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Everything posted by tgw

  1. I do agree with you. It's a "special press conference". Of course the Russians can invite anyone or not invite people they don't like. And any press outlet can call them out on it. The best thing to do would be to reinforce its "specialness" by having no one at all attend.
  2. stopping deaths by asking Ukraine to surrender to Russian tyranny is crazy. it's like saving Planet Earth's climate by killing all humans.
  3. Russian soldiers are sorry for attacking Ukraine, bomber pilots confirm they are being ordered to strike civilian targets: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/15/europe/ukraine-russian-prisoners-of-war-intl/index.html
  4. well, Russia accuses Ukraine to shell and kill their own civilians. How low can they go, and will you go with them or even lower ?
  5. disgusting. the CAUSE for the loss of life is Russia's attack. also, Ukraine's resistance is not futile. as things are now, Russia will never be able to subdue Ukraine, even should they ever take Lviv or murder the President. By now its clear that Russia cannot control Ukraine. Russia would need 1.000.000 men just to maintain order in the main cities while probably losing hundreds of soldiers every day to attacks of the Ukrainian resistance.
  6. it's a consequence of Russia removing many Russian-ethnic voters from Ukraine's voter base.
  7. you read this, and you will know everything about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Shokin there is nothing for Ukraine to be ashamed about. Shokin is one of the men who benefited from corruption by Russia. Russia has been corrupting Ukraine's politics since its independence. Today's war is a consequence of Russia losing it's corrupting grasp on Ukrainian politicians, because Russia is now unable to rig elections and unable to corrupt enough Ukrainian MPs and unable to poison the president, all of which it has done before.
  8. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-health-europe-c0f2f859296f9f02be24fc9edfca1085 watch the video until the end, especially the deniers here
  9. I'm starting to see a worrying scenario unfold. in short, Putin will torture civilian population (bombardment, encirclement and starvation) in the hope of escalating the conflict, which he will use as a reason to invade the Baltic states.
  10. it seems the disinformation machinery is in full swing https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-denies-it-urged-ukraine-to-accept-russian-stance-01647098707?refsec=afp-news FROM AFP NEWS Israel Denies It Urged Ukraine To Accept Russian Stance
  11. let's hope for that. could be an easy way out, but only if his successor has more sense
  12. they should put out arrest warrants for Putin and his accomplices
  13. I have been in Ukraine too. I have family there. 2 things I know to be true: Kharkiv is a city where the main language is Russian. A hugely overwhelming majority of Kharkiv's inhabitants strongly oppose Russian aggression.
  14. I admit the invasion of Ukraine by Putin's orcs has greatly affected me. I once had great hopes for Russia to join the free world, but this is just a shameful memory now. Shameful for me because I misjudged the Russian people. I have visited Russia, know some Russian people, made friends. I had hopes the Russian people would not allow yet another dictator to ru(i)n their lives. They did the right thing in 1991, but it seems they are hopeless people when it comes to defending their freedom. The grandmother always warned about the Russians, not to trust them and that they were coming. At the time, I thought Russia was on the way to join our community of free nations. I thought Russia would go the same way as Ukraine wanted to go. Ukrainian People defended their freedom in the Orange Revolution and again at the Euromaidan. But grandmother was right about the Russians. It's so depressing. Putin has destroyed a part of my world - some of it physical, most of it spiritual. He wants to destroy more of it. That's why he must not be allowed to win. That's why I'm happy at every Russian plane that gets shot down, happy at every Russian tank that gets popped by a javelin, happy at every Russian general that gets rekt. Ukraine needs Gandalf to stop these orcs and strike down their evil masters. Putin's Russia shall not pass.
  15. this is an excellent idea, I hope many cities in the world follow suit, and also will not deliver incorrectly addressed mail https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/10/lithuania-names-road-leading-to-russian-embassy-ukrainian-heroes-street
  16. The Soviet Union has been a long time friend of Syria. Many members of Syria's educated community are married to Russian wives.
  17. both GET and POST do work, but GET works over the URL, which is limited to 2^11 characters. that's why more voluminous data (such as images, files, blobs) needs POST. OP, things have changed since 1994. Variables transmitted by GET requests are no longer automatically globals. You will need to write a simple script, for example in PHP, to read the variables from the URL and use them. And think about validation, because that's a way to get haxxor'd https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp EDIT: sorry I misunderstood the OP. What this post says is useful: And then write a script, for example in PHP, to parse the JSON response: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-parse-json-in-php--cms-36994
  18. yes ... BTW, Brovary is the home of a Ukrainian Special Forces base, just West of it, in the woods. I'd expect it has already been levelled to the ground by Russian missiles.
  19. I hope one day Putin can be taken prisoner and put before a court. Maybe Ukraine can one day conduct a "special military operation" in the style of operation "Neptune Spear" and extract him from where he will be hiding in Russia. By the way, as oligarchs and their families are "under sanctions", I do hope that also applies to Putin's girlfriend and their children.
  20. Lavrov now spewing lies on air: "We did not attack Ukraine" now also playing the nonsense narrative of US funding the research of biological weapons in Ukrainian labs. Troll in chief. they even bear strong physical resemblance
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