggs that could not be sold in stores, and then stored at 26°C-28°C for about 6-7 weeks. 20% of proceeds (or more if possible) paid to support Ukraine. it's an item for which I feel an almost irrepressible need when seeing people walking around with a Z, Ruzzian-themed clothes or flags. I'd say it's a first necessity good.
  9. Well done Vlad ! Sounds like a big win for Ruzzia, that should show them NATOes ! https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-05-22/index.html Finland’s decision on NATO membership expected to be "much clearer" by mid-May, says senior Western diplomat Citing multiple opinion polls, the source said that at least 60% of Finns are now in favor of NATO membership, which “are really historic numbers because for 30 years in Finland, the support for joining NATO has been between 20 and 30% at most.”
  10. it's an insignificant technicality. the war has been on since 2014. that is the point you are making, it has no significance. what is significant is Putin's insistance on not calling whatever he is doing a war and the propension of his supporters to support his view and his terminology of choice in his bad faith. Putin is a liar, always has been, but the West didn't take him seriously. The Guardian's article sums it up nicely, there are a few of Putin's big lies listed there.
  11. some here gloated about how long it would take for Germany to get the ball rolling with its two maritime Gas terminals... here, Ruzzia, watch and cry about your pathetic blackmail attempt. soon you will be selling gas and oil only to other pariah states in exchange for a handful of propaganda retweets by their presidents. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-05-22/index.html Germany starts construction of liquified natural gas terminals in effort to shake off Russia oil "We have a good chance to do what is actually normally impossible in Germany: To build an LNG terminal within about 10 months, and to connect it to the German gas supply," Germany's Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck said while watching the start of the construction work for the LNG terminal aboard a ship. As we say in German: where is a will, there is a way
  12. look, what you think to know about another "side of the story" really just is Kremlin propaganda. For over 100 years, Ruzzia has done countless bad things to Ukraine. Every time, the excuse was "safeguarding Ruzzian interests" or Ruzzian security. Every time. I was in Ukraine before the Orange Revolution. People in the West asked me which way it will go. I always replied "there is no way in hell Ukrainians will let Ruzzia take democracy and freedom away from them again". You have the opportunity to put "both sides of the the story" side by side: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/09/understanding-vladimir-putin-the-man-who-fooled-the-world vs. http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181 also read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine to put everything of the above in context (although the Wiki on Ukraine doesn't list all crimes Ruzzia committed to keep Ukraine under its boot).
  13. ridiculous Putin didn't want war, but then what happened ... he convulsed, was controlled by an alien force, his mind froze on a single thought ... must ... make ... war ... rrgggnnnnnn *convulses more* it that what happened ? or was it all a mistaken click with his mouse ? a virus that took over his computer or phone and it ordered a war from "war online" without his knowledge ? did he make a butt-dial to Shoigu and then farted with the sound being very similar to "attack Ukraine now" ? what's your favorite theory ?
  14. more news coverage: https://www.newsflare.com/video/491852/french-chef-shoots-dead-two-rival-butchers-in-row-over-sausage-deal-gone-wrong
  15. suspending members from the UN is only possible if all permanent members of the security council vote in favour. so it's not possible to suspend Ruzzia from the SC or the general assembly.
  16. yes ... UK submarines alone can wreck Ruzzia back into the stone age
  17. As I previously speculated, Transnistria is about to get hot: from liveuamap.com : General Staff of Ukraine: Russian army prepares evacuation of families of officers in Transnistria and from Kyivindependent.com looks like the Ruzzians want their 6000 troops in Transnistria to open another front. I guess the Ukrainians will move territorial defense batallions to the Moldovan border. I wonder how the Ruzzians are evacuating officers' families ? where can they go ?
  18. My anger at Putin and Ruzzians has not abated since day 1 of the invasion. Some things one can get used to, but I cannot get used to that war. It made immensely angry in the deepest of my soul and I am still as angry, if not more angry because of the mounting news of atrocities and reports of more orcs and weapons being sent in by Ruzzia. I wonder if many other free Western people feel the same as I do. Boris Johnson, Truss, the Polish government ... If they are all as angry as me, Putin has no chance to prevail with conventional war, more and more military aid will pour into Ukraine. Even the Germans will concede to international pressure and internal pressure to finally deliver these Marder and Leopard tanks. I hope Ukrainians are already training on them in Germany and training on F-16 in USA. If not, they should hurry. Western people are so angry that people from UK, USA, and other countries leave to go fight the Ruzzian Nazist ORCS. Did Putin expect that kind of anger? He didn't anticipate Ukrainian resistance. But did he even think that the West could say "enough is enough"? Maybe one mistake of the free world was to not display that anger before, for example in 2014. But as a mitigating factor, the situation wasn't the same. It's Zelensky's election for President and then the landslide in parliament which changed everything. I have started to watch "Servant of the people", I'm through 17 episodes so far. It's a lightweight comedy that's easy to watch, but at moments it very clearly demonstrates where the problems are in Ukrainian society, and what the "President" wants to do about them. No wonder Zelensky won with that TV show an electoral programme. I don't know if Putin and Zelensky talked before, but watching the show I can clearly imagine Putin feeling blindsided and ridiculed by Zelensky who probably did it intentionally. Maybe Putin also fears a contagion of Zelenskyism to Belarus and Russia. The show was very popular in both countries. In the end, Zelensky, just by winning the elections and starting to improve his country is a massive threat to Putin's rule.
  19. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-03-22/index.html Ukraine invasion threatens to undermine stability throughout world, not just in Europe, top US general says what's clear is that if the USA and the rest of the free world don't push Putin back out of Ukraine, then it is a clear signal to China that they can be more aggressive in their moves. Chinese media are painting NATO and USA as bad boys, saying Russia had no other choice than to attack Ukraine. Of course Chinese media are state-controlled and they publish lie after lie.
  20. and well done UK. the UK had greatly lost in status in my eyes in the past years, but its recent positions and support for Ukraine have restored my faith. well done UK.
  21. if the Ruzzians continue like this, maybe Mossad will take care of Putin and his henchmen.
  22. I really wonder why they put so much effort into BS like this, because in some months they will have to de-annex it again.
  23. murderers, common and child rapists, thieves, sadist torturers, amputators ... Putin's thugs are many things. from kyivindependent.com : https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3455518-russian-invaders-rape-even-babies-in-ukraine-zelensky.html Hundreds of cases of rape committed by Russian troops have already been recorded in Ukraine, including against underage girls, children and even a baby.
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