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Everything posted by tgw

  1. more news coverage: https://www.newsflare.com/video/491852/french-chef-shoots-dead-two-rival-butchers-in-row-over-sausage-deal-gone-wrong
  2. suspending members from the UN is only possible if all permanent members of the security council vote in favour. so it's not possible to suspend Ruzzia from the SC or the general assembly.
  3. yes ... UK submarines alone can wreck Ruzzia back into the stone age
  4. As I previously speculated, Transnistria is about to get hot: from liveuamap.com : General Staff of Ukraine: Russian army prepares evacuation of families of officers in Transnistria and from Kyivindependent.com looks like the Ruzzians want their 6000 troops in Transnistria to open another front. I guess the Ukrainians will move territorial defense batallions to the Moldovan border. I wonder how the Ruzzians are evacuating officers' families ? where can they go ?
  5. My anger at Putin and Ruzzians has not abated since day 1 of the invasion. Some things one can get used to, but I cannot get used to that war. It made immensely angry in the deepest of my soul and I am still as angry, if not more angry because of the mounting news of atrocities and reports of more orcs and weapons being sent in by Ruzzia. I wonder if many other free Western people feel the same as I do. Boris Johnson, Truss, the Polish government ... If they are all as angry as me, Putin has no chance to prevail with conventional war, more and more military aid will pour into Ukraine. Even the Germans will concede to international pressure and internal pressure to finally deliver these Marder and Leopard tanks. I hope Ukrainians are already training on them in Germany and training on F-16 in USA. If not, they should hurry. Western people are so angry that people from UK, USA, and other countries leave to go fight the Ruzzian Nazist ORCS. Did Putin expect that kind of anger? He didn't anticipate Ukrainian resistance. But did he even think that the West could say "enough is enough"? Maybe one mistake of the free world was to not display that anger before, for example in 2014. But as a mitigating factor, the situation wasn't the same. It's Zelensky's election for President and then the landslide in parliament which changed everything. I have started to watch "Servant of the people", I'm through 17 episodes so far. It's a lightweight comedy that's easy to watch, but at moments it very clearly demonstrates where the problems are in Ukrainian society, and what the "President" wants to do about them. No wonder Zelensky won with that TV show an electoral programme. I don't know if Putin and Zelensky talked before, but watching the show I can clearly imagine Putin feeling blindsided and ridiculed by Zelensky who probably did it intentionally. Maybe Putin also fears a contagion of Zelenskyism to Belarus and Russia. The show was very popular in both countries. In the end, Zelensky, just by winning the elections and starting to improve his country is a massive threat to Putin's rule.
  6. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-05-03-22/index.html Ukraine invasion threatens to undermine stability throughout world, not just in Europe, top US general says what's clear is that if the USA and the rest of the free world don't push Putin back out of Ukraine, then it is a clear signal to China that they can be more aggressive in their moves. Chinese media are painting NATO and USA as bad boys, saying Russia had no other choice than to attack Ukraine. Of course Chinese media are state-controlled and they publish lie after lie.
  7. and well done UK. the UK had greatly lost in status in my eyes in the past years, but its recent positions and support for Ukraine have restored my faith. well done UK.
  8. if the Ruzzians continue like this, maybe Mossad will take care of Putin and his henchmen.
  9. I really wonder why they put so much effort into BS like this, because in some months they will have to de-annex it again.
  10. murderers, common and child rapists, thieves, sadist torturers, amputators ... Putin's thugs are many things. from kyivindependent.com : https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3455518-russian-invaders-rape-even-babies-in-ukraine-zelensky.html Hundreds of cases of rape committed by Russian troops have already been recorded in Ukraine, including against underage girls, children and even a baby.
  11. WAT on what planet do you live? a market stall with POS terminal and then insisting every customer pay with a card ??? -90% revenue right there.
  12. these calls can't be legal in the Netherlands. at the very least it's cold-calling. Dutch police or better yet the media should ask the recipients of these calls if they would agree to have them recorded and published.
  13. nonsense. it's not possible to respond before the event happens unless time travel is involved.
  14. Ukrainian troops remain immortal until the Ruzzians are vanquished. and that's okay.
  15. from kyivindependent.com: This is a brilliant move because that bridge links Moldova and Romania.
  16. frightening: it's all already planned. timing and location of tactical nukes actually take weather into account, especially winds at high and low altitudes and precipitation to help guiding the fallout onto the enemy and sparing other countries.
  17. Ruzzia has started copy Ukraine and publishes estimated damage it inflicted to Ukrainian armed forces: https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-30-22/index.html
  18. @OP: would you like to work for an employer making such recruitment choices ? I didn't think so...
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61249158 - forced deportations - torture of civilians - forced amputations (!!!!) - Ruzzia captures civilians to swap them for captured Russian soldiers more and more atrocities read the BBC story, it's horrifying
  20. grief, anger, resolve and focus. I think Ukrainians have lots of it. since yesterday, some media announce the goal of the help to Ukraine is to deliver enough weapons to stall and stop Ruzzia's attack so that Putin is forced to negotiate. But this feels wrong, especially from the perspective of Ukraine. Negotiations mean that Ruzzia would be rewarded with something. From Ukraine's perspective any kind of concession is unacceptable, and the list and severity of Ukraine's righteous potential revendications is growing with every Ukrainian life lost or deported and every destroyed or stolen asset. Ruzzia should not be allowed to enter negotiations with Ukrainian territories as trading chips. Instead, they should be made to consider paying for rebuilding Ukraine and compensate the victims in exchange for being allowed to keep their navy base in Sevastopol. and there is Lavrov saying Lifting sanctions against Russia part of peace talks with Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/lifting-sanctions-against-russia-part-peace-talks-with-ukraine-lavrov-2022-04-30/ There is still a long long way to go and just stopping the Ruzzians is not enough.
  21. you mean Leonid Kharchenko, a Russian-backed separatist holding Ukrainian citizenship ? he has committed high treason in 2014.
  22. they did, many types of artillery nukes were developed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_artillery
  23. that's the scary thing, the smallest nukes have relatively limited radiologic consequences. the smallest nukes, i.e. "mini nukes" have a power of 0.3 Kt, 50 times smaller than Hiroshima. it would destroy a block. such a mininuke is not that scary on a European scale, or even on a national scale in Ukraine. the problem is the response and the response to the response. the Russian military has the official doctrine to use mininukes to de-escalate a conflict. I have the feeling that the doctrine was developed by people who had a powerful Russian army in mind, but now such a doctrine looks like another miscalculation. https://thebulletin.org/2018/09/mini-nukes-still-a-horrible-and-dangerous-idea/ the INF treaty has ended, and it was rumored mini-nukes had been developed in Germany in the eighties or nineties for the US with the participation of GKSS Geestracht, even during the ban on mini-nukes, which is why the US wanted it developed by Germany.
  24. White House weighing number of considerations on G20 after Putin's attendance confirmed https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-29-22/index.html I would advise G20 representatives to pack a healthy reserve of rotten eggs in shock-proof containers and put them to good use .
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